PIE √s- √os- √es- (vb.) ‘(da) sein, existieren’
(IEW 340-2)
(Knudtzon 1902:45)
(pr.) ‘sein’
(HEG E:109-110)
(Hitt. a-ša-an-du [3pl])
1. PIE *os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as-
2. as-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sein’
(DPal. 52)
(Pal. a-aš [ipv2sg], a-aš-du [3sg])
1. PIE *os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as-
2. as-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sein’
(DLL. 32-3)
(CLu. aš-ḫa?, a-aš-ta, a-aš-du)
1. PIE *os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as-
2. as-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sein’
(CHLu. 1.1.6)
(HLu. á-sá-ta [3pl])
1. PIE *os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as-
2. as-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sein’
(IEW 341)
(OPr. ast, assai, asmai)
1. PIE *os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(vb.pl) ‘sein’
(IEW 340)
(Northumbr. aron [3pl])
1. PIE *os·ú-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as·ú-
2. as·ú-
*asú → arú
Verner's law for asu -> aru
Rasú›arú → *ar·ú-
3. ar·ú-
*a → ea
Change of *a into ea
Ra=›ea= → *ear·ú-
4. ear·ú-
*ú → u
Orthographic change of *ú into u
(pr.) ‘sein’
(HEG A:76)
(Hitt. e-eš-zi [3sg])
1. PIE *es-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sein?’
(DPal. 52)
(Pal. e-eš-ta[... [3sg])
1. PIE *es-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sein’
(LiEtWb. 124)
Lith. esmì [1sg])
(pr.A.) ‘da sein, vorhanden sein, existieren’
(WbRV. 146)
(RV. ásti [3sg])
1. PIE *és-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
(pr.) ‘sein’
(Gr. ἐστί [3sg])
1. PIE *es-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(pr.) ‘sein’
(Lat. est [3sg])
(pr.) ‘be’
(CHLu. 8.2.2)
(HLu. sa-há [1sg] etc.)
1. PIE *s-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.copul.) ‘be’
(DTochB. 344)
(TochB. star [2sg], ste [3sg], star [3sg])
(pr.) ‘sein, vorhanden sein, existieren’
(AIWb. 266-279)
(gAv. mahī, stā, hvā [1du], zdī)
1. PIE *s-
*s → h
Change *s into h
PIE √s- √os- √es- (vb.intr.) ‘(übrig) bleiben’ (vb.tr.) ‘(zurück-, übrig) lassen’ (for the semantics, cf. Lith. lìkti ‘id.’, LiEtWb. 372)
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Av.)
(HW2 A:366f.; HIL. 256-7; HEG A:75f.,78; HED 1:189ff.; SHV 187)
(vb.1.) ‘übrig bleiben’ (HHand. 25, HIL. 256)
(HEG A:75-6; 78)
(Hitt. a-aš-zi, aš-zi, a-aš-ta, a-aš-še-eš, a-aš-šer, a-aš-ša-an-zi)
1. PIE *ōs-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ās-
2. ās-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘geblieben sein’
(AIWb. 345)
(LAv. kainīnō åŋhaire [3pl] dǝrǝγǝm aγrvō)
1. PIE *ōs-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ās-
2. ās-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(vb.2.) ‘steif, krüppelhaft bleiben’
(HHand. 73)
(Hitt. karmalašai [3sg], KLuN. 340f., §212)
1. PIE *kormol·oso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *karmal·asa-
2. karmal·asa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘übrig bleiben’
(HIL. 256)
(Hitt. a-aš-ša-an-t-, aš-ša-an-t-)
1. PIE *ōsont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ōsant-
2. ōsant-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *āsant-
3. āsant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.iter.) ‘übrig bleiben’
(HHand. 25)
(Hitt. a-aš-ke/a-, HIL. 256)
1. PIE *ōski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *ōsḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. ōsḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ōsḱe/a-
3. ōsḱe/a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *āsḱe/a-
4. āsḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *āske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. āske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.sb.bs.) ‘übrig bleiben’
(HIL. 256)
(Hitt. a-aš-šu-ua-an-zi, [inf.I] : KUB 22.70 obv. 51)
1. PIE *ōsu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ōsu̯a-
2. ōsu̯a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *āsu̯a-
3. āsu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(69vb.) ‘leave, let go’
(CHLu. 11.1.b5.)
(HLu. (“*69”)sa-ha-na [1pl])
1. PIE *so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa-
2. sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘let go, release’
(DLycLg. 21-22)
(Lyc. hadi [3sg])
1. PIE *so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa-
2. sa-
PIE *s → h
Change of fricative *s into h
(vb.) ‘allow’
(CHLu. 4.2.9)
(HLu. sá-ta [3sg])
1. PIE *so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa-
2. sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘go down?’
(CHLu. 10.18.12)
(HLu. INFRA(-)sá-tu, for the meaning cf. Hawkins)
1. PIE *Π·so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sa-
2. Π·sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(69vb.) ‘let go’
(CHLu. 11.1.e13)
(HLu. ARHA (“*69”)sa-tu-i)
1. PIE *Π·so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sa-
2. Π·sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘entlassen, weglassen’
(DLL. 84)
(CLu. ša-an-du [3pl])
1. PIE *so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa-
2. sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘allow’
(CHLu. 4.2.10)
(HLu. sá-a-ha [1sg])
1. PIE *soi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sai̯a-
2. sai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *saa-
3. saa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘let go, leave, allow’
(DLL. 84)
(CLu. ša-a-at-ta [3sg], ša-a-an-du [3pl])
1. PIE *soi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sai̯a-
2. sai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *saa-
3. saa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘entlassen, weglassen’
(DLL. 84)
(CLu. ša-a-i [2sg?])
1. PIE *soi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sai̯a-
2. sai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *saa-
3. saa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘abandon’
(HHand. 11)
(CLu. a-aḫ-ša-a(-pa-[) [ipv2sg], to CLu. aḫ- ‘ab’, DLL. 23)
1. PIE *ohɑ·soi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *oh·soi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. oh·soi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ah·sai̯a-
3. ah·sai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *ah·saa-
4. ah·saa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ah·šaa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. ah·šaa-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(URU.) ‘(mit Tunip, Mušunipa, Itipa und Turpanta)’
(OGH. 1)
(Hitt. aḫ-ḫa-ša-a [Stf.])
1. PIE *ohɑo·soi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *oho·soi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. oho·soi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *aha·sai̯a-
3. aha·sai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *aha·saa-
4. aha·saa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *aha·šaa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. aha·šaa-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pt.) ‘abandoned’
(HHand. 11)
(CLu. niš-pa-aš aḫša[m(miš)] SISKUR-iš EN-aš)
1. PIE *ohɑ·soi̯omi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *oh·soi̯omi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. oh·soi̯omi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ah·sai̯ami-
3. ah·sai̯ami-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *ah·saami-
4. ah·saami-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ah·šaami-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. ah·šaami-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pt.) ‘abandoned (HHand. 11)’
(DLL. 23)
(CLu. a-aḫ-ḫa-ša-a[m-mi-iš] = [a-a]ḫ-ḫa-ša-a-mi-iš)
1. PIE *ohɑo·soi̯omi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *oho·soi̯omi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. oho·soi̯omi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *aha·sai̯ami-
3. aha·sai̯ami-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *aha·saami-
4. aha·saami-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *aha·šaami-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. aha·šaami-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pf.) ‘zulassen, gestatten’
(WH. 2:545)
(Lat. siī [1sg])
1. PIE *sei-
*ei → ī
Monophthongization of *ei into ī
PIE √s- √os- √es- (vb.) ‘sitzen, setzen’
(IEW 342-343)
(Hrozný 1917:xiii)
(vb.A.) ‘sitzen’
(HHand. 25)
1. PIE *ōs-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ās-
2. ās-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SOLIUMvb.) ‘sit’
(CHLu. 2.11.10)
(HLu. (SOLIUM)á-sa-tá [3pl])
1. PIE *ōs-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ās-
2. ās-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SOLIUMvb.*) ‘sit’
(CHLu. 5.1.4)
(HLu. SUPER SOLIUM-tá [3sg])
1. PIE *Π·ōs-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·ās-
2. Π·ās-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.M.) ‘Sitz haben, sitzen, thronen’ (EWA 1:181)
(WbRV. 188-9)
(RV. ā́sate [3pl]; or PIE *ḗs-?)
1. PIE *ṓs-
PIE *ṓ → ā́
Change of *ṓ into ā́
(vb.MP.) ‘sich setzen: TUŠ’
(HIL. 298)
(Hitt. a-ša-an-ta)
1. PIE *ōs-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ās-
2. ās-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.MP.) ‘sich setzen: TUŠ’
(HIL. 298)
(Hitt. e-ša-an-ta, e-ša-an-ta-ri)
1. PIE *ēs-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘sitzen’
(GEW 1:633-4)
(Gr. κατέαται [3pl])
1. PIE *keɑht·és-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *kaɑht·és-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. kaɑht·és-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *kaht·és-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. kaht·és-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *kat·és-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. kat·és-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.) ‘sitzen’
(GEW 1:633-4)
(Gr. ἧμαι [1sg], ἧσται [3sg], ἧσθαι)
1. PIE *sḗs-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hḗs-
2. hḗs-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(SOLIUM.MIc.) ‘seat (CHLu. 292)’
(CHLu. 5.1.4)
(HLu. (SOLIUM.MI)á-sa)
1. PIE *oso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asa-
2. asa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Sitz’
(HHand. 25)
(in Hitt. ALAM ašan ‘Sitzbild’)
1. PIE *oso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asa-
2. asa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Lager, Lagerstätte’
(AIWb. 106)
(LAv. aŋhat̰)
1. PIE *oso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asa-
2. asa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *aha-
3. aha-
ahA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
(n.N.act.) ‘das Sitzen, Sitz’
(HHand. 26)
(Hitt. a-ša-tar, a-ša-a-tar)
1. PIE *osodɑɦor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *osodɦor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. osodɦor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asadɦar-
3. asadɦar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *asadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. asadar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘sitzen, da sitzen’
(AIWb. 344-5)
(LAv. aešąm vantåŋhō gātuš paiti åŋhǝntē [3pl])
1. PIE *ēso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēsa-
2. ēsa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *ēha-
3. ēha-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *āha-
4. āha-
āhA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
RāhA›āŋhA → *āŋha-
5. āŋha-
āŋhA → åŋhA
Change of āŋhA into åŋhA
(m.) ‘auf gutem Sitze sich befinden’
(WbRV. 1638)
1. PIE *suɑH·ēso·stɑhó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *suH·ēso·sthó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. suH·ēso·sthó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *suH·ēsa·sthó-
3. suH·ēsa·sthó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *suH·ēsa·sthá-
4. suH·ēsa·sthá-
PIE *H → .
Metric hiatus from PIE *h/ɦ
RH›' → *su.·ēsa·sthá-
5. su.·ēsa·sthá-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
(SOLIUMvb.) ‘settle’
(CHLu. 1.1.30)
(HLu. (SOLIUM)i-sà-nú-ha [1sg])
1. PIE *ēsonu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēsanu-
2. ēsanu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ēšanu-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. ēšanu-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
(SOLIUMvb.) ‘cause to/make sit’
(CHLu. 1.1.16)
(HLu. (“SOLIUM”)i-sà-nu-wa/i-há(-’) [1sg])
1. PIE *ēsonu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēsanu̯a-
2. ēsanu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ēšanu̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. ēšanu̯a-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
(GIŠ.) ‘‹here if ‘throne, seat’›’ (cf. HHand2 31: ‘?’)
(CHLu. 170n8)
(CLu. a-aš-ta-ra-la-an)
1. PIE *ōstorolo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ōstarala-
2. ōstarala-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *āstarala-
3. āstarala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(THRONUSsb.) ‘throne’
(CHLu. 1.1.16)
(HLu. (“THRONUS”)i-sà-tara/i-ti)
1. PIE *ēstoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēstara-
2. ēstara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ēštara-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. ēštara-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
(URBS.) ‘-(?)-’
(CHLu. 2.27.17)
(HLu. i-sa-tara/i(URBS))
1. PIE *ēstoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēstara-
2. ēstara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ēštara-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. ēštara-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
(sb.) ‘seat’
(CHLu. 10.14.30)
(HLu. [i]-sà-[t]ara/i-la-ti-pa-wa/i-ta-’)
1. PIE *ēstorolo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēstarala-
2. ēstarala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ēštarala-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. ēštarala-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
(a.) ‘(qualifiziert ‘Sitz’)’
(HHand. 67)
(KLuN. §255, CLu. ŠÚ.A iš-tar-da-al-la)
1. PIE *ēstordɑɦolo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ēstordɦolo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. ēstordɦolo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēstardɦala-
3. ēstardɦala-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *ēstardala-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ēstardala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √s- √es- √os- (vb.A.) ‘tun, wirken, schaffen, sich bemühen’ (vb.P.) ‘(gemacht) werden’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Av. + Balt.)
(HED 2:300ff., HEG E:111)
(vb.1.) ‘wirken, schaffen; Gelübde erfüllen’
(HIL. 450-2)
(Hitt. e-eš-šu-u-e-ni [1pl])
1. PIE *es-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘sich bemühen’
(AIWb. 340)
(in LAv. uxšne xraϑwe yaonǝm āste [inf.]; see AIWb. 1231 for details)
1. PIE *ēs-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *ēh-
2. ēh-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
(vb.) ‘in dem Tun dauernd verharren’
(AIWb. 340)
(LAv. čvat̰ drāǰō upamaitīm āste [inf.])
1. PIE *ēs-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *ēh-
2. ēh-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
(vb.2.) ‘wirken, schaffen; Gelübde erfüllen’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. e-eš-ša-aḫ-ḫi [1sg], e-eš-ša-i [3sg])
1. PIE *eso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esa-
2. esa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Handwerker, Zimmermann’
(LiEtWb. 717)
(Lith. remẽsas [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·éso-
é → è
Emergence of gravis PLith. è
RLiAcc4 → *Π·èso-
2. Π·èso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·èsa-
3. Π·èsa-
èsa -› ẽsa
Circumflex intonation è -› ẽ
(m.) ‘Handwerker, Zimmermann’
(LiEtWb. 717)
(Latv. remess [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·eso
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·esa
2. Π·esa
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
(vb.) ‘nach Art den Menschen handeln, tätig sein’
(WbRV. 1031)
(RV. mānavasyáte [pt.D] manavé)
1. PIE *Π·esi̯ó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *Π·esi̯á-
2. Π·esi̯á-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *Π·asi̯á-
3. Π·asi̯á-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.iter.) ‘behandeln’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. eššik-)
1. PIE *esigɑɦe/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *esigɦe/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. esigɦe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esigɦe/a-
3. esigɦe/a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *esige/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. esige/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘behandeln’
(HHand. 33)
1. PIE *esiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *esisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. esisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esisḱe/a-
3. esisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *esiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. esiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(impf.) ‘machen’
(HIL. 450ff.)
(Hitt. eš-e-eš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *es·ēski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *es·ēsḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. es·ēsḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *es·ēsḱe/a-
3. es·ēsḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *es·ēske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. es·ēske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘heil machen, heilen’
(Lat. sānēscō)
1. PIE *shɑēn·ēski̯o-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑān·ēski̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑān·ēski̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shān·ēski̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shān·ēski̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *shān·ēsḱo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. shān·ēsḱo-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sān·ēsḱo-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sān·ēsḱo-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sān·ēsko-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. sān·ēsko-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(pr.) ‘zu saurer Milch (Lat. sero-) werden’
(Lat. serēscō)
1. PIE *ser·ēski̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *ser·ēsḱo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. ser·ēsḱo-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *ser·ēsko-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. ser·ēsko-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(m.) ‘Handwerk’
(WH. 2:525)
1. PIE *Π·éslo-
é → è
Emergence of gravis PLith. è
RLiAcc4 → *Π·èslo-
2. Π·èslo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·èsla-
3. Π·èsla-
èsla -> ẽsla
Circumflex intonation è -› ẽ
Rèsla›ẽsla →
Lith. Π·ẽsla-
(f.) ‘Handwerk’
(LiEtWb. 717)
1. PIE *Π·eslēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·eslāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·eslāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·eslāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·eslāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·eslā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·eslā
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *Π·eslō
5. Π·eslō
*-ō → -a
Change of root-final -ō into -a
(n.) ‘Handwerk, Gewerbe, Profession’
(LiEtWb. 717)
1. PIE *Π·eslos
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·eslas
2. Π·eslas
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *Π·eslos
3. Π·eslos
*-os → -o
Loss of *s in -os (root-final)
(sup) ‘wirken, schaffen’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. ešuan [sup])
1. PIE *esu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esu̯a-
2. esu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.N.act.) ‘das Wirken, das Schaffen’
(HHand. 33)
1. PIE *esumor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esumar-
2. esumar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √s- √os- √es- (sb.) ‘Fleisch, Aas, Haut’
(IEW 288)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Pal. + OInd.)
(c.) ‘reines Fleisch’ (Hitt. UZUšupa-; HHand. 27)
(DPal. 52)
(Pal. aš-ku(um-)ma-a-u-(ua)-aš [plN])
1. PIE *os·gɑɦumou̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *os·gɦumou̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. os·gɦumou̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as·gɦumau̯a-
3. as·gɦumau̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *as·gumau̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. as·gumau̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘‹cf. above›’
(DPal. 52)
(Pal. aš-ku-ma-a-u-ua-ga [plNA])
1. PIE *os·gɑɦumou̯ogɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *os·gɦumou̯ogɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. os·gɦumou̯ogɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as·gɦumau̯agɦa-
3. as·gɦumau̯agɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *as·gumau̯aga-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. as·gumau̯aga-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Pal. aš·gumau̯aga-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.m.) ‘rohes Fleisch: raw meat’
(KEWA 1:483)
1. PIE *Π·osó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·asó-
2. Π·asó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(a.) ‘aus rohem Fleisch bestehend’
(KEWA 1:483)
1. PIE *Π·oso·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(n.) ‘Fleisch eines toten Körpers, Köder, Aas’
(KLUGE 1-2)
(OSax. Π·ās)
1. PIE *Π·ēso
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·ēsa
2. Π·ēsa
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *Π·ēs
3. Π·ēs
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
(n.) ‘Fleisch eines toten Körpers, Köder, Aas’
(KLUGE 1-2)
(OHG. Π·ās)
1. PIE *Π·ēso
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·ēsa
2. Π·ēsa
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *Π·ēs
3. Π·ēs
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
(n.) ‘Fleisch eines toten Körpers, Köder, Aas’
(KLUGE 1-2)
(MidHG. ās)
1. PIE *ēso
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ēsa
2. ēsa
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *ēs
3. ēs
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
(n.) ‘meat, food, carrion, dead carcase’
(ASaxD. 19)
1. PIE *ēsi-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *āsi-
2. āsi-
āsi -> ǣs
Umlaut of āsi into ǣs
(c.) ‘(Brot) mit Schaffleisch’
(HHand. 48)
(Hitt. ḫa-ú-i-aš-ši-in, ḫa-ú-i-ia-aš-ši-in, ḫa-ui5-ia-aš-ši, DLL. 45)
1. PIE *hɑou̯i·osi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *hou̯i·osi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. hou̯i·osi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *hau̯i·asi-
3. hau̯i·asi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *hau̯i·aši-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. hau̯i·aši-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √s- √os- √es- (sb.) ‘Hass, Kampf, Groll, Krieg’ (vb.) ‘zürnen, grollen, hassen’
(IEW –)
(Juret 1942:40; Pyysalo)
(HEG S:685f.)
(vb.) ‘zornig sein, zürnen, grollen, hassen’
(HHand. 137)
(Hitt. ša-an-zi [3pl])
1. PIE *so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa-
2. sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Kampflust; Kampf, Schlacht’
(WbRV. 1479)
(RV. samád-)
1. PIE *so·méɑɦd-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *so·máɑɦd-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. so·máɑɦd-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *so·máɦd-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. so·máɦd-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa·máɦd-
4. sa·máɦd-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(m.) ‘Schlachtgedränge, lärmende Menschenmenge, Getümmel, Getöse’
(Gr. ὅμαδος)
1. PIE *só·meɑɦdo-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *só·maɑɦdo-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. só·maɑɦdo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *só·maɦdo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. só·maɦdo-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *só·mado-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. só·mado-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hó·mado-
5. hó·mado-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(n.) ‘Kampflust’
(WbRV. 1479)
(RV. samádana-)
1. PIE *so·méɑɦdono-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *so·máɑɦdono-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. so·máɑɦdono-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *so·máɦdono-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. so·máɦdono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa·máɦdana-
4. sa·máɦdana-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(a.) ‘kampflustig’
(WbRV. 1479)
(RV. samádvan-)
1. PIE *so·méɑɦdu̯on-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *so·máɑɦdu̯on-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. so·máɑɦdu̯on-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *so·máɦdu̯on-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. so·máɦdu̯on-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sa·máɦdu̯an-
4. sa·máɦdu̯an-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *sa·mádu̯an-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sa·mádu̯an-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(a.) ‘wütend, tobend, hart, grausam, grimmig’
(WH. 2:462)
1. PIE *seɑhiu̯o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhiu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhiu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahiu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahiu̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saiu̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. saiu̯o-
*ai → ae
Opening of *ai into ae
Rai›ae → *saeu̯o-
5. saeu̯o-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(PN.) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1285)
(OGaul. saeuonio-, in Turin)
1. PIE *seɑhiu̯onio-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhiu̯onio-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhiu̯onio-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahiu̯onio-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahiu̯onio-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saiu̯onio-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. saiu̯onio-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(a.f.) ‘groß’
(WH. 2:463)
(OLat. saeua)
1. PIE *seɑhiu̯ēɑh-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhiu̯ēɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhiu̯ēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *saɑhiu̯āɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. saɑhiu̯āɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahiu̯āh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. sahiu̯āh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saiu̯ā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. saiu̯ā-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(VN.) ‘(norischer Stamm in Pustertale)’
(ACSS 2:1285)
(OGaul. saeuat)
1. PIE *seɑhiu̯ēɑht-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhiu̯ēɑht-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhiu̯ēɑht-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *saɑhiu̯āɑht-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. saɑhiu̯āɑht-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahiu̯āht-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. sahiu̯āht-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saiu̯āt-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. saiu̯āt-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(vb.A.) ‘become sullen/sulking/angry, be angry’
(HIL. 799)
(Hitt. ša-a-iz-zi, ša-it, ša-a-iš)
1. PIE *soi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sai-
2. sai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘zornig sein, zürnen, grollen, hassen’
(HHand. 137)
1. PIE *soi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sai̯a-
2. sai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *saa-
3. saa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
√sr- √sor- √ser-
(Götze & Pedersen 1934:21)
(pl) ‘offense’
(AlbEtD. 408)
1. PIE *sorēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sorāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sorāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sorāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sorāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sorā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sorā
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarā
5. sarā
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *sharā
6. sharā
*ā → ë
Change of *ā into Alb. ë
(n.) ‘Groll, Erregung’
(HHand. 137)
(Hitt. ša-ra-u-ua-ar)
1. PIE *sorou̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarau̯ar-
2. sarau̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √s- √os- √es- (a.) ‘gut, lieb, beliebt, angenehm’ (sb.) ‘Gunst usw.’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: RV. + Anat.)
(vb.M.) ‘gut sein’
(HHand. 25)
(Hitt. a-aš-ša-a-ri [3sg], a-aš-ša-an-ta-ri)
1. PIE *os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as-
2. as-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(MUNUSc.) ‘Kurtisane?’ (HHand. 33)
(DLL. 37)
(CLu. MUNUS.MEŠ e-ši-in-zi [plN])
1. PIE *esei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.M.) ‘lieb, beliebt sein’ (HHand. 27)
(HEG A:81)
(Hitt. a-aš-ši-ia-at-ta-ri [3sg])
1. PIE *osei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asei̯a-
2. asei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.A.) ‘be loved, be good’
(HIL. 257)
(Hitt. a-aš-ši-ia-an-du [ipv3pl])
1. PIE *osei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asei̯a-
2. asei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Liebe’
(HIL. 257)
(Hitt. a-aš-ši-ia-an-na-aš, a-ši-ia-na-aš [G])
1. PIE *osei̯on-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asei̯an-
2. asei̯an-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘geliebt, beliebt’
(HHand. 27)
(Hitt. a-aš-ši-ia-an-t-, aš-ši-ia-an-t-)
1. PIE *osei̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asei̯ant-
2. asei̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(cs.iter.) ‘geliebt, beliebt machen’
(HHand. 27)
(Hitt. a-aš-ši-ia-nu-uš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *osei̯onuski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osei̯onusḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osei̯onusḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asei̯anusḱe/a-
3. asei̯anusḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *asei̯anuske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. asei̯anuske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. ašei̯anuške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Gunst, Wohlwollen?’
(LydWb. 66)
(Lyd. aśaaν)
1. PIE *osoi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asai̯a-
2. asai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *asaa-
3. asaa-
PIE * s → ś
Orthographic change of *s into ś
(n.) ‘angenehme Lage, weiches Lager’
(WbRV. 1616)
(cf. LAv. h́yaona- (m.) ‘ein Volk und Land’ (a.) ‘chionitisch’, AIWb. 1858)
1. PIE *siɑH·ounó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *siH·ounó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. siH·ounó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siH·aunó-
3. siH·aunó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *siH·auná-
4. siH·auná-
PIE *H → .
Metric hiatus from PIE *h/ɦ
RH›' → *si.·auná-
5. si.·auná-
au → ō
Monophthongization of *au
Rau›ō → *si.·ōná-
6. si.·ōná-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
(a.) ‘angenehm, erfreulich, freundegewährend’
(WbRV. 1616)
(EWA 2:783; KEWA 3:552)
1. PIE *siɑH·ounó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *siH·ounó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. siH·ounó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siH·aunó-
3. siH·aunó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *siH·auná-
4. siH·auná-
PIE *H → .
Metric hiatus from PIE *h/ɦ
RH›' → *si.·auná-
5. si.·auná-
au → ō
Monophthongization of *au
Rau›ō → *si.·ōná-
6. si.·ōná-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
PIE √s- √os- √es- (sb.) ‘Vorzeichen, Weissage, Bild, Gestalt’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Lat. + Hitt.)
(m.) ‘Weissagevogel’
(WH. 2:226)
(Lat. ōscen, ōscinis from PItal. *ōs·kan-)
(n.) ‘Vorzeichen’
(WH. 2:208)
(OLat. osmen, Class. ōmen, ōminis)
(pr.1.M.) ‘wünschen an, weissagen’
(WH. 2:208)
1. PIE *ōsmènēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *ōsmènāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. ōsmènāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ōsmènāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. ōsmènāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(pr.1.M.) ‘verwünschen, verabscheuen’
(WH. 2:208)
(Lat. abōminor [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·ōsmènēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·ōsmènāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·ōsmènāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·ōsmènāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·ōsmènāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(n.) ‘Bild, Form, Gestalt, Körperbau, Statue’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. e-eš-ri [sgNA], e-eš-ri-ia [DL])
1. PIE *esri-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sɑh- (vb.) ‘vollstopfen usw.’
(IEW 876)
(Kimball 1999:397)
(HEG S:690ff.)
(CHD S:1)
(vb.2.) ‘vollstopfen: ‘stuff full, clog, fill in’
(SHV 512)
(Hitt. ša-a-ḫi [3sg], ša-a-ḫa-an-zi, ša-aḫ-ta)
1. PIE *sēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sāh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šāh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šāh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.M.) ‘clog, stuff, fill in, stop, block, plug up’
(HIL. 797)
(Hitt. ša-ḫa-a-ri [3sg])
1. PIE *sēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sāh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šāh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šāh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.M.) ‘πληροῦται (Hes.)’
(LSJ. 267)
(Gr. ἇται [3sg])
1. PIE *sḗɑh-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *sā́ɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sā́ɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sā́h-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sā́h-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sā́-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sā́-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hā́-
5. hā́-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
PIE √sɑh- (vb.) ‘singen, blasen’ (sb.) ‘Gesang, Lied’
(IEW –)
(Benveniste 1954:39f.: Hitt. + RV.; Pyysalo: Lith.)
(f.) ‘Blasinstrument’
(LiEtWb. 855-6)
(Lith. sóma [sgN])
1. PIE *sḗɑhmēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sḗɑhmāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sḗɑhmāɑh
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *sā́ɑhmāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. sā́ɑhmāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sā́hmāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. sā́hmāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sā́mā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sā́mā
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *sā́mō
6. sā́mō
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *sṓmō
7. sṓmō
*-ō → -a
Change of root-final -ō into -a
R=ō›=a → *sṓma
8. sṓma
*ṓ → ó
Change of ṓ into ó
(vb.) ‘(weltliche Lieder) singen’
(LiEtWb. 855-6)
(Lith. somúoti)
1. PIE *sēɑhmṓɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sāɑhmṓɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sāɑhmṓɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sāhmṓh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sāhmṓh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sāmṓ-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sāmṓ-
*ṓ → úo
Change of ṓ into úo
Rṓ›úo → *sāmúo-
5. sāmúo-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *sōmúo-
6. sōmúo-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
(Benveniste 1954:39f.)
(vb.2.) ‘singen’
(HEG I:379-80)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ma-i [3sg])
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shōma-
3. Π·shōma-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāma-
4. Π·shāma-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāma-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāma-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Lied, Gesang: SÌR’
(HIL. 456)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ma-[uš] [plA])
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shōma-
3. Π·shōma-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāma-
4. Π·shāma-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāma-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāma-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Lied und Gesang’
(WbRV. 277)
1. PIE *ŕ̥ku·sɑhōmó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ŕ̥ku·shōmó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. ŕ̥ku·shōmó-
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiOIA → *ŕ̥ku·šhōmó-
3. ŕ̥ku·šhōmó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *ŕ̥ku·šhōmá-
4. ŕ̥ku·šhōmá-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ŕ̥ku·šhāmá-
5. ŕ̥ku·šhāmá-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *ŕ̥ku·šāmá-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. ŕ̥ku·šāmá-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *ŕ̥k·šāmá-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
7. ŕ̥k·šāmá-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
(a.) ‘Lieder singend’
(WbRV. 1512)
1. PIE *sɑhōmo·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shōmo·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shōmo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shōma·Σ
3. shōma·Σ
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *shāma·Σ
4. shāma·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(m.) ‘Liedersänger’
(WbRV. 1512)
1. PIE *sɑhōmo·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shōmo·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shōmo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shōma·Σ
3. shōma·Σ
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *shāma·Σ
4. shāma·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(LÚc.) ‘Sänger: singer’
(HHand. 63)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ma-tal-le-eš [plN], iš-ḫa-ma-a-tal-lu-uš [plA])
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmo·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmo·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shōma·Σ
3. Π·shōma·Σ
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāma·Σ
4. Π·shāma·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāma·Σ
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāma·Σ
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Lied, Gesang: SÌR’
(HEG I:379-80)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ma-in [A])
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shōmai-
3. Π·shōmai-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāmai-
4. Π·shāmai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāmai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāmai-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘singen’
(HIL. 456)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ma-iš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmoiski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmoiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmoiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·shōmoisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. Π·shōmoisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shōmaisḱe/a-
4. Π·shōmaisḱe/a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāmaisḱe/a-
5. Π·shāmaisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·shāmaiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. Π·shāmaiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāmaiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. Π·šhāmaiške/a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. Π·šḫāmaiške/a-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.1.) ‘singen’
(HIL. 456)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-mi-en-zi)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmei-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāmei-
3. Π·shāmei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāmei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhāmei-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.1.) ‘singen’
(HHand. 63)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-mi-an-zi, iš-ḫa-mi-ia-an-zi)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shōmei̯a-
3. Π·shōmei̯a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāmei̯a-
4. Π·shāmei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāmei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāmei̯a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Gesang, Lied, gesungenes Lied’
(WbRV. 1512)
(RV. sā́man-)
1. PIE *sɑhṓmen-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shṓmen-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shṓmen-
PIE *ṓ → ā́
Change of *ṓ into ā́
Rṓ›ā́ → *shā́men-
3. shā́men-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sā́men-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sā́men-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(a.) ‘mit Gesang versehen’
(WbRV. 1499)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhōmen-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shōmen-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shōmen-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·shāmen-
3. Π·shāmen-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·sāmen-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·sāmen-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
PIE √sɑh- (vb.) ‘suchen, spüren, verlangen’
(IEW –)
(SPIE 83, 311f.)
(CHD S:162ff., 171; HIL. 831-2; HEG S:818f.)
(vb.1.) ‘suchen, erstreben, planen, fordern, verlangen’
(HHand. 142)
(HEG S:818, SHV 182, ša-a-aḫ, ša-aḫ-ta, ša-aḫ-ḫu-un)
1. PIE *sēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sāh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šāh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šāh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘nachspüren, suchen’
(Gl. NGl.)
(OHG. fasôn [inf.], Grundr2 1:765, WH. 2:241, insequi Gl, quaerere NGl, vestigare Gl)
1. PIE *po·sēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *po·sāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. po·sāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *po·sāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. po·sāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *po·sā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. po·sā-
*p → f
Affricativization of *p
Rp›f → *fo·sā-
5. fo·sā-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *fa·sā-
6. fa·sā-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
(vb.iter.) ‘suchen, verlangen’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. ša-aḫ-ḫi-iš-ke-)
1. PIE *seɑhiski̯e/o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhiski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sahisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sahisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sahisḱe/a-
5. sahisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sahiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. sahiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šahiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. šahiške/a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘suchen, verlangen, bitten’
(ArmGr. 1:418)
(Arm. haicʼem)
1. PIE *seɑhiski̯e-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhiski̯e-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhiski̯e-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahiski̯e-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahiski̯e-
PIE *ki/i̯ → ć
1st palatalization of *ki/i̯
RkI›ć → *sahisće-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sahisće-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saisće-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. saisće-
*sć → cʼ
Change of sć into cʼ
Rsć›cʼ → *saicʼe-
6. saicʼe-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(a.) ‘prophetic: prosciens: practicing witchcraft’
(Lat. sāgus [sgN])
1. PIE *sēɑhgi̯o-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sāɑhgi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sāɑhgi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sāhgi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sāhgi̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *sāhǵo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sāhǵo-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sāǵo-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sāǵo-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
(vb.) ‘seek out: aussuchen’
(DIL. 517)
(OIr. saigim [1sg])
1. PIE *seɑhgi̯e-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhgi̯e-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhgi̯e-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahgi̯e-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahgi̯e-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *sahǵe-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sahǵe-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saǵe-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. saǵe-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sage-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. sage-
*age → aigi
Epenthesis of i
(pt.) ‘spüren, witteren’
(Lat. sagiō, sagīre [inf.])
1. PIE *seɑhgii̯o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhgii̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhgii̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahgii̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahgii̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *sahǵi̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sahǵi̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saǵi̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. saǵi̯o-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagi̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. sagi̯o-
*i̯ → i
Orthographic change of i̯ into i
(vb.) ‘suchen’
(GoEtD. S116)
1. PIE *sēɑhgii̯o-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sāɑhgii̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sāɑhgii̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sāhgii̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sāhgii̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *sāhǵi̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sāhǵi̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sāǵi̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sāǵi̯o-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sāgi̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. sāgi̯o-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
Rg›k → *sāki̯o-
7. sāki̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sāki̯a-
8. sāki̯a-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *sōki̯a-
9. sōki̯a-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
Ri̯›j → *sōkja-
10. sōkja-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
PIE √sɑh- √osɑh- √esɑh- (sb.) ‘Herr, Verwalter, Meister’, √sosɑh- √sesɑh- (vb.) ‘anordnen, herrschen, bestimmen’
(IEW 342 [diff.])
(Ribezzo 1920:128: Hitt. + Lat., Oettinger, Pyysalo)
(c.) ‘Bürgermeister’
(HHand. 189)
1. PIE *udɑhni̯·osɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *udhni̯·osho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. udhni̯·osho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *udhni̯·asha-
3. udhni̯·asha-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *udni̯·asha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. udni̯·asha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *udni̯·ašha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. udni̯·ašha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(LÚc.) ‘Lagerverwalter?’
(HHand. 181)
1. PIE *Π·osɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·osho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·osho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·asha-
3. Π·asha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·ašha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·ašha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(LÚc.) ‘Stallbursche?; Kutscher?’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *sol·osɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sol·osho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sol·osho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sal·asha-
3. sal·asha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šal·ašha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šal·ašha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(Ribezzo 1920:128)
(c.) ‘EN: Herr: lord’
(HEG I:376)
(HIL. 452-3, HED 2:385ff.)
1. PIE *esɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *esho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. esho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esha-
3. esha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ešha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ešha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(m.) ‘Herr’
(Lat. erus [sgN], ere [sgV])
1. PIE *esɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *esho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. esho-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *eso-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. eso-
*VsV → VrV
Rhotacism of *s between vowels
(c.) ‘GAŠAN: Herrin’
(HHand. 63)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-aš-ša-ri)
1. PIE *esɑho·soro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *esho·soro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. esho·soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esha·sara-
3. esha·sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ešha·šara-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ešha·šara-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.dn.) ‘herrschen’
(HHand. 64)
1. PIE *esɑho·soru̯oi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *esho·soru̯oi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. esho·soru̯oi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esha·saru̯ai-
3. esha·saru̯ai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ešha·šaru̯ai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ešha·šaru̯ai-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. ešḫa·šaru̯ai-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(f.) ‘Herrin’
(WH. 1:419)
(OLat. esa)
1. PIE *esɑhēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *esɑhāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. esɑhāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *eshāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. eshāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(Oettinger SHV 498-9)
(vb.) ‘anordnen, anweisen, bestimmen’
(HHand. 150)
(Hitt. šašḫaten [2pl])
1. PIE *sosɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sosho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sosho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasha-
3. sasha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šašha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šašha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(Oettinger SHV 498-9)
(vb.) ‘order, arrange’
(HEG I:375-6)
(HIL. 875f.)
1. PIE *sesɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sesho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sesho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesha-
3. sesha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šešha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šešha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘anordnen, -weisen, bestimmen, festmachen’
(HHand. 150)
(CLu. šešḫata, SHV 499)
1. PIE *sesɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sesho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sesho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesha-
3. sesha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šešha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šešha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.2.) ‘anordnen, anweisen, bestimmen’
(HHand. 150
1. PIE *sesɑhoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seshoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. seshoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *seshai-
3. seshai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šešhai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šešhai-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √sɑh- (vb.) ‘binden’
(IEW 476, 904)
(Kuryłowicz 1927:101; Kretschmer 1927:10)
(vb.2.) ‘bind, wrap, obligate with, impose upon: Akd. rakāsu’
(HEG I:385)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-a-i, HuIdg. 89, HHand. 63, IHL 51, CGr2: 51)
1. PIE *Π·sɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sha-
3. Π·sha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘binden’
(HEG I:385)
(Hitt. iš-ḫe-eḫ-ḫi [1sg], iš-ḫi-i-e-ez-zi, iš-ḫe-ḫu-un)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. Π·šhei-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘binden’
(LiEtWb. 783)
(Lith. siẽti [inf.])
1. PIE *sɑheí-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sheí-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sheí-
í → ì
Emergence of gravis PLith. ì
RLiAcc2 → *sheì-
3. sheì-
eì → eĩ
Circumflex intonation for eì
RLiAcc14 → *sheĩ-
4. sheĩ-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *seĩ-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. seĩ-
eí -› iẽ
Change of eí to iẽ
(pr.) ‘binden’
(LiEtWb. 783)
(Lith. sejù [1sg], sẽja [3sg])
1. PIE *sɑhéi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shéi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shéi̯o-
é → è
Emergence of gravis PLith. è
RLiAcc4 → *shèi̯o-
3. shèi̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sèi̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sèi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sèi̯a-
5. sèi̯a-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(vb.) ‘binden, knüpfen’
(LiEtWb. 783)
(Latv. sèju [1sg])
1. PIE *sɑhéi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shéi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shéi̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *séi̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. séi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *séi̯a-
4. séi̯a-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(cf. Pind. ἅμερο-)
(c.) ‘cord’
(HEG I:380)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-mi-na-an)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhomen-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shomen-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shomen-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shamen-
3. Π·shamen-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhamen-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhamen-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Schnur, Seil, Strick’
(HIL. 454)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhomeno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shomeno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shomeno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shamena-
3. Π·shamena-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhamena-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhamena-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘bandförmig’
(HHand. 63)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhomenoso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shomenoso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shomenoso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shamenasa-
3. Π·shamenasa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhamenaša-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhamenaša-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. Π·šḫamenaša-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Verbindung (der Gelenke), Gelenkband’
(AIWb. 1768)
1. PIE *sesɑhōmen-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seshōmen-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. seshōmen-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *seshāmen-
3. seshāmen-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sesāmen-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sesāmen-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hehāmen-
5. hehāmen-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *hahāman-
6. hahāman-
ahA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
RahA›aŋhA →
LAv. haŋhāman-
(m.) ‘hostage, pledge, surety’
(Gr. ὅμηρος)
1. PIE *sɑhómēro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shómēro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shómēro-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sómēro-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. sómēro-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hómēro-
4. hómēro-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘tame, cultivated, reclaimed, civilized’
(Gr. ἥμερος)
1. PIE *sɑhḗmero-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shḗmero-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shḗmero-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sḗmero-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. sḗmero-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hḗmero-
4. hḗmero-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
PIE √sɑh- √soɑh- √seɑh- (vb.) ‘bringen, führen’
(IEW 906 *sen-)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Av.)
(vb.1.A.) ‘an Ort und Stelle bringen, überführen’
(HHand. 130)
(Hitt. pí-e-da-aš-ša-aḫ-ḫa-an-zi [3pl], pí-e-da-aš-ša-aḫ-ḫe-ir)
1. PIE *pedo·seɑh-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *pedo·saɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. pedo·saɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *pedo·sah-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. pedo·sah-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *peda·sah-
4. peda·sah-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *peda·šah-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. peda·šah-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘der Vieh in seinen Besitz bringt, Viehbesitzer’
(AIWb. 1030)
(LAv. fšušō, fšušasča, fšušǝmča [sgA])
1. PIE *pki̯u·seɑh
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *pki̯u·saɑh
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. pki̯u·saɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *pki̯u·sah
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. pki̯u·sah
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiIr → *pki̯u·šah
4. pki̯u·šah
PIE *ki/i̯ → ć
1st palatalization of *ki/i̯
RkI›ć → *pću·šah
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. pću·šah
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *pću·ša
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. pću·ša
*ć → s
From Satem *ć to s
PIE √sɑhu- (sb.) ‘Sonne’ (vb.) ‘rösten, dörren, schmoren’
(IEW 881-2, 1045)
(SPIE 122-3)
(n.) ‘Sonne, Sonnenball, Sonnenlicht’
(AIWb. 1847)
(LAv. hača hū [sgG] vaxšāt)
1. PIE *sɑ́hu-
PIE *ɑ́ḫu → úḫu
Distant assimilation of *ɑ́ and *u
Rɑ́Hu›úHu → *súhu-
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. súhu-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *súu-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. súu-
*úu → ū́
Contraction of ú and u
Rúu›ū́ → *sū́-
4. sū́-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hū́-
5. hū́-
*ū́ → ū
Absence of accent
(vb.) ‘schmoren, rösten’
(AIWb. 1782-3)
(LAv. huyārǝš [opt3pl])
1. PIE *sɑhu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shu-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. su-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(HEG S:700, CHD S:12)
(m.) ‘the Sun’
(MonWil. 1190)
1. PIE *seɑhu̯o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sahu̯a-
4. sahu̯a-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sau̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sau̯a-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(vb.) ‘rösten, dörren: roast’
(CHD S:172f.)
(Hitt. ša-ḫu-ua-an KUB 29.1 iii 46, HIL. 833)
1. PIE *seɑhu̯o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sahu̯a-
4. sahu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šahu̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šahu̯a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘-(?)-’ (CHD S:12)
(HEG K:700)
(Hitt. (-)]ša-aḫ-ḫu-ua-az-zi na=an=šan])
1. PIE *seɑhu̯o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *saɑhu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. saɑhu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sahu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sahu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sahu̯a-
4. sahu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šahu̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šahu̯a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(cs.) ‘rösten’
(AIWb. 1782)
(LAv. hāvayeiti [3sg], Brugmann’s law II, see SPIE 121ff.)
1. PIE *soɑhu̯ei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sohu̯ei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sohu̯ei̯o-
Brugmann’s Law for *ohCV
RoHCV›āHCV → *sāhu̯ei̯o-
(SPIE §2.3.7)
3. sāhu̯ei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sāhu̯ei̯a-
4. sāhu̯ei̯a-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sāu̯ei̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sāu̯ei̯a-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hāu̯ei̯a-
6. hāu̯ei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *hāu̯ai̯a-
7. hāu̯ai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
Ri̯›y → *hāu̯aya-
8. hāu̯aya-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
PIE √sɑhu- √sɑɦu- (prep.pref.) ‘ober-, auf-’ (sb.) ‘Höhe’ (a.) ‘hoch’
(IEW 1105-1107)
(Pyysalo: Hitt.)
(c.) ‘Oberarm: upper arm’
(HHand. 64)
(Hitt. iš-ḫu-na-aš [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·sɑhu·no-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shu·no-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shu·no-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shu·na-
3. Π·shu·na-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhu·na-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhu·na-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Oberarm’
(HHand. 64)
(Hitt. iš-ḫu-na-ú-uš [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·sɑhu·nou-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shu·nou-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shu·nou-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shu·nau-
3. Π·shu·nau-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhu·nau-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhu·nau-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Oberarm’
(HHand. 64)
(Hitt. [iš]-ḫu-na-ú, iš-ḫu-na-u-ua, iš-ḫu-na-u-ua-aš, iš-ḫu-na-u-i)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhu·nou-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shu·nou-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shu·nou-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shu·nau-
3. Π·shu·nau-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhu·nau-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhu·nau-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Oberarm’
(HHand. 64)
(Hitt. iš-ḫu-na-u-ua-an-za)
1. PIE *Π·sɑhu·nou̯ont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shu·nou̯ont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shu·nou̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shu·nau̯ant-
3. Π·shu·nau̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhu·nau̯ant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhu·nau̯ant-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. Π·šḫu·nau̯ant-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘aufrichten, aufstehen’
(WH. 2:635)
(Lat. surgō [1sg], su· also in Lat. sūrsum ‘in die Höhe gerichted, aufwärts’)
1. PIE *sɑhu·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shu·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shu·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(n.) ‘N des höchsten Gipfels der Harā’
(AIWb. 1818)
(LAv. hūkairīm [sgA])
1. PIE *sɑ́hu·Σ
PIE *ɑ́ḫu → úḫu
Distant assimilation of *ɑ́ and *u
Rɑ́Hu›úHu → *súhu·Σ
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. súhu·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *súu·Σ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. súu·Σ
*úu → ū́
Contraction of ú and u
Rúu›ū́ → *sū́·Σ
4. sū́·Σ
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hū́·Σ
5. hū́·Σ
*ū́ → ū
Absence of accent
(a.sup.) ‘der höchste, erste, vertvolleste, beste’
(AIWb. 1856)
(LAv. hvōišta-)
1. PIE *sɑhu̯o.istɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shu̯o.istho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shu̯o.istho-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIIr → *shu̯o.ištho-
3. shu̯o.ištho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shu̯a.ištha-
4. shu̯a.ištha-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯a.ištha-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. su̯a.ištha-
*sth/šth → st/št
Loss of *h after st/št
RSth›St → *su̯a.išta-
6. su̯a.išta-
*su̯ → xu̯
Change of *su̯ into xu̯
Rsu̯›xu̯ → *xu̯a.išta-
7. xu̯a.išta-
a. → ō.
Change of a. into ō. in morpheme border
Ra›ō → *xu̯ō.išta-
8. xu̯ō.išta-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(adv.) ‘oben an, auf (zu)’
(WH. 2:613)
1. PIE *sɑhuper
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shuper
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shuper
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(pref.) ‘oben an’
(WbOU. 720)
1. PIE *sɑhuper
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shuper
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shuper
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(a.) ‘oberer’
(WbOU. 722)
(Osc. supru, supruis)
1. PIE *sɑhupro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shupro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shupro-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(adv.) ‘oben darauf, vorher, darüber hinaus’
(WH. 2:613)
1. PIE *sɑhupr·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shupr·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shupr·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(prep.A) ‘oben über, oberhalb, vor, über hinaus’
(WH. 2:613)
1. PIE *sɑhupr·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shupr·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shupr·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(ONm.) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1651)
(OGaul. locum, qui nunc dicitur subligniācus)
1. PIE *sɑɦub·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sɦub·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sɦub·Σ
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(a.) ‘in die Höhe gehoben, erhaben, kehr, schwebend’
(WH. 2:618-619)
(Lat. sublīmis, sublīme [adv.])
1. PIE *sɑɦub·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sɦub·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sɦub·Σ
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(f.) ‘Höhe, Erhabenheit, Schwung’
(WH. 2:618-619)
1. PIE *sɑɦub·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sɦub·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sɦub·Σ
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(a.) ‘fein, feinfühlig, -sinnig; genau, scharfsinnig; schlicht, einfach’
(WH. 2:619-620)
(Lat. subtīlis, subtīle [adv.])
1. PIE *sɑɦub·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sɦub·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sɦub·Σ
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(f.) ‘Feinheit, Feinfühligkeit, Geschmack; Scharfsinn; Schlichtheit’
(WH. 2:619-620)
1. PIE *sɑɦub·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sɦub·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sɦub·Σ
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
(SPIE §2.1.4)
PIE √shɑ- √sohɑ- √sehɑ- (vb.) ‘heilen’
(IEW 880)
(vb.1.) ‘heilig machen, reinigen, fegen, abwischen’
(HHand. 142)
1. PIE *sohɑ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *soh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. soh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sah-
3. sah-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šah-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šah-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘heal, cure’ (CHLu. 629)
(CHLu. 2.17.7)
(HLu. sá-ha-si [2sg])
1. PIE *sohɑ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *soh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. soh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sah-
3. sah-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šah-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šah-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(IEW 880)
(Pyysalo: TochA.)
(a.) ‘gesund, heil, vernünftig, nüchtern’
(Lat. sānus [sgN])
1. PIE *shɑēno-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑāno-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑāno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shāno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shāno-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(adv.) ‘healthily, reasonably; truly, indeed’
(WH. 2:476)
1. PIE *shɑēnē
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑānē
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑānē
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shānē
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shānē
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(vb.) ‘heil machen, heilen’
(Lat. sānēscō)
1. PIE *shɑēn·ēski̯o-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑān·ēski̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑān·ēski̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shān·ēski̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shān·ēski̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *shān·ēsḱo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. shān·ēsḱo-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sān·ēsḱo-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sān·ēsḱo-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sān·ēsko-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. sān·ēsko-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(sb.) ‘Arzt: doctor’
(Poucha 363)
(‹for the suffix see TochA. √täk- ‘urteilen’›)
1. PIE *shɑēn·Σ
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑān·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑān·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shān·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shān·Σ
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(HEG I:382)
(Pyysalo: Alb.)
(dc.) ‘Göttin der Medizin’
(OHP. 1:196-202)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ra(-aš) [All-(N)])
1. PIE *Π·shɑēro-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑāro-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑāro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shāro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shāro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shāra-
4. Π·shāra-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāra-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāra-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘-(?)-’ (HHand. 64)
(DPal. 57)
(Pal. iš-ḫa-ra-an-ti)
1. PIE *Π·shɑēro-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑāro-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑāro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shāro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shāro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shāra-
4. Π·shāra-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāra-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāra-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(d.) ‘-(?)-’
(OHP. 1:196-202)
(CLu. iš-ḫa-ra-aš [N])
1. PIE *Π·shɑēro-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑāro-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑāro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shāro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shāro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shāra-
4. Π·shāra-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāra-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāra-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(ḪUR.SAG.) ‘(wohl bei ›Niriša)’
(OGH. 145)
(Hitt. iš-ḫa-ra [All])
1. PIE *Π·shɑēro-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑāro-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑāro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shāro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shāro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shāra-
4. Π·shāra-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāra-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhāra-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Priesterin der Išḫara-’
(HHand. 64)
1. PIE *Π·shɑēroli-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑāroli-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑāroli-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shāroli-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shāroli-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shārali-
4. Π·shārali-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhārali-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·šhārali-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pr.) ‘heal’
(AlbEtD. 413)
(Alb. shëroj [1sg])
1. PIE *shɑērē-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑārē-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑārē-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shārē-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shārē-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sārē-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sārē-
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *shārē-
5. shārē-
*ā → ë
Change of *ā into Alb. ë
Rā›ë → *shërē-
6. shërē-
*ē → o
Change of *ē into o
(vb.fient.M.) ‘die Krankheit der Išḫara bekommen’
(HHand. 64)
1. PIE *Π·shɑērish-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑārish-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑārish-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shārish-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shārish-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhārišh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhārišh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.iter.M) ‘die Krankheit der Išḫara bekommen’
(HHand. 64)
1. PIE *Π·shɑēriski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *Π·shɑāriski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·shɑāriski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shāriski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·shāriski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·shārisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. Π·shārisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shārisḱe/a-
5. Π·shārisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·shāriske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. Π·shāriske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhāriške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. Π·šhāriške/a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. Π·šḫāriške/a-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(ao.) ‘heal’
(AlbEtD. 413)
(Alb. shërova [1sg])
1. PIE *shɑērēu̯-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *shɑārēu̯-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. shɑārēu̯-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shārēu̯-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shārēu̯-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sārēu̯-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sārēu̯-
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *shārēu̯-
5. shārēu̯-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *shārēv-
6. shārēv-
*ā → ë
Change of *ā into Alb. ë
Rā›ë → *shërēv-
7. shërēv-
*ē → o
Change of *ē into o
PIE √shɑ- √eshɑ- √ēshɑ- (sb.) ‘Blut(verwandschaft), Saft, Lebenskraft’
(IEW 343)
(Ribezzo 1920:128)
(n.) ‘Blut’
(KUB xxxv 113 4-5)
(CLu. ašḫa nuduši ‘you thirst for blood’)
1. PIE *oshɑō-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *oshō-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. oshō-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ashō-
3. ashō-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ashā-
4. ashā-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ašhā-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. ašhā-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.*) ‘Götterblut, Blutwasser’
(GEW 1:747)
(in Gr. ἰχῶ [sgA])
1. PIE *Π·óshɑō-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·óshō-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·óshō-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·ósō-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. Π·ósō-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *Π·óhō-
4. Π·óhō-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *Π·óō-
5. Π·óō-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(m.*) ‘Götterblut, Blutwasser’
(GEW 1:747)
(in Gr. ἰχώρ)
1. PIE *Π·óshɑer
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *Π·óshɑar
2. Π·óshɑar
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·óshar
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·óshar
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·ósar
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·ósar
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *Π·óhar
5. Π·óhar
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *Π·óar
6. Π·óar
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(n.) ‘Blut’
(HHand. 26)
(CLu. a-aš-ḫar-ša [sgNA])
1. PIE *oshɑerso-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *oshɑarso-
2. oshɑarso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *osharso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. osharso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asharsa-
4. asharsa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ašharša-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. ašharša-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(HEG E:112-15)
(Ribezzo 1920:128)
(n.) Blut, Bluttat, Lebenskraft, Blutverwandtschaft’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. e-eš-ḫa-ar)
1. PIE *eshɑer-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *eshɑar-
2. eshɑar-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *eshar-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. eshar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ešhar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ešhar-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Blut, Saft’
(GEW 1:432)
(Gr. ἔαρ [sgNA])
1. PIE *éshɑer-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *éshɑar-
2. éshɑar-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *éshar-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. éshar-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *ésar-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. ésar-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *éhar-
5. éhar-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *éar-
6. éar-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(n.) ‘Blut’
(DTochB. 487)
(TochB. yasar [sgNA])
1. PIE *eshɑer-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *eshɑar-
2. eshɑar-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *eshar-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. eshar-
PIE *e → i̯ a
Change of *e into i̯a
Re›i̯a → *i̯ashar-
4. i̯ashar-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *i̯asar-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. i̯asar-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(n.) Blut, Bluttat, Lebenskraft, Blutverwandtschaft’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. iš-ḫar)
1. PIE *ēshɑer-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *ēshɑar-
2. ēshɑar-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ēshar-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. ēshar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ēšhar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ēšhar-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Blut, Saft’
(GEW 1:432)
(Gr. ἦαρ [sgNA])
1. PIE *ḗshɑer-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *ḗshɑar-
2. ḗshɑar-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ḗshar-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. ḗshar-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *ḗsar-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. ḗsar-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *ḗhar-
5. ḗhar-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *ḗar-
6. ḗar-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(350c.) ‘blood sacrifice/offering’
(CHLu. 2.11.17)
(HLu. (“*350”)á-sa-ha+ra/i-mi-sa)
1. PIE *oshɑormi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *oshormi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. oshormi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asharmi-
3. asharmi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ašharmi-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ašharmi-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √shɑn- (sb.) ‘Lehen, Lehensdienst’ (vb.) ‘verdienen’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Av. + Anat.)
(HEG S:694-6, HIL. 798f., CHD S:2-7)
(sb.) ‘feudal service/tax’
(CHLu. 10.43.2)
(HLu. LONGUS?(-)tà-ia(-)sa-ha-na)
1. PIE *shɑon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shan-
3. shan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šhan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šhan-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Lehen, Lehensdienst: feudal service’
(HHand. 138)
(Hitt. ša-aḫ-ḫa-an, ša-aḫ-ḫa-na-aš, KLuN. §142)
1. PIE *shɑon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shan-
3. shan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šhan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šhan-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘des Hauslehens, zum Lehensbesitz gehörig (of GU4 ‘bos’ and É ‘domus)’
(HHand. 126)
(Hitt. pé-er-ša-aḫ-ḫa-an-na-aš, HIL. 750, CHD P:201)
1. PIE *per·shɑon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *per·shon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. per·shon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *per·shan-
3. per·shan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *per·šhan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. per·šhan-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘des Hauslehens, zum Lehensbesitz gehörig’ (CHD P:201, HIL. 749)
(HHand. 126)
(Hitt. pé-re-eš-ḫa-an-na-aš)
1. PIE *peri·shɑon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *peri·shon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. peri·shon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *peri·shan-
3. peri·shan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *peri·šhan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. peri·šhan-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘verdienen (bes. Lohn)’
(AIWb. 1768)
(LAv. haŋhāna)
1. PIE *seshɑēn-
PIE *ɑē → ɑā
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ɑē
Rɑē›ɑā → *seshɑān-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. seshɑān-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seshān-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. seshān-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sesān-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sesān-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hehān-
5. hehān-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *hahān-
6. hahān-
ahA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
(a.) ‘der sich das Land verdient’
(AIWb. 683)
1. PIE *gi̯ɑɦemtu·shɑōn-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *gi̯ɦemtu·shōn-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. gi̯ɦemtu·shōn-
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiIr → *gi̯ɦemtu·šhōn-
3. gi̯ɦemtu·šhōn-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *j́ɦemtu·šhōn-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. j́ɦemtu·šhōn-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *j́ɦemtu·šhān-
5. j́ɦemtu·šhān-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *j́ɦemtu·šān-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. j́ɦemtu·šān-
*j́ → z
From Satem *j́ to z
Rj́›z → *zɦemtu·šān-
7. zɦemtu·šān-
*zɦ → z
Loss of 'ɦ in media aspirata *zɦ
Rzɦ›z → *zemtu·šān-
8. zemtu·šān-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *zamtu·šān-
9. zamtu·šān-
PIE *mt → nt
Assimilation of labial *m with dental T
(a.) ‘der sich das Gute verdient’
(AIWb. 1350)
1. PIE *u̯osu·shɑōn-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *u̯osu·shōn-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. u̯osu·shōn-
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiIr → *u̯osu·šhōn-
3. u̯osu·šhōn-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *u̯asu·šhōn-
4. u̯asu·šhōn-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *u̯asu·šhān-
5. u̯asu·šhān-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *u̯asu·šān-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. u̯asu·šān-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *u̯ahu·šān-
7. u̯ahu·šān-
ahU → aŋhU
Change of h into ŋh
Rahu›aŋhU → *u̯aŋhu·šān-
8. u̯aŋhu·šān-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(pr.M.) ‘verdienen’
(AIWb. 1768)
(gAv. hanǝntē [3pl])
1. PIE *shɑeno-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *shɑano-
2. shɑano-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shano-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shano-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shana-
4. shana-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sana-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sana-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(vb.) ‘Lohn erhalten werden’
(AIWb. 1769)
(LAv. hanānī [1sg])
1. PIE *shɑeno-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *shɑano-
2. shɑano-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shano-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. shano-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shana-
4. shana-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sana-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sana-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(a.) ‘(defining cattle)’
(HIL. 749)
(CLu. pár-za-ḫ[a]-na-aš-ši-iš [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·shɑono·si-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·shono·si-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·shono·si-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·shana·si-
3. Π·shana·si-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·šhana·ši-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·šhana·ši-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(cs.) ‘serve’
(AIWb. 1768)
(LAv. hanayamnō [pt.sgN])
1. PIE *shɑonei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shonei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shonei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shanei̯a-
3. shanei̯a-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sanei̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sanei̯a-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hanei̯a-
5. hanei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *hanai̯a-
6. hanai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(n.) ‘Lehen, Lehensdienst: feudal service’
(HEG S:964)
(Hitt. ša-aḫ-ḫa-ni-ia-aš)
1. PIE *shɑonei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shonei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shonei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shanei̯a-
3. shanei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šhanei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šhanei̯a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(iter.) ‘Lehen übertragen; Lehensdienst auftragen’
(DLL. 83)
(CLu. ša-(aḫ)-ḫa-ni-iš-ša-ta [3sg], ša-ḫa-ni-eš-ša-ta, HHand. 138)
1. PIE *shɑoniso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *shoniso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. shoniso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shanisa-
3. shanisa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šhaniša-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šhaniša-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √sehɑu- (sb.) ‘Urin, Soma’ (vb.) ‘urinieren, Soma pressen, keltern’
(IEW 912)
(Sturtevant 1936:185f.; SPIE 133-4)
(ao.) ‘Soma pressen, keltern’
(WbRV. 1523)
(RV. sótā [2pl])
1. PIE *sehɑú-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehú-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehú-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *seú-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. seú-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *saú-
4. saú-
aú → ṓ
Monophthongization of *aú
Raú›ṓ → *sṓ-
5. sṓ-
*ṓ → ó
Change of ṓ into ó
(pt.) ‘mit Urin (šeḫu-) befleckt’
(HEG S:972)
(Hitt. še-e-ḫu-ga-ni-ia-u-ua-an-za)
1. PIE *sehɑu·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehu·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehu·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šehu·Σ
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. šehu·Σ
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pf.) ‘Soma pressen, keltern’
(WbRV. 1523)
(RV. suṣā́va [3sg] with Brugmann’s Law II, see SPIE 121ff.)
1. PIE *susóhɑu̯·e
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *susóhu̯·e
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. susóhu̯·e
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiOIA → *sušóhu̯·e
3. sušóhu̯·e
PIE *óhCV → ā́hCV
Brugmann’s Law for *óhCV
RóHCV›ā́HCV → *sušā́hu̯·e
(SPIE §2.3.7)
4. sušā́hu̯·e
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sušā́u̯·e
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sušā́u̯·e
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *sušā́u̯·a
6. sušā́u̯·a
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *sušā́v·a
7. sušā́v·a
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
(m.) ‘Soma’
(WbRV. 1579)
(RV. sómam [sgA] = să.ū́mă- in RV. 4.26.7)
1. PIE *soHɑ́umo-
PIE *ɑ́u → úu
Assimilation of *ɑ́ and *u
Rɑ́u›úu → *soHúumo-
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. soHúumo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saHúuma-
3. saHúuma-
PIE *H → .
Metric hiatus from PIE *h/ɦ
RH›' → *sa.úuma-
4. sa.úuma-
*úu → ū́
Contraction of ú and u
(m.) ‘Soma, Saft der Somapflanze’
(WbRV. 1579-80)
1. PIE *sohɑúmo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sohúmo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sohúmo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sahúma-
3. sahúma-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saúma-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. saúma-
aú → ṓ
Monophthongization of *aú
Raú›ṓ → *sṓma-
5. sṓma-
*ṓ → ó
Change of ṓ into ó
(m.) ‘Name eines Getränks’
(AIWb. 1732)
1. PIE *sohɑumo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sohumo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sohumo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sahuma-
3. sahuma-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sauma-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sauma-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hauma-
5. hauma-
*au → ao
Opening of *au
(n.obl.) ‘Schmutz, Urin’
(HHand. 148)
(Hitt. še-e-ḫu-na [All])
1. PIE *sehɑun-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehun-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehun-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šehun-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. šehun-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(m.?) ‘Haoma’
(AIWb. 1732-4)
(LAv. ǰarōiš haonǝm zaraϑušta [P. 29], not haoma – lectio difficilior)
1. PIE *sehɑuno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehuno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehuno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sehuna-
3. sehuna-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *seuna-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. seuna-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *heuna-
5. heuna-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *hauna-
6. hauna-
*au → ao
Opening of *au
1. PIE *sehɑunont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehunont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehunont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sehunant-
3. sehunant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šehunant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šehunant-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(Sturtevant 1936:185)
(n.) ‘Schmutz, Urin’
(HEG S:973-7)
(Hitt. še-e-ḫur [sgNA], HHand. 148)
1. PIE *sehɑur-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehur-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehur-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šehur-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. šehur-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(m.) ‘Schmutz, feuchte Erde’
(ANEtWb. 464)
(OIcl. saurr [sgN])
1. PIE *sohɑuro
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sohuro
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sohuro
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *souro
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. souro
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saura
4. saura
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
(a.) ‘nass, feucht: wet’ (m.) ‘Käse’
(Sadnik √923)
(OCS. syrŭ [sgN])
1. PIE *shɑ́uro
PIE *ɑ́u → úu
Assimilation of *ɑ́ and *u
Rɑ́u›úu → *shúuro
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. shúuro
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *shúura
3. shúura
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *súura
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. súura
*úu → ū́
Contraction of ú and u
Rúu›ū́ → *sū́ra
5. sū́ra
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *sū́ro
6. sū́ro
*-o → -u
Change of root-final o into u
R=o›=u → *sū́ru
7. sū́ru
ū → y
Rū›y → *syru
Change of ū́ into y
8. syru
*u → ŭ
Orthographic change of *u into ŭ
(vb.) ‘urinieren’
(HHand. 148)
1. PIE *sehɑurei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sehurei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sehurei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sehurei̯a-
3. sehurei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šehurei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šehurei̯a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √si- √soi- √sei- (sb.) ‘Spitze, Ahle, Dolch, Nadel usw.’ (vb.) ‘sticken, schneidern, nähen usw.’ (a.) ‘sauer’
(IEW 915-6)
(Melchert 1977:121; Pyysalo)
(Melchert 1977:121)
(HEG S:700f.)
(pf.) ‘bedrücken’
(AIWb. 1800-1)
(gAv. ā hišāyā)
1. PIE *Π·sisēi̯-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIIr → *Π·sišēi̯-
2. Π·sišēi̯-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π·hišēi̯-
3. Π·hišēi̯-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *Π·hišāi̯-
4. Π·hišāi̯-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) ‘unterdrücken’
(AIWb. 345)
(gAv. ā.hōiϑōi [inf.])
1. PIE *Π·sei̯-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π·hei̯-
2. Π·hei̯-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *Π·hai̯-
3. Π·hai̯-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) ‘festdrücken, einprängen’
(HHand. 138)
(CHD S:15-21, HIL. 801)
1. PIE *sei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sei̯a-
2. sei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Wurfgeschoss, Pfeil’
(EWA 1:725-6)
(WbRV. 1512)
1. PIE *sṓi̯o·ko-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sṓi̯a·ka-
2. sṓi̯a·ka-
PIE *ṓ → ā́
Change of *ṓ into ā́
Rṓ›ā́ → *sā́i̯a·ka-
3. sā́i̯a·ka-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) ‘benähen, besticken, schneidern’
(LiEtWb. 789f.)
(Lith. siū́ti [inf.])
1. PIE *si̯ɑ́hu-
PIE *ɑ́ḫu → úḫu
Distant assimilation of *ɑ́ and *u
Rɑ́Hu›úHu → *si̯úhu-
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. si̯úhu-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *si̯úu-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. si̯úu-
*úu → ū́
Contraction of ú and u
Rúu›ū́ → *si̯ū́-
4. si̯ū́-
*i̯ → i
Orthographic change of i̯ into i
(vb.) ‘nähen, (eine Wand) bekleiden’
(LiEtWb. 789f.)
(Latv. šũt [inf.])
1. PIE *si̯ɑ́hu-
PIE *ɑ́ḫu → úḫu
Distant assimilation of *ɑ́ and *u
Rɑ́Hu›úHu → *si̯úhu-
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. si̯úhu-
*úHu → uHû
Latvian tone rule for *úHu
RAccLatv5 → *si̯uhû-
3. si̯uhû-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *si̯uû-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. si̯uû-
*uû → û
Contraction of u and û
Ruû›û → *si̯û-
5. si̯û-
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
(a.) ‘sour’
(HIL. 885-6)
(CLu. ši-e-ḫu-ua-en-zi [pl])
1. PIE *siɑhu̯oi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sihu̯oi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sihu̯oi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sihu̯ai-
3. sihu̯ai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šihu̯ai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šihu̯ai-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘Dolch (≈ šeual?)’
(HHand. 148)
(HEG S:1090-1)
1. PIE *siɑhu̯ol-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sihu̯ol-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sihu̯ol-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sihu̯al-
3. sihu̯al-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šihu̯al-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šihu̯al-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
1. PIE *siɑhu̯i-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sihu̯i-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sihu̯i-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šihu̯i-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. šihu̯i-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pr.) ‘nähen’
(MonWil. 1218)
1. PIE *siɑ́hu̯i̯o-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *siíhu̯i̯o-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. siíhu̯i̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siíhu̯i̯a-
3. siíhu̯i̯a-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *siíu̯i̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. siíu̯i̯a-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *sī́u̯i̯a-
5. sī́u̯i̯a-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *sī́vi̯a-
6. sī́vi̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) ‘nähen’
(GoEtD. S70)
1. PIE *siɑhui̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sihui̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sihui̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *siui̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. siui̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siui̯a-
4. siui̯a-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(HEG S:700-8: Hitt. šai-, šiya- ‘festdrücken, usw.’)
(vb.) ‘sting etc.’
(HIL. 801)
(Hitt. ši-i-e-ez-zi, ši-i-ez-z[i] [3sg])
1. PIE *si̯ei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘nähen, sticken’
(Sadnik √942)
(OCS. šiti [inf.])
1. PIE *si̯ei-
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
Rsi̯›š → *šei-
2. šei-
*ei → ī
Monophthongization of *ei into ī
Rei›ī → *šī-
3. šī-
*ī → i
Change of *ī into i
1. PIE *si̯eílos
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *si̯eílas
2. si̯eílas
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *si̯eílos
3. si̯eílos
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
Rsi̯›š → *šeílos
4. šeílos
*-os → -o
Loss of *s in -os (root-final)
Ros=›o= → *šeílo
5. šeílo
*eí → ī́
Monophthongization of *eí into ī́
Reí›ī́ → *šī́lo
6. šī́lo
*ī́ → i
Orthographic change of *ī́ into i
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + OIcl.; or √sigɑɦi-?)
(vb.) ‘aufhetzen’
(ANEtWb. 473)
1. PIE *sigɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sigɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sigɦo-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sigo-
3. sigo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(n.) ‘Kampf’ (poet.)
(ANEtWb. 473)
1. PIE *sigɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sigɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sigɦo-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sigo-
3. sigo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(vb.) ‘mit dem Speer jagen, ein Gebiet erjagen’
(HEG S:1036)
1. PIE *sigɑɦotoliski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sigɦotoliski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sigɦotoliski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sigɦotolisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sigɦotolisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sigɦatalisḱe/a-
4. sigɦatalisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sigɦataliske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sigɦataliske/a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sigataliske/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. sigataliske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šigatališke/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘das Dahinschießen’
(SHV 473, MonWil. 697)
(Hoffmann 1975-76:417)
1. PIE *pró·siti-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(Tischler HEG S:1090, Kloekhorst HIL. 885-6)
(a.) ‘sour’
(HIL. 885)
(še-e-ua [plNA])
1. PIE *siu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯a-
2. siu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘sauer: sour’
(HEG S:1090)
(HIL. 885-6, ši-ua-e-e[š] [plA] HIL. 885)
1. PIE *siu̯oi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯ai-
2. siu̯ai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘sour’
(HIL. 885)
(HIL. 885-6, ši-ú-i-n=a [sgA])
1. PIE *siu̯i-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘ungenäht, ohne Naht’
(Sadnik √942)
1. PIE *ne·siu̯eno
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ne·siu̯ena
2. ne·siu̯ena
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *ne·siu̯eno
3. ne·siu̯eno
*-o → -u
Change of root-final o into u
R=o›=u → *ne·siu̯enu
4. ne·siu̯enu
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *ne·sivenu
5. ne·sivenu
*i → ĭ
Orthographic change of *i into ĭ
Ri›ĭ → *ne·sĭvenu
6. ne·sĭvenu
*u → ŭ
Orthographic change of *u into ŭ
(a.) ‘Dolch’ (Starke 1987:250n26)
(HEG S:1090-1)
1. PIE *siu̯ol-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯al-
2. siu̯al-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘-(?)-’
(HHand. 148)
(Hitt. šiualanzan [sgA?])
1. PIE *siu̯olondɑɦi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *siu̯olondɦi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. siu̯olondɦi̯o-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *siu̯olonjɦo-
3. siu̯olonjɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯alanjɦa-
4. siu̯alanjɦa-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *siu̯alanzɦa-
5. siu̯alanzɦa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šiu̯alanzɦa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. šiu̯alanzɦa-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘(Art Haarnadel)’
(HHand. 153)
1. PIE *siu̯osi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯asi-
2. siu̯asi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √si- √sei- √soi- (a.) ‘arm’ (sb.) ‘Armer’
(IEW –)
(Kloekhorst HIL. 876)
(LÚc.) ‘needy one’
(HIL. 876)
(Hitt. ši-iš-ši-ia-la-an [sgA])
1. PIE *sisi̯olo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sisi̯ala-
2. sisi̯ala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘need’
(HIL. 876)
(Hitt. ši-iš-ši-ia-ni-it [sgI])
1. PIE *sisi̯oni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sisi̯ani-
2. sisi̯ani-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘being in need’
(HIL. 876)
(Hitt. [ši-i]š-ši-ia-u-an-za [sgN])
1. PIE *sisi̯ou̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sisi̯au̯ant-
2. sisi̯au̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šiši̯au̯ant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(adv.) ‘umsonst, vergeblich’
(Sadnik √11)
1. PIE *ō·si̯outi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ō·si̯auti-
2. ō·si̯auti-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ā·si̯auti-
3. ā·si̯auti-
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *ā·si̯outi-
4. ā·si̯outi-
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
Rsi̯›š → *ā·šouti-
5. ā·šouti-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *ā·šūti-
6. ā·šūti-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
Rā›a → *a·šūti-
7. a·šūti-
*i → ĭ
Orthographic change of *i into ĭ
Ri›ĭ → *a·šūtĭ-
8. a·šūtĭ-
*ū → u
Orthographic change of *ū into u
(a.) ‘vergebens’
(REW 3:440)
1. PIE *ō·si̯outi
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ō·si̯auti
2. ō·si̯auti
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *ā·si̯auti
3. ā·si̯auti
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *ā·si̯outi
4. ā·si̯outi
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
Rsi̯›š → *ā·šouti
5. ā·šouti
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *ā·šūti
6. ā·šūti
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
Rā›a → *a·šūti
7. a·šūti
*i → ĭ
Orthographic change of *i into ĭ
Ri›ĭ → *a·šūtĭ
8. a·šūtĭ
*ū → u
Orthographic change of *ū into u
(a.) ‘hornlos’
(REW 3:440)
1. PIE *si̯outo
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *si̯auta
2. si̯auta
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *si̯outo
3. si̯outo
*-o → -u
Change of root-final o into u
R=o›=u → *si̯outu
4. si̯outu
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
Rsi̯›š → *šoutu
5. šoutu
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *šūtu
6. šūtu
*u → ŭ
Orthographic change of *u into ŭ
Ru›ŭ → *šūtŭ
7. šūtŭ
*ū → u
Orthographic change of *ū into u
(m.) ‘Brachfeld’ (dial.)
(REW 3:440)
1. PIE *si̯out·ímo
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *si̯aut·íma
2. si̯aut·íma
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *si̯out·ímo
3. si̯out·ímo
*-o → -u
Change of root-final o into u
R=o›=u → *si̯out·ímu
4. si̯out·ímu
* si̯ → š
Change of si̯ into š
Rsi̯›š → *šout·ímu
5. šout·ímu
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *šūt·ímu
6. šūt·ímu
*-u → Ø
Loss of -u in root-final position
R=u›=0 → *šūt·ím
7. šūt·ím
*í → é
Change of *i into e
Rí›é → *šūt·ém
8. šūt·ém
*ū → u
Orthographic change of *ū into u
(HEG A:83)
(HED 1:211f., HIL. 262, KLuN. 448f., EHS 400, DLL. 33)
(a.n.) ‘arm’
(HHand. 27)
(Hitt. a-aš-ši-ua-an)
1. PIE *osiu̯on-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯an-
2. asiu̯an-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘arm’ (c.) ‘Armer: MÁŠDA’ (HEG A:83)
(HHand. 27)
(Hitt. a-ši-ua-an-za, a-ši-ua-an-ta-an)
1. PIE *osiu̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯ant-
2. asiu̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.gen.) ‘of poverty’
(HIL. 262)
(CLu. a-aš-ši-ua-an-ta-at-ta-na-a-ši-iš)
1. PIE *osiu̯ontonosi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antanasi-
2. asiu̯antanasi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
CLu. ašiu̯antanaši-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘poverty’ (KLuN. 448f.)
(HIL. 262)
(CLu. a-aš-ši-ua-an-ta-at-tar)
1. PIE *osiu̯ontodɑɦor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *osiu̯ontodɦor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. osiu̯ontodɦor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antadɦar-
3. asiu̯antadɦar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *asiu̯antadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. asiu̯antadar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
CLu. ašiu̯antadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘poverty’
(HIL. 262)
(Hitt. a-š[i-u]a-an-ta-tar)
1. PIE *osiu̯ontodɑɦor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *osiu̯ontodɦor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. osiu̯ontodɦor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antadɦar-
3. asiu̯antadɦar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *asiu̯antadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. asiu̯antadar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. ašiu̯antadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.fient.) ‘arm werden: become poor’
(HIL. 262)
(Hitt. a-ši-ua-an-te-eš-zi, EHS 400)
1. PIE *osiu̯ontes-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antes-
2. asiu̯antes-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘arm werden: become poor’
(HIL. 262)
(Hitt. a-ši-ua-an-te-eš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *osiu̯onteski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osiu̯ontesḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osiu̯ontesḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antesḱe/a-
3. asiu̯antesḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *asiu̯anteske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. asiu̯anteske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. ašiu̯anteške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.pt.) ‘arm’ (c.) ‘Armer’
(HEG A:83)
1. PIE *osiu̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯ant-
2. asiu̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.obl.) ‘Armut’
(DLL. 33)
(CLu. ašiuantana)
1. PIE *osiu̯onton-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antan-
2. asiu̯antan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.gen.) ‘of poverty’
(DLL. 33)
(CLu. a-aš-ši-ua-an-ta-at-ta-na-aš-ši-[iš])
1. PIE *osiu̯ontotonosi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asiu̯antatanasi-
2. asiu̯antatanasi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
CLu. ašiu̯antatanaši-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √si- √soi- √sei- (sb.) ‘Lager, Vorrat, Schatz, Magazin’ (vb.) ‘legen, vorhanden sein’
(IEW –)
(Én.) ‘Schatzhaus, Magazin’
(HHand. 151)
(Hitt. É ši-ia-an-na-aš [sgG], if not ‘Haus der Siegelung’, see HEG S:706)
1. PIE *sei̯on-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sei̯an-
2. sei̯an-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Habe, Besitz’
(WbRV. 1518)
1. PIE *síno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(m.pret.pt.) ‘Vorrat, Lager, Verpflegung’
(KEWA 3:466)
1. PIE *síno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(a.) ‘das [= tat] als Vorrat habend’
(WbRV. 513)
1. PIE *Π·sino-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(a.) ‘reich an Besitz’ (KEWA 3:466)
(WbRV. 1518)
1. PIE *síno·u̯ot-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sína·u̯at-
2. sína·u̯at-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(pt.a.) ‘gelegen, befindlich’
(Lat. situs)
(pr.1.) ‘vorhanden sein’
(WH. 2:335)
1. PIE *po.sitēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *po.sitāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. po.sitāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *po.sitāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. po.sitāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
PIE √sin- √soin- √sein- (aff.) ‘ohne, -los, un-’
(IEW 318, 907)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Celt.)
(prep.Abl) ‘ohne’
(WH. 2:542)
(vb.) ‘nier, désavouer, rejeter’
(LEIA S-84)
(OIr. noco sénaim-si ‘je ne nie pas’)
1. PIE *seinēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *seināɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. seināɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seināh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. seināh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *seinā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. seinā-
*ei → ē
Monophthongization of *ei into ē
Rei›ē → *sēnā-
5. sēnā-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
(f.) ‘the act of rejecting’
(LEIA S-84)
(OIr. a sēna ‘la r.’)
1. PIE *seinēɑht-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *seināɑht-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. seināɑht-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seināht-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. seināht-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *seināt-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. seināt-
*ei → ē
Monophthongization of *ei into ē
Rei›ē → *sēnāt-
5. sēnāt-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
(prep.Abl) ‘ohne’
(WH. 2:542)
(a.) ‘unvermischt, ohne Fehler, rein, echt’
(WH. 2:541-2)
1. PIE *sin·ki̯ēro-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sin·ḱēro-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sin·ḱēro-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sin·kēro-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sin·kēro-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(a.) ‘unvermischt, ohne Fehler, rein, echt’
(WH. 2:541-2)
1. PIE *sin·ki̯ēri-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sin·ḱēri-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sin·ḱēri-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sin·kēri-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sin·kēri-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(a.) ‘mittellos, arm: Akd. makû’
(HEG S:1053-4)
(cf. Hitt. √urra- ‘help’)
1. PIE *sin·uro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sin·ura-
2. sin·ura-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sibɑɦ- √soibɑɦ- √seibɑɦ- (sb.) ‘Eiter, Rotz, Speichel’
(IEW –)
(c.) ‘Eiter, Augenbutter, Akd. bubu’tu(m)’
(HHand. 149, 151)
(Hitt. šipa-, šepa-, HEG S:1054-5)
1. PIE *seibɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seibɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. seibɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *seibɦa-
3. seibɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *seiba-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. seiba-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘Rotz, Speichel’
(KEWA 3:502)
1. PIE *seibɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seibɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. seibɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *seibɦa-
3. seibɦa-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *saibɦa-
4. saibɦa-
ai → ē
Monophthongization of *ai
Rai›ē → *sēbɦa-
5. sēbɦa-
ɦ → h
Change of ɦ into h
Rɦ›h → *sēbha-
6. sēbha-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(vb.) ‘laisser couler (urine)’
(LEIA S-108)
(MidIr. co ro ṡiblur; contains PIE *lo- *l- *le- ‘lassen’ (IEW 666))
1. PIE *Π·sibɑɦlo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sibɦlo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sibɦlo-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
(fut.) ‘couler, laisser couler’
(LEIA S-108)
(MidIr. siblad [3sg])
1. PIE *sibɑɦleɑh-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *sibɑɦlaɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. sibɑɦlaɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sibɦlah-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sibɦlah-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sibɦla-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sibɦla-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
(m.) ‘Rotz, Speichel: mucus, spittle’
(EWA 2:746)
(KEWA 3:503)
1. PIE *seibɑɦu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seibɦu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. seibɦu-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *saibɦu-
3. saibɦu-
ai → ē
Monophthongization of *ai
Rai›ē → *sēbɦu-
4. sēbɦu-
ɦ → h
Change of ɦ into h
Rɦ›h → *sēbhu-
5. sēbhu-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
PIE √siu- (sb.) ‘Wasser, Fluß, Quelle’
(IEW –)
(FlNc.) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1591)
(OGaul. siuolis [sgN])
1. PIE *siu̯oli-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(PNf.) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1591)
(OGaul. siuella [sgN])
1. PIE *siu̯elnēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *siu̯elnāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. siu̯elnāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *siu̯elnāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. siu̯elnāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *siu̯elnā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. siu̯elnā-
PIE *ln → ll
Assimilation of PIE *ln into ll
Rln›ll → *siu̯ellā-
5. siu̯ellā-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(PÚ.) ‘-(?)-’
(OGH. 550)
(Hitt. ši-ua-an-na, ši-ua-an-na-aš, ’Kontex: QN Dupša, Kummajani, Ḫašḫannari, Ḫalwanna, FlN Šigašiga’)
1. PIE *siu̯ono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯ana-
2. siu̯ana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.?) ‘‹Gewässer, Fluß, Quelle?›’
(DLL. 87)
(CLu. ši-ua-an-na, KUB xxxv 8 Vs. i 8; HHand. 153)
1. PIE *siu̯ono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯ana-
2. siu̯ana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Ic.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1162)
(Kpd. ší-ua-na-lá)
1. PIE *siu̯ono·lo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *siu̯ana·la-
2. siu̯ana·la-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √skɑhu- √sokɑhu- √sekɑhu- (vb.) ‘movere’ (sb.) ‘Fussohle, Oberschenkel’
(IEW 930)
(Kühne 1986:103; Pyysalo)
(HEG P:523-4)
(vb.) ‘remove’
(CHD P:208-9)
(≠ Hitt. pa·šku- ‘neglect’)
1. PIE *po·skɑhu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *po·skhu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. po·skhu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *pa·skhu-
3. pa·skhu-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *pa·sku-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. pa·sku-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Fussohle’
(AIWb. 1744)
1. PIE *sokɑhu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sokhu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sokhu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakhu̯a-
3. sakhu̯a-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sakha-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sakha-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *saxa-
5. saxa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(HEG S:738)
(sb.) ‘a body part onto which red wool was tied’
(CHD S:77)
(Hitt. ša-ku-iš-ša-i [sgDL])
1. PIE *sokɑhu̯iso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sokhu̯iso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sokhu̯iso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakhu̯isa-
3. sakhu̯isa-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *saku̯isa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. saku̯isa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Kühne 1986:103)
(n.) ‘der innere Teil des Oberschenkels’
(AIWb. 1745)
1. PIE *sokɑhut-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sokhut-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sokhut-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakhut-
3. sakhut-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sakht-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sakht-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *saxt-
5. saxt-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(n.) ‘Hüften, Oberschenkel o.ä.’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *sokɑhuto-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sokhuto-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sokhuto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakhuta-
3. sakhuta-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *sakuta-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. sakuta-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘der Schenkel, das Dickbein: thigh’
(KEWA 2:414)
1. PIE *sókɑhuti-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sókhuti-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sókhuti-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *sákhuti-
3. sákhuti-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sákhti-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sákhti-
*Tht → Tth
Bartholomae’s Law
(SPIE §4.6.5.)
(n.) ‘der innere Teil des Oberschenkels’
(AIWb. 1745)
1. PIE *sokɑhuti-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sokhuti-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sokhuti-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakhuti-
3. sakhuti-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sakhti-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sakhti-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *saxti-
5. saxti-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(n.) ‘der Schenkel, das Dickbein’
(WbRV. 1440)
1. PIE *sokɑhutón-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sokhutón-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sokhutón-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakhutón-
3. sakhutón-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *sakhután-
4. sakhután-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sakhtán-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
5. sakhtán-
*Tht → Tth
Bartholomae’s Law
(SPIE §4.6.5.)
PIE √sgɑɦu- √segɑɦu- √sogɑɦu- (vb.) ‘(zu) tragen (vermögen), festhalten, erfassen’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + RV.)
(HEG S:834)
(LÚc.) ‘Priester ≈ LÚšanguni-’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. ša-ku-ni-e-eš [plN], šak-ku-ni-iš [plN])
1. PIE *sogɑɦuni-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogɦuni-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogɦuni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagɦuni-
3. sagɦuni-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *saguni-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. saguni-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘(zu) tragen (vermögen), festhalten, erfassen’
(WbRV. 1443)
1. PIE *segɑɦuneú-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *segɦuneú-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. segɦuneú-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *segɦneú-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
3. segɦneú-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *sagɦnaú-
4. sagɦnaú-
aú → ṓ
Monophthongization of *aú
Raú›ṓ → *sagɦnṓ-
5. sagɦnṓ-
ɦ → h
Change of ɦ into h
Rɦ›h → *saghnṓ-
6. saghnṓ-
*ṓ → ó
Change of ṓ into ó
PIE √sgɑɦu- √sogɑɦu- √segɑɦu- (vb.) ‘manere, remanere’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Toch; or PIE √sku- soku- seku-?)
(pret.) ‘remain: bleiben’
(DTochB. 680)
(TochA. sāk)
1. PIE *sōgɑɦu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sōgɦu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sōgɦu-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sāgɦu-
3. sāgɦu-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sāgɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sāgɦ-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sāg-
5. sāg-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
(vb.) ‘manere, remanere’
(Poucha 357)
1. PIE *sogɑɦu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogɦu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogɦu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagɦu̯a-
3. sagɦu̯a-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sagɦa-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sagɦa-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *saga-
5. saga-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
(vb.) ‘stay, remain, be’
(DTochB. 679-70)
(TochB. [sa]sākauwa])
1. PIE *sosōgɑɦu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sosōgɦu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sosōgɦu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasōgɦu̯a-
3. sasōgɦu̯a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sasāgɦu̯a-
4. sasāgɦu̯a-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sasāgɦa-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
5. sasāgɦa-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sasāga-
6. sasāga-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
(vb.) ‘hold oneself back’
(DTochB. 680)
(TochA. sākässi [inf.])
1. PIE *sōgɑɦu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sōgɦu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sōgɦu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sōgɦu̯a-
3. sōgɦu̯a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sāgɦu̯a-
4. sāgɦu̯a-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sāgɦa-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
5. sāgɦa-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sāga-
6. sāga-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
CHD S:58ff.)
(SHV 29, 352; HIL. 815; HEG S:748f.)
(a.) ‘unterbrochen, verzögert’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. šaguant-)
1. PIE *sogɑɦu̯ont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogɦu̯ont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogɦu̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagɦu̯ant-
3. sagɦu̯ant-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagu̯ant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. sagu̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
Hitt. šer (...) šagu̯an·dari̯a-
(vb.) ‘sich oben aufhalten’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. šer (...) šaguandaria-)
1. PIE *Π·sogɑɦu̯on·dɑɦori̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sogɦu̯on·dɦori̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sogɦu̯on·dɦori̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sagɦu̯an·dɦari̯a-
3. Π·sagɦu̯an·dɦari̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·sagu̯an·dari̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·sagu̯an·dari̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·šagu̯an·dari̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘unterbleiben, ungefeiert lassen’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. ša-ku-ua-an-ta-ri-ia-zi)
1. PIE *sogɑɦu̯on·dɑɦori̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogɦu̯on·dɦori̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogɦu̯on·dɦori̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagɦu̯an·dɦari̯a-
3. sagɦu̯an·dɦari̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagu̯an·dari̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. sagu̯an·dari̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šagu̯an·dari̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(cs.) ‘ungefeiert bleiben (Feste)’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. šagundarianu-)
1. PIE *sogɑɦun·dɑɦori̯onu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogɦun·dɦori̯onu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogɦun·dɦori̯onu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagɦun·dɦari̯anu-
3. sagɦun·dɦari̯anu-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagun·dari̯anu-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. sagun·dari̯anu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šagun·dari̯anu-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.M.) ‘hold oneself (back), abide’
(DTochB. 679)
(TochB. s[a]kṣtär)
1. PIE *sogɑɦusi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogɦusi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogɦusi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagɦusi-
3. sagɦusi-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sagɦsi-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. sagɦsi-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sagsi-
5. sagsi-
*si → ṣ
Palatalization of *si
Rsi›ṣ → *sagṣ-
6. sagṣ-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
(vb.) ‘leave behind, restrain’
(DTochB. 679)
(TochB. sākäske)
1. PIE *sōgɑɦu̯oski-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sōgɦu̯oski-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sōgɦu̯oski-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sōgɦu̯osḱ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sōgɦu̯osḱ-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sōgɦu̯asḱ-
4. sōgɦu̯asḱ-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sāgɦu̯asḱ-
5. sāgɦu̯asḱ-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sāgɦasḱ-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
6. sāgɦasḱ-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sāgɦask-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. sāgɦask-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sāgask-
8. sāgask-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
PIE √skhɑl- √skehɑl- √skhɑel- (sb.) ‘Schenkel’ (a.) ‘krümm: improbus’ (sb.) ‘schwanken, fehl gehen’
(IEW 928, 929)
(Pyysalo: CLu.)
(m.) ‘Schenkel’
(GEW 2:723-4)
(Gr. σκέλος)
1. PIE *skéhɑlo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skéhlo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. skéhlo-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *skélo-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. skélo-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(f.) ‘≈ Rippenfleisch, Keule, Speckseite’
(GEW 2:837-8)
(Gr. σκελίς)
1. PIE *skehɑlíɦɑd-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skehlíɦd-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. skehlíɦd-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *skehlíd-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. skehlíd-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *skelíd-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. skelíd-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘krumm: improbus’
(GEW 2:723)
(Gr. σκολιός)
1. PIE *skohɑlii̯ó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skohlii̯ó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. skohlii̯ó-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *skolii̯ó-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. skolii̯ó-
*Vi̯V → VhV
Change of *i̯ into h between vowels
RVi̯V›VV → *skolió-
4. skolió-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘krummbeinig’
(GEW 2:723)
(Gr. σκελλός)
1. PIE *skehɑlnó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skehlnó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. skehlnó-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *skelnó-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. skelnó-
PIE *ln → ll
Assimilation of PIE *ln into ll
Rln›ll → *skelló-
4. skelló-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(IEW 929)
(WP. 2:599)
(pr.) ‘fehl gehen, stolpern, schwanken’
(KEWA 3:509)
(OInd. skhálate [3sg])
1. PIE *skhɑéLo-
PIE *ɑé → ɑá
Møller's rule for PIE *aé
Rɑé›ɑá → *skhɑáLo-
2. skhɑáLo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skháLo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. skháLo-
PIE *L → l
Preservation of *l in IIr.
RL›l → *skhálo-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
4. skhálo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(sb.) ‘Fehler, Irritum, Mangel’
(ArmGr. 1:490-1)
(EtDiArm. 580)
1. PIE *skhɑelò-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *skhɑalò-
2. skhɑalò-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skhalò-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. skhalò-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *sxalò-
4. sxalò-
*o → Ø
Loss of *ò
(a.) ‘fehlerhaft, mangelnd, zu wenig’
(ArmGr. 1:490-1)
1. PIE *skhɑelò-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *skhɑalò-
2. skhɑalò-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skhalò-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. skhalò-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *sxalò-
4. sxalò-
*o → Ø
Loss of *ò
(pr.) ‘straucheln, irren, sündigen, verfehlen’
(ArmGr. 1:490-1)
(Arm. sxalim [1sg])
1. PIE *skhɑelē-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *skhɑalē-
2. skhɑalē-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skhalē-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. skhalē-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *sxalē-
4. sxalē-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
(a.) ‘taumelnd fehlgegangen, woran etwas fehlt, zu wenig’
(KEWA 3:509)
1. PIE *skhɑeLitó-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *skhɑaLitó-
2. skhɑaLitó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skhaLitó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. skhaLitó-
PIE *L → l
Preservation of *l in IIr.
RL›l → *skhalitó-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
4. skhalitó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(a.) ‘taumelnd (im Rausch)’
(ArmGr. 1:490)
(EtDiArm. 580-1)
1. PIE *skhɑel·ēɑhgò-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *skhɑal·ēɑhgò-
2. skhɑal·ēɑhgò-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *skhɑal·āɑhgò-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. skhɑal·āɑhgò-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skhal·āhgò-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. skhal·āhgò-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *skhal·āgò-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. skhal·āgò-
*kh → x
Affricativization of *kh
Rkh›x → *sxal·āgò-
6. sxal·āgò-
*g → k
Loss of voice of media *g
Rg›k → *sxal·ākò-
7. sxal·ākò-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
Rā›a → *sxal·akò-
8. sxal·akò-
*o → Ø
Loss of *ò
(pt.) ‘(etwas Negatives)’
(DLL. 84)
(CLu. ša-kal-da-am-ma [n.plNA])
1. PIE *skhɑelto·mo-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *skhɑalto·mo-
2. skhɑalto·mo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *skhalto·mo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. skhalto·mo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *skhalta·ma-
4. skhalta·ma-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *skalta·ma-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. skalta·ma-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √ski- √oski- √eski- (vb.) ‘gehen’ (sb.) ‘Tor, Tür’
(IEW 49)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Arm.)
(URU.) ‘= URUkaka = URUkaška = URUTor/Tür’
(OGH. 190-2)
(Hitt. aš-aš-qa)
1. PIE *os·oski̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *os·osḱo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. os·osḱo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *as·asḱa-
3. as·asḱa-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *as·aska-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. as·aska-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Tor, Tür: Sum. KA’ (HHand. 27)
(HEG A:84)
1. PIE *oski̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osḱo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osḱo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asḱa-
3. asḱa-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *aska-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. aska-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(adv.) ‘von draußen’
(HED 1:212ff.)
(Hitt. aškaz ‹for the semantics cf. Lat. forīs›)
1. PIE *oski̯o·Σ
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osḱo·Σ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osḱo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asḱa·Σ
3. asḱa·Σ
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *aska·Σ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. aska·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(dc.) ‘-(?)-’
(OHP. 1:51-52)
(Hitt. aš-ka-še-pa, aš-ka-ši-pa , a-aš-ga-še-pa, Otten 1971:32+n36, REL. 88-89, Aspects 5, 6, 1, GhR. 281, 299, 582, 613-4; RDH. 67)
1. PIE *oski̯o·Σ
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osḱo·Σ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osḱo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asḱa·Σ
3. asḱa·Σ
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *aska·Σ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. aska·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(ḪUR.SAG.) ‘-(?)-, im Land Pala?’
(OGH. 47-8, OGHErg. 15)
(Hitt. aš-ga-ši-pa, a-aš-ka-ši-pa-aš)
1. PIE *oski̯o·Σ
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osḱo·Σ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osḱo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asḱa·Σ
3. asḱa·Σ
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *aska·Σ
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. aska·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(fc.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 169)
(Hitt. aš-qa-ia-ni-iš [sgN]
1. PIE *oski̯o·ii̯oni-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osḱo·ii̯oni-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osḱo·ii̯oni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asḱa·ii̯ani-
3. asḱa·ii̯ani-
*aii̯a → aia
Loss of *i̯ between *ai and *a
Raii̯a›aia → *asḱa·iani-
4. asḱa·iani-
* a i a → a i̯ a
Desyllabification of *i between *a and *a
Raia›ai̯a → *asḱa·i̯ani-
5. asḱa·i̯ani-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *aska·i̯ani-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. aska·i̯ani-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚc.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 171)
(Kpd. aš-kà-na-šu)
1. PIE *oski̯o·nosu-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *osḱo·nosu-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. osḱo·nosu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asḱa·nasu-
3. asḱa·nasu-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *aska·nasu-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. aska·nasu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(IEW 49 [diff.])
(ao.) ‘vorübergehen’
(Pedersen 1906 [KZ 39]:425)
(Arm. ēancʼ)
1. PIE *hɑen·ski-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *hɑan·ski-
2. hɑan·ski-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *han·ski-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. han·ski-
PIE *ki/i̯ → ć
1st palatalization of *ki/i̯
RkI›ć → *han·sć-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. han·sć-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *an·sć-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. an·sć-
*sć → cʼ
Change of sć into cʼ
(pr.) ‘vorübergehen’
(WP. 1:65-6)
(Arm. ancʼanem [1sg])
1. PIE *hɑen·ski·eɑhne-
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *hɑan·ski·eɑhne-
2. hɑan·ski·eɑhne-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *hɑan·ski·aɑhne-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
3. hɑan·ski·aɑhne-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *han·ski·ahne-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. han·ski·ahne-
PIE *ki/i̯ → ć
1st palatalization of *ki/i̯
RkI›ć → *han·sć·ahne-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. han·sć·ahne-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *an·sć·ane-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. an·sć·ane-
*sć → cʼ
Change of sć into cʼ
PIE √skiɑh- (vb.) ‘wissen’ (sb.) ‘Zeichen’
(IEW 919 [diff.])
(Vaillant 1942-5:84f.; Pyysalo: OIcl. + Goth.)
(HEG S:714ff.)
HIL. 802, CHD S:32-5)
(c.) ‘Zeichen, Vorzeichen, Omen: GISKIM’
(HHand. 138)
(Hitt. ša-ga-a-iš, ša-ga-iš)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦoi-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦoi-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦai-
4. saǵɦai-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦai-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦai-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. sagai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.obl.) ‘Zeichen, Vorzeichen, Omen: GISKIM’
(HHand. 138)
(Hitt. ša-ki-ia-aš, ša-a-ki-ia-az)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦei-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦei-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦei-
4. saǵɦei-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦei-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦei-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. sagei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Vaillant 1942-5:84f.)
(vb.2.) ‘ein Zeichen geben’
(HHand. 65)
(Hitt. iš-kit9-ta-aḫ-ḫi [3sg] ‹contains Hitt. √taḫ- ‘geben’›)
1. PIE *Π·ski̯ɑhi·tōɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·ski̯hi·tōɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·ski̯hi·tōɦ-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·sḱhi·tōɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. Π·sḱhi·tōɦ-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sḱhi·tāɦ-
4. Π·sḱhi·tāɦ-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·skhi·tāɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. Π·skhi·tāɦ-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·ski·tāɦ-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. Π·ski·tāɦ-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·ški·tāɦ-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. Π·ški·tāɦ-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pf.) ‘in Erfahrung gebracht haben, wissen’
(Lat. sciit [3sg])
1. PIE *ski̯ɑ́hi-
PIE *ɑ́ḫi → íḫi
Distant assimilation of *ɑ́ and *i
Rɑ́Hi›íHi → *ski̯íhi-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. ski̯íhi-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sḱíhi-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sḱíhi-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sḱíi-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sḱíi-
*íi → ī́
Contraction of í and i
Ríi›ī́ → *sḱī́-
5. sḱī́-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *skī́-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. skī́-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
Rk›c → *scī́-
7. scī́-
*ī́ → ī
Loss/Absence of accent
(n.) ‘Verstellung, Zauberei’
(ANEtWb. 491a)
1. PIE *ski̯ɑ́hi̯o
PIE *i̯ɑ́ → i̯í
Assimilation of *i̯ and *ɑ́
Ri̯ɑ́›i̯í → *ski̯íhi̯o
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. ski̯íhi̯o
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sḱíhi̯o
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sḱíhi̯o
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sḱíi̯o
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sḱíi̯o
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *skíi̯o
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. skíi̯o
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *skíi̯a
6. skíi̯a
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *skíi̯
7. skíi̯
Change of root final íi̯ into ī́
R=íi̯›=ī́ → *skī́
8. skī́
*ī́ → ī
Loss/Absence of accent
(pf.) ‘in Erfahrung gebracht haben, wissen’
(Lat. scīuit [3sg])
1. PIE *ski̯ɑ́hiu
PIE *ɑ́ḫi → íḫi
Distant assimilation of *ɑ́ and *i
Rɑ́Hi›íHi → *ski̯íhiu
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. ski̯íhiu
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sḱíhiu
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sḱíhiu
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sḱíiu
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sḱíiu
*íi → ī́
Contraction of í and i
Ríi›ī́ → *sḱī́u
5. sḱī́u
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *skī́u
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. skī́u
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
Rk›c → *scī́u
7. scī́u
*ī́ → ī
Loss/Absence of accent
(f.) ‘ein Anzeichen (glücklich oder unglücklich)’
(WH. 2:485)
1. PIE *ski̯eɑhiu̯ēɑh-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *ski̯aɑhiu̯ēɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. ski̯aɑhiu̯ēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *ski̯aɑhiu̯āɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. ski̯aɑhiu̯āɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ski̯ahiu̯āh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. ski̯ahiu̯āh-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sḱahiu̯āh-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sḱahiu̯āh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sḱaiu̯ā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. sḱaiu̯ā-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *skaiu̯ā-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. skaiu̯ā-
*ai → ae
Opening of *ai into ae
Rai›ae → *skaeu̯ā-
8. skaeu̯ā-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
Rk›c → *scaeu̯ā-
9. scaeu̯ā-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(f.) ‘αἴνιγμα, εἰκών, τύπος, ὑπόδειγμα, ὑποτύπωσις’
(GoEtD. F96)
(Goth. frisahtai Joh 13,15 CA)
1. PIE *pre·sogi̯ɑɦtēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *pre·sogi̯ɑɦtāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. pre·sogi̯ɑɦtāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *pre·sogi̯ɦtāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. pre·sogi̯ɦtāh-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *pre·soǵɦtāh-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. pre·soǵɦtāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *pre·soǵɦtā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. pre·soǵɦtā-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *pre·sogɦtā-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. pre·sogɦtā-
gɦt -› gt
Deaspiration of ǥɦ before t
Rǥɦt›gt → *pre·sogtā-
7. pre·sogtā-
*g → k
Devoicing of *g before *t
Rgt›kt → *pre·soktā-
8. pre·soktā-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *pre·soxtā-
9. pre·soxtā-
*p → f
Affricativization of *p
Rp›f → *fre·soxtā-
10. fre·soxtā-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *fre·saxtā-
11. fre·saxtā-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *fre·saxtō-
12. fre·saxtō-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *fri·saxtō-
13. fri·saxtō-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
Rx›h → *fri·sahtō-
14. fri·sahtō-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
(f.) ‘Bild, Beispiel Rätsel: exemplum, forma, imago’
(GoEtD. F96)
(Goth. frisahts 2Kr 4,4 A B, frisaht 1Kr 15,49 A B,
1. PIE *pre·sogi̯ɑɦti-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *pre·sogi̯ɦti-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. pre·sogi̯ɦti-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *pre·soǵɦti-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. pre·soǵɦti-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *pre·sogɦti-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. pre·sogɦti-
gɦt -› gt
Deaspiration of ǥɦ before t
Rǥɦt›gt → *pre·sogti-
5. pre·sogti-
*g → k
Devoicing of *g before *t
Rgt›kt → *pre·sokti-
6. pre·sokti-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *pre·soxti-
7. pre·soxti-
*p → f
Affricativization of *p
Rp›f → *fre·soxti-
8. fre·soxti-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *fre·saxti-
9. fre·saxti-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *fri·saxti-
10. fri·saxti-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
(pr.) ‘abbilden: shape, form: ἐντυποῦν: deformare’
(GoEtD. F96)
(Goth. gafrisahtiþ [3sg] 2Kr 3,7 A B)
1. PIE *gɑɦo·pre·sogi̯ɑɦti̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *gɦo·pre·sogi̯ɦti̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. gɦo·pre·sogi̯ɦti̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *gɦo·pre·soǵɦti̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. gɦo·pre·soǵɦti̯o-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *gɦo·pre·sogɦti̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. gɦo·pre·sogɦti̯o-
gɦt -› gt
Deaspiration of ǥɦ before t
Rǥɦt›gt → *gɦo·pre·sogti̯o-
5. gɦo·pre·sogti̯o-
*g → k
Devoicing of *g before *t
Rgt›kt → *gɦo·pre·sokti̯o-
6. gɦo·pre·sokti̯o-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *gɦo·pre·soxti̯o-
7. gɦo·pre·soxti̯o-
*p → f
Affricativization of *p
Rp›f → *gɦo·fre·soxti̯o-
8. gɦo·fre·soxti̯o-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *go·fre·soxti̯o-
9. go·fre·soxti̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ga·fre·saxti̯a-
10. ga·fre·saxti̯a-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *ga·fri·saxti̯a-
11. ga·fri·saxti̯a-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
Rx›h → *ga·fri·sahti̯a-
12. ga·fri·sahti̯a-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
Ri̯›j →
Goth. ga·fri·sahtja-
(pr.) ‘dargestellt werden: μορφοῦσθαι; formari’
(GoEtD. F96)
(Goth. gafrisahtnai [opt3sg] Gal 4,19 GlA, HbGo. 246,2)
1. PIE *gɑɦo·pre·sogi̯ɑɦtno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *gɦo·pre·sogi̯ɦtno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. gɦo·pre·sogi̯ɦtno-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *gɦo·pre·soǵɦtno-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. gɦo·pre·soǵɦtno-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *gɦo·pre·sogɦtno-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. gɦo·pre·sogɦtno-
gɦt -› gt
Deaspiration of ǥɦ before t
Rǥɦt›gt → *gɦo·pre·sogtno-
5. gɦo·pre·sogtno-
*g → k
Devoicing of *g before *t
Rgt›kt → *gɦo·pre·soktno-
6. gɦo·pre·soktno-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *gɦo·pre·soxtno-
7. gɦo·pre·soxtno-
*p → f
Affricativization of *p
Rp›f → *gɦo·fre·soxtno-
8. gɦo·fre·soxtno-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *go·fre·soxtno-
9. go·fre·soxtno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ga·fre·saxtna-
10. ga·fre·saxtna-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *ga·fri·saxtna-
11. ga·fri·saxtna-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
Rx›h →
Goth. ga·fri·sahtna-
(LÚc.a.ethn.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1084)
(Kpd. ša-ak-du-ma!-an!)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦtumon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦtumon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦtumon-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦtumon-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦtumon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦtuman-
4. saǵɦtuman-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦtuman-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦtuman-
gɦt -› gt
Deaspiration of ǥɦ before t
Rǥɦt›gt → *sagtuman-
6. sagtuman-
*g → k
Devoicing of *g before *t
Rgt›kt → *saktuman-
7. saktuman-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚc.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1085)
(Kpd. ša-ak-du-nu-a)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦtunu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦtunu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦtunu̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦtunu̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦtunu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦtunu̯a-
4. saǵɦtunu̯a-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦtunu̯a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦtunu̯a-
gɦt -› gt
Deaspiration of ǥɦ before t
Rǥɦt›gt → *sagtunu̯a-
6. sagtunu̯a-
*g → k
Devoicing of *g before *t
Rgt›kt → *saktunu̯a-
7. saktunu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sgiɑɦ- √sogiɑɦ- √segiɑh- (vb.) ‘sagen, mitteilen, reden’
(IEW 897f.)
(Pyysalo: HLu. + IIr. + Gr.)
(SPIE 421-2)
(IEW 897f. [diff.])
(vb.) ‘sagen, mitteilen’
(ANEtWb. 459)
1. PIE *segi̯ɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *segi̯ɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. segi̯ɦo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *seǵɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. seǵɦo-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *segɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. segɦo-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sego-
5. sego-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sega-
6. sega-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
(vb.) ‘sprechen: speak’
(Tischler 1990:87)
1. PIE *o·sogi̯ɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *o·sogi̯ɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. o·sogi̯ɦo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *o·soj́ɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. o·soj́ɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·saj́ɦa-
4. a·saj́ɦa-
*j́ɦ → zɦ
From Satem *j́ɦ to zɦ
Rj́ɦ›zɦ → *a·sazɦa-
5. a·sazɦa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *a·šazɦa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. a·šazɦa-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(f.) ‘Erzählung, Bericht, Saga’
(ANEtWb. 459)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦēɑh·n-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sogi̯ɑɦāɑh·n-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sogi̯ɑɦāɑh·n-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦāh·n-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sogi̯ɦāh·n-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦāh·n-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. soǵɦāh·n-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *soǵɦā·n-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. soǵɦā·n-
*āRC → aRC
Osthoff’s Law for *āRC
RāRC›aRC → *soǵɦa·n-
(SPIE §2.5.8)
6. soǵɦa·n-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sogɦa·n-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. sogɦa·n-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *soga·n-
8. soga·n-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(sb.) ‘tongue’
(OldP. 214-5)
(OMed. hazānam [sgA])
1. PIE *sosgi̯ɑɦēɑhno-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sosgi̯ɑɦāɑhno-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sosgi̯ɑɦāɑhno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sosgi̯ɦāhno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sosgi̯ɦāhno-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *sosj́ɦāhno-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sosj́ɦāhno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasj́ɦāhna-
5. sasj́ɦāhna-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sasj́ɦāna-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. sasj́ɦāna-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hasj́ɦāna-
7. hasj́ɦāna-
*j́ → z
From Satem *j́ to z
Rj́›z → *haszɦāna-
8. haszɦāna-
*zɦ → z
Loss of 'ɦ in media aspirata *zɦ
(vb.) ‘sagen, mitteilen’
(ANEtWb. 467)
(OIcl. segjan [inf.])
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦei̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦei̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦei̯o-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sogɦei̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sogɦei̯o-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sogei̯o-
5. sogei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagei̯a-
6. sagei̯a-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *sagii̯a-
7. sagii̯a-
*a – i i̯ → e – i̯
Umlaut for *a – ii̯
Ragii̯›egi̯ → *segi̯a-
8. segi̯a-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(a.) ‘redselig’
(ANEtWb. 578)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦúlo
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦúlo
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦúlo
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦúlo
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦúlo
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sogɦúlo
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sogɦúlo
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sogúlo
5. sogúlo
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagúla
6. sagúla
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *sagúl
7. sagúl
*a — ú → ǫ — ú
Umlaut for a — ú
Ragú›ǫgú → *sǫgúl
8. sǫgúl
*ú → u
Orthographic change of *ú into u
(f.) ‘narration’
(ASaxD. 434)
(gesagun, gesagune)
1. PIE *Π·sogi̯ɑɦun-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sogi̯ɦun-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sogi̯ɦun-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *Π·soǵɦun-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. Π·soǵɦun-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *Π·sogɦun-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. Π·sogɦun-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *Π·sogun-
5. Π·sogun-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(f.) ‘Sage, Aussage’
(ANEtWb. 578)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦun-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦun-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦun-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦun-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦun-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sogɦun-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sogɦun-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sogun-
5. sogun-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sagun-
6. sagun-
*a — u → ǫ — Ø
Umlaut for a — u
(ao.) ‘versprechen’
(Gr. ὑποσχέσθαι)
1. PIE *upo·sgi̯ɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *upo·sgi̯ɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. upo·sgi̯ɦo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *upo·sǵɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. upo·sǵɦo-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *upo·sḱho-
4. upo·sḱho-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *upo·skho-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. upo·skho-
u- → hu
Crescence of h before u-
Ru=›hu= → *hupo·skho-
6. hupo·skho-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(pf.) ‘versprechen’
(GEW 2:970)
(Gr. ὑπέσχημαι)
1. PIE *up.sésgiɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *up.sésgiɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. up.sésgiɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *up.sésgiɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. up.sésgiɦāh-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *up.sésǵɦāh-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. up.sésǵɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *up.sésǵɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. up.sésǵɦā-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *up.sésḱhā-
6. up.sésḱhā-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *up.séskhā-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. up.séskhā-
*ā → ē
Ion-Att. change of *ā into ē
Rā›ē → *up.séskhē-
8. up.séskhē-
u- → hu
Crescence of h before u-
Ru=›hu= → *hup.séskhē-
9. hup.séskhē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion.-Att. ὑπ.σέσχη-
(f.) ‘das Versprechen’
(GEW 2:970)
1. PIE *upo.sgiɑɦetsíēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *upo.sgiɑɦetsíāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. upo.sgiɑɦetsíāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *upo.sgiɦetsíāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. upo.sgiɦetsíāh-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *upo.sǵɦetsíāh-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. upo.sǵɦetsíāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *upo.sǵɦetsíā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. upo.sǵɦetsíā-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *upo.sḱhetsíā-
6. upo.sḱhetsíā-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *upo.skhetsíā-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. upo.skhetsíā-
*ts → s
Loss of dental in *ts
Rts›s → *upo.skhesíā-
8. upo.skhesíā-
*ā → ē
Ion-Att. change of *ā into ē
Rā›ē → *upo.skhesíē-
9. upo.skhesíē-
u- → hu
Crescence of h before u-
Ru=›hu= → *hupo.skhesíē-
10. hupo.skhesíē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion.-Att. ὑπο.σχεσίη-
(fut.) ‘versprechen’
(Gr. ὑποσχήσομαι)
1. PIE *upo.sgiɑɦḗɑhtso-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *upo.sgiɑɦā́ɑhtso-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. upo.sgiɑɦā́ɑhtso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *upo.sgiɦā́htso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. upo.sgiɦā́htso-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *upo.sǵɦā́htso-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. upo.sǵɦā́htso-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *upo.sǵɦā́tso-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. upo.sǵɦā́tso-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *upo.sḱhā́tso-
6. upo.sḱhā́tso-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *upo.skhā́tso-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. upo.skhā́tso-
*ts → s
Loss of dental in *ts
Rts›s → *upo.skhā́so-
8. upo.skhā́so-
*ā́ → ḗ
Ion-Att. change of *ā́ into ḗ
Rā́›ḗ → *upo.skhḗso-
9. upo.skhḗso-
u- → hu
Crescence of h before u-
Ru=›hu= → *hupo.skhḗso-
10. hupo.skhḗso-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion.-Att. ὑπο.σχήσο-
(vb.) ‘versprechen’
(GEW 1:970)
(Gr. ὑπίσχομαι)
1. PIE *up.sísgiɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *up.sísgiɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. up.sísgiɦo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *up.sísǵɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. up.sísǵɦo-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *up.sísḱho-
4. up.sísḱho-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *up.sískho-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. up.sískho-
u- → hu
Crescence of h before u-
Ru=›hu= → *hup.sískho-
6. hup.sískho-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.M.) ‘versprechen’
(Gr. ὑπισχνέομαι)
1. PIE *up.sisgiɑɦnéi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *up.sisgiɦnéi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. up.sisgiɦnéi̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *up.sisǵɦnéi̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. up.sisǵɦnéi̯o-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *up.sisḱhnéi̯o-
4. up.sisḱhnéi̯o-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *up.siskhnéi̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. up.siskhnéi̯o-
*Vi̯V → VhV
Change of *i̯ into h between vowels
RVi̯V›VV → *up.siskhnéo-
6. up.siskhnéo-
u- → hu
Crescence of h before u-
Ru=›hu= → *hup.siskhnéo-
7. hup.siskhnéo-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Gr. ὑπ.σισχνέο-
(m.) ‘Zunge: tongue’
(AIWb. 1815)
(gAv. hizvā [sgI], hizvō [sgG], hizubīš [plI])
1. PIE *sisgi̯ɑɦu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sisgi̯ɦu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sisgi̯ɦu-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIIr → *sišgi̯ɦu-
3. sišgi̯ɦu-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *sišj́ɦu-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sišj́ɦu-
*sj́ → j́
Change of sj́ into j́
Rsj́›j́ → *sij́ɦu-
5. sij́ɦu-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hij́ɦu-
6. hij́ɦu-
*j́ → z
From Satem *j́ to z
Rj́›z → *hizɦu-
7. hizɦu-
*zɦ → z
Loss of 'ɦ in media aspirata *zɦ
(f.) ‘Zunge’
(AIWb. 1816)
1. PIE *sisgi̯ɑɦu̯ēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sisgi̯ɑɦu̯āɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sisgi̯ɑɦu̯āɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sisgi̯ɦu̯āh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sisgi̯ɦu̯āh-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIIr → *sišgi̯ɦu̯āh-
4. sišgi̯ɦu̯āh-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *sišj́ɦu̯āh-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sišj́ɦu̯āh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sišj́ɦu̯ā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. sišj́ɦu̯ā-
*sj́ → j́
Change of sj́ into j́
Rsj́›j́ → *sij́ɦu̯ā-
7. sij́ɦu̯ā-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hij́ɦu̯ā-
8. hij́ɦu̯ā-
*j́ → z
From Satem *j́ to z
Rj́›z → *hizɦu̯ā-
9. hizɦu̯ā-
*zɦ → z
Loss of 'ɦ in media aspirata *zɦ
Rzɦ›z → *hizu̯ā-
10. hizu̯ā-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(n.) ‘Zunge: tongue’
(AIWb. 1816)
1. PIE *sisgi̯ɑɦu̯os-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sisgi̯ɦu̯os-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sisgi̯ɦu̯os-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIIr → *sišgi̯ɦu̯os-
3. sišgi̯ɦu̯os-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *sišj́ɦu̯os-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sišj́ɦu̯os-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sišj́ɦu̯as-
5. sišj́ɦu̯as-
*sj́ → j́
Change of sj́ into j́
Rsj́›j́ → *sij́ɦu̯as-
6. sij́ɦu̯as-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hij́ɦu̯ah-
7. hij́ɦu̯ah-
*j́ → z
From Satem *j́ to z
Rj́›z → *hizɦu̯ah-
8. hizɦu̯ah-
*zɦ → z
Loss of 'ɦ in media aspirata *zɦ
Rzɦ›z → *hizu̯ah-
9. hizu̯ah-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
PIE √sgiɑɦ- √sogiɑɦ- √segiɑɦ- (vb.) ‘ergreifen, halten, haben, siegen’ (a.) ‘fest, sicher’
(IEW 889 [seǵh-])
(Čop 1955a:397f.; Pyysalo; or PIE √sgɑɦi-?)
(pr.) ‘besitzen, halten, haben’
(GEW 1:602f.)
(Gr. ἔχω)
1. PIE *ségi̯ɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ségi̯ɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. ségi̯ɦo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *séǵɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. séǵɦo-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *séḱho-
4. séḱho-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sékho-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sékho-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hékho-
6. hékho-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(m.) ‘Gewalt, Sieg’
(ACSS 2:1444)
(OGaul. sego-)
1. PIE *segi̯ɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *segi̯ɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. segi̯ɦo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *seǵɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. seǵɦo-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *segɦo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. segɦo-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
(PN.?) ‘‹here if connected to OGaul. sego-›’
(ACSS 2:1597)
(OGaul. sog. [sgN?])
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦ-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦ-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sogɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sogɦ-
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
(a.) ‘gewaltig, siegreich’
(WbRV. 889)
1. PIE *prō·sógi̯ɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *prō·sógi̯ɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. prō·sógi̯ɦ-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *prō·sój́ɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. prō·sój́ɦ-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *prō·sáj́ɦ-
4. prō·sáj́ɦ-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *prā·sáj́ɦ-
5. prā·sáj́ɦ-
*j́ɦ → ɦ
From Satem *j́ɦ to ɦ
Rj́ɦ›ɦ → *prā·sáɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. prā·sáɦ-
ɦ → h
Change of ɦ into h
(f.) ‘Gewalt’
(WbRV. 889)
1. PIE *prō·sógi̯ɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *prō·sógi̯ɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. prō·sógi̯ɦ-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *prō·sój́ɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. prō·sój́ɦ-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *prō·sáj́ɦ-
4. prō·sáj́ɦ-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *prā·sáj́ɦ-
5. prā·sáj́ɦ-
*j́ɦ → ɦ
From Satem *j́ɦ to ɦ
Rj́ɦ›ɦ → *prā·sáɦ-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. prā·sáɦ-
ɦ → h
Change of ɦ into h
(a.) ‘fest, sicher’
(GEW 1:603)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦó-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦó-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦó-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *soḱhó-
4. soḱhó-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sokhó-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sokhó-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hokhó-
6. hokhó-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(Pyysalo, HEG S:724)
(CHD S:44ff.)
(c.) ‘Brauch, Sitte, Ritus, Zeremonie, Amtspflicht, traditionelle Aufwendung’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. ša-ak-la-iš [N], ša-ak-la-in [A], ša-ak-la-a-ia-aš [G], ša-ak-la-ia-za [Abl])
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦloi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦloi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦloi-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦloi-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦloi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦlai-
4. saǵɦlai-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦlai-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦlai-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *saglai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. saglai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Brauch, Sitte, Ritus, Zeremonie, Amtspflicht, traditionelle Aufwendung’
(HIL. 808)
(Hitt. ša-ak-li-in [sgA], ša-ak-li-ia [sgDL])
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦlei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦlei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦlei-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦlei-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦlei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦlei-
4. saǵɦlei-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦlei-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦlei-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *saglei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. saglei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Ic.) ‘‹cf. above?›’
(NOMS. 1080)
(Kpd. sá-ak-li-a)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦlei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦlei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦlei̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦlei̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦlei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦlei̯a-
4. saǵɦlei̯a-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦlei̯a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦlei̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *saglei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. saglei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Čop 1955a:397f.)
(a.) ‘haltbar, fest, sicher’
(GEW 1:602)
(Gr. ἐχυρός)
1. PIE *segiɑɦuró-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *segiɦuró-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. segiɦuró-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *seǵɦuró-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. seǵɦuró-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *seḱhuró-
4. seḱhuró-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sekhuró-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sekhuró-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hekhuró-
6. hekhuró-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘siegreich, sieggewohnt’
(WbRV. 1505)
(RV. sáhuriṣ; or *sógiɑɦuri-?)
1. PIE *ségiɑɦuri-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ségiɦuri-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. ségiɦuri-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *séj́ɦuri-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. séj́ɦuri-
*j́ɦ → ɦ
From Satem *j́ɦ to ɦ
Rj́ɦ›ɦ → *séɦuri-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. séɦuri-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
Ré›á → *sáɦuri-
5. sáɦuri-
ɦ → h
Change of ɦ into h
(HEG S:741)
(Čop 1955a:397f.)
(a.) ‘haltbar, fest, sicher’
(GEW 1:602)
(Gr. ὀχυρός)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦuró-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦuró-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦuró-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦuró-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦuró-
*ǵɦ → ḱh
Loss of voice of media aspirata *ǵɦ
Rǵɦ›ḱh → *soḱhuró-
4. soḱhuró-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sokhuró-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sokhuró-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hokhuró-
6. hokhuró-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.1.) ‘niederstrecken, vergewaltigen, überwältigen’
(HEG S:741)
(Hitt. šakuriatari, šakuriata)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦurei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦurei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦurei̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦurei̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. soǵɦurei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦurei̯a-
4. saǵɦurei̯a-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦurei̯a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sagɦurei̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagurei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. sagurei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘niederstrecken, vergewaltigen, überwältigen’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *sogi̯ɑɦureiski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sogi̯ɦureiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sogi̯ɦureiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sogi̯ɦureisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. sogi̯ɦureisḱe/o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *soǵɦureisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. soǵɦureisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saǵɦureisḱe/a-
5. saǵɦureisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *saǵɦureiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. saǵɦureiske/a-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sagɦureiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
7. sagɦureiske/a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sagureiske/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
8. sagureiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šagureiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sku- √soku- √seku- (vb.) ‘sehen, behüten; zeigen’ (sb.) ‘Auge(n)’
(IEW 897-8)
(Sturtevant 1927:163)
(pret.sg) ‘sehen: see, look, observe: spicere, videre’
(GoEtD. S8)
(Goth. saƕ [3sg] Joh 6,46 CA etc. saƕt [2sg] Joh 8,57 CA, GoElB. 208)
1. PIE *soku̯-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *soxu̯-
2. soxu̯-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saxu̯-
3. saxu̯-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
Rx›h → *sahu̯-
4. sahu̯-
hw → ƕ
Monophonemization of hw into ƕ
(fc.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1086)
(Hitt. ša-ak-kum-mil-la [Abs] ‹uncertain whether this entry belongs to this root›)
1. PIE *soku·milo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku·mila-
2. saku·mila-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Auge(n) = Sum. IGI(ḪI.A)’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *soku̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯a-
2. saku̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
1. PIE *soku̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯a-
2. saku̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Anzeiger’
(IEW 897-898)
1. PIE *soku̯o
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯a
2. saku̯a
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *saka
(SPIE §4.8.3)
3. saka
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *soko
4. soko
*-o → -u
Change of root-final o into u
R=o›=u → *soku
5. soku
*u → ŭ
Orthographic change of *u into ŭ
(pt.) ‘gesehen, sichtbar, behütet, aufbewahrt’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *soku̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯ant-
2. saku̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘schauen, beobachten, behüten’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *soku̯oi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯ai-
2. saku̯ai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘anzeigen’
(IEW 897-898)
(OCS. sočiti [inf.])
1. PIE *soku̯iɑ́h-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *soku̯iíh-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. soku̯iíh-
PIE *ku̯ → ču̯
2nd palatalization of *ku̯
Rku̯›ču̯ → *soču̯iíh-
3. soču̯iíh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saču̯iíh-
4. saču̯iíh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *saču̯ií-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. saču̯ií-
*ČU → Č
Loss of labial after affricative
RČU›Č → *sačií-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
6. sačií-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *sačī́-
7. sačī́-
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *sočī́-
8. sočī́-
*ī́ → i
Orthographic change of *ī́ into i
Rī́›í → *sočí-
9. sočí-
*í → i
Orthographic absence of accent
(pret.) ‘ἰδεῖν, εἰδέναι, ὁρᾶν, ὁρᾶσθαι’
(GoEtD. S8)
(Goth. seƕi Joh 6,46 CA; Luk 2,26 CA)
1. PIE *sēku̯-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *sēxu̯-
2. sēxu̯-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
Rx›h → *sēhu̯-
3. sēhu̯-
hw → ƕ
Monophonemization of hw into ƕ
Rhu̯›ƕ → *sēƕ-
4. sēƕ-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(pr.) ‘ἰδεῖν, εἰδέναι, ὁρᾶν, ὁρᾶσθαι’
(GoEtD. S8)
(Goth. saiƕ Mat 8,4 CA, saiƕa Joh 9,15 CA, saiƕan Mat 6,1 CA, saiƕiþ Mat 5,28 CA)
1. PIE *seku̯o-
*k → x
Affricativization of *k
Rk›x → *sexu̯o-
2. sexu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sexu̯a-
3. sexu̯a-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *sixu̯a-
4. sixu̯a-
*x → h
Glottalicization of x into h
Rx›h → *sihu̯a-
5. sihu̯a-
hw → ƕ
Monophonemization of hw into ƕ
Rhu̯›ƕ → *siƕa-
6. siƕa-
i → ai
Opening of i into ai
(vb.1.) ‘zurückweisen, vernachlässigen, vergessen’
(HHand. 127)
(CHD P:208-9; HEG P:523-4)
1. PIE *po·sku-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *pa·sku-
2. pa·sku-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘overlook, neglect’
(KLuN. 334f.)
(HLu. ARHA pa-sà-REL-i)
1. PIE *Π·po·sku-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·pa·sku-
2. Π·pa·sku-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Auge, Blick’
(DIL. 512)
1. PIE *Π·sku̯o
* ku/u̯ → q
Emergence of labiovelar q
RkU›q → *Π·sqo
2. Π·sqo
*q → k
Delabialization of labiovelar *q
Rq›k → *Π·sko
3. Π·sko
-o → Ø
Loss of root-final -o
R=o›=0Restr → *Π·sk
4. Π·sk
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(m.) ‘Anzeige’
(DIL. 580)
1. PIE *Π·sku̯o
* ku/u̯ → q
Emergence of labiovelar q
RkU›q → *Π·sqo
2. Π·sqo
*q → k
Delabialization of labiovelar *q
Rq›k → *Π·sko
3. Π·sko
-o → Ø
Loss of root-final -o
R=o›=0Restr → *Π·sk
4. Π·sk
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(pr.A.) ‘sehen’
(KEWA 3:229)
(Dhātup. viṣkayati [3sg] ‹not necessarily to this root›)
1. PIE *u̯i·sku̯oi̯o-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIOIA → *u̯i·šku̯oi̯o-
2. u̯i·šku̯oi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *u̯i·šku̯ai̯a-
3. u̯i·šku̯ai̯a-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *u̯i·škai̯a-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. u̯i·škai̯a-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *vi·škai̯a-
5. vi·škai̯a-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
Rš›ṣ → *vi·ṣkai̯a-
6. vi·ṣkai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) schauen, untersuchen’
(ANEtWb. 497a)
(OIcl. skoða)
1. PIE *skuto-
*t → þ
Affricativization of *t
Rt›þ → *skuþo-
2. skuþo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *skuþa-
3. skuþa-
*þ → ð
Change of þ into ð
PIE √sku- √soku- √seku- (sb.) ‘Quelle, Spring’ (vb.) ‘hervorsprudeln’
(IEW 894 [diff.])
(Schmid 1988:314f.: Lith. + Hitt.; Pyysalo: Hitt. + RV.)
(FlNf.) ‘Quelle + ?’
(Schmid 1988:314f.)
1. PIE *soku̯ōɑhnḗɑh
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *soku̯ōɑhnā́ɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. soku̯ōɑhnā́ɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *soku̯ōhnā́h
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. soku̯ōhnā́h
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *soku̯ōnā́
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. soku̯ōnā́
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sokōnā́
(SPIE §4.8.3)
5. sokōnā́
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakōnā́
6. sakōnā́
*ō → uo
Change of ō into uo
Rō›uo → *sakuonā́
7. sakuonā́
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *sakuonṓ
8. sakuonṓ
*-ṓ → -à
Change of ṓ into à in root-final
(c.) ‘Quelle, Sprudel, Quellteich: spring, well’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. ša-ku-iš, not “ša-ku‹-ni›-iš” against HIL. 810)
1. PIE *soku̯i-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯i-
2. saku̯i-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘heraussprudeln: sprinkle?’
(CHD S:77)
(Hitt. ša-ku-iš-ši-it [3sg], KUB 17. 28 i 15)
1. PIE *soku̯isi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯isi-
2. saku̯isi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Quelle, Sprudel, Quellteich’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *soku̯oni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saku̯ani-
2. saku̯ani-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Quelle, Sprudel, Quellteich’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *sokuni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakuni-
2. sakuni-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘heraussprudeln’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *sokunei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakunei̯a-
2. sakunei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘heraussprudeln’
(HIL. 810)
1. PIE *sokuniski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sokunisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sokunisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakunisḱe/a-
3. sakunisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sakuniske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sakuniske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šakuniške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(URU.) ‘(bei ›Kartapaha)’ (DKašk. 104)
(Hitt. ša-ak-ku-ra)
1. PIE *sokuro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakura-
2. sakura-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘tränken (Pferde)’
(HHand. 139)
1. PIE *sokuru̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakuru̯a-
2. sakuru̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(FLUMEN+MINUS.) ‘-(?)-’
(CHLu. 2.11.25)
(HLu. (“FLUMEN+MINUS”)sá-ku+ra/i-wa/i-ni-i-zi-ha)
1. PIE *sokuru̯oni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakuru̯ani-
2. sakuru̯ani-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.sb.bs.) ‘tränken’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. šaguruauanzi [inf.])
1. PIE *sokuru̯ou̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakuru̯au̯a-
2. sakuru̯au̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šakuru̯au̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(N.act.) ‘tränken’
(HHand. 139)
(Hitt. šakuruauar-)
1. PIE *sokuru̯ou̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sakuru̯au̯ar-
2. sakuru̯au̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šakuru̯au̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘eine nicht mehr Milch gebende Kuh’
(KEWA 3:227)
1. PIE *u̯i·sokutēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *u̯i·sokutāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. u̯i·sokutāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *u̯i·sokutāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. u̯i·sokutāh-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIOIA → *u̯i·šokutāh-
4. u̯i·šokutāh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *u̯i·šakutāh-
5. u̯i·šakutāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *u̯i·šakutā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. u̯i·šakutā-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *u̯i·šaktā-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
7. u̯i·šaktā-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *vi·šaktā-
8. vi·šaktā-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
PIE √sl- √sol- √sel- (a.) ‘erwachsen, hoch, groß, wichtig, zahlreich’ (sb.) ‘Wachstum’ (vb.) ‘überheben, zunehmen’
(IEW 899)
(Pyysalo: OAnat. + Balt. + Lat.; not to Lat. saluus against Sturtevant CGr. 138)
(HEG S:755)
(HIL. 817f.)
(n.) ‘Hochmut, Überheblichkeit’
(HHand. 14)
1. PIE *solo·gi̯ɑɦordo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solo·gi̯ɦordo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solo·gi̯ɦordo-
PIE *gi/i̯ → g
Palatovelarization of *gi/i̯ into ǵ
RgI›ǵ → *solo·ǵɦordo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. solo·ǵɦordo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sala·ǵɦarda-
4. sala·ǵɦarda-
PIE *ǵ → g
Depalatalization of Centum *ǵ
Rǵ›g → *sala·gɦarda-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. sala·gɦarda-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sala·garda-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. sala·garda-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Höhe (im Morast)’
(LiEtWb. 758)
1. PIE *solēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *solāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. solāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. solāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *solā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. solā
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salā
5. salā
*-ā → -a
Change of ā into a in root-final position
(f.) ‘Bodenerhebung (im Morast)’
(LiEtWb. 758)
1. PIE *solḗɑh
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *solā́ɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. solā́ɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solā́h
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. solā́h
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *solā́
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. solā́
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salā́
5. salā́
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *salṓ
6. salṓ
*-ṓ → -à
Change of ṓ into à in root-final
(HIL. 819)
(CHD S:92, HEG S:765)
(LIGNUMsb.) ‘power’
(CHLu. 3.2.3)
(HLu. LIGNUM-la-ha)
1. PIE *solɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salha-
3. salha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šalha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šalha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(LIGNUMn.) ‘greatness, succession: Erbfolge; Größe’
(CHLu. 2.5.3)
(HLu. (LIGNUM)sá-la-ha-za, Hluwlex. 83-4)
1. PIE *solɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salha-
3. salha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šalha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šalha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(?.) ‘‹≈ HLu. šalḫa-?›’
(DLL. 85)
(CLu. ša-al-ḫa-a-ti [D/Abl])
1. PIE *solɑhoi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solhoi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solhoi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salhai̯a-
3. salhai̯a-
* ai̯a → aa
Loss of *i̯ between *a and *a
Rai̯a›aa → *salhaa-
4. salhaa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šalhaa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šalhaa-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Wachstum, Gedeihen?’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *solɑhontei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solhontei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solhontei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salhantei-
3. salhantei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šalhantei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šalhantei-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(HIL. 818f., CHD S:92f.)
(a.) ‘groß, wichtig, erwachsen, zahlreich: Sum. GAL’
(HEG S:767-775)
(CHD S:82)
1. PIE *soli-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sali-
2. sali-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Erwachsener’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *soli-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sali-
2. sali-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘groß machen, großziehen’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *solei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salei̯a-
2. salei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘überheblich, übermäßig, unverschämt’
(WH. 1:704)
1. PIE *Π·solei̯ent-
*ei̯e → ee
Loss *i̯ between e and e
Rei̯e›ee → *Π·soleent-
2. Π·soleent-
*ee → ē
Contraction of *ee into ē
Ree›ē → *Π·solēnt-
3. Π·solēnt-
*ēnt → ent
Shortening of *ē in ēnt
Rēnt›ent →
Lat. Π·solent-
(vb.) ‘zunehmen, überheben’
(Lat. īnsolēscō)
1. PIE *Π·solēski̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·solēsḱo-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. Π·solēsḱo-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·solēsko-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. Π·solēsko-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
(f.) ‘Überhebung, Übertreibung, Verschwendung’
(WH. 1:704)
1. PIE *Π·solei̯enti̯ēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·solei̯enti̯āɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·solei̯enti̯āɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·solei̯enti̯āh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·solei̯enti̯āh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·solei̯enti̯ā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·solei̯enti̯ā-
*ei̯e → ee
Loss *i̯ between e and e
Rei̯e›ee → *Π·soleenti̯ā-
5. Π·soleenti̯ā-
*ee → ē
Contraction of *ee into ē
Ree›ē → *Π·solēnti̯ā-
6. Π·solēnti̯ā-
*ēnt → ent
Shortening of *ē in ēnt
Rēnt›ent → *Π·solenti̯ā-
7. Π·solenti̯ā-
*i̯ → i
Orthographic change of i̯ into i
(pt.) ‘veraltet, abgetragen, abgenutzt, gewöhnlich’
(WH. 1:427-8)
1. PIE *Π·solei̯eto-
*ei̯e → ee
Loss *i̯ between e and e
Rei̯e›ee → *Π·soleeto-
2. Π·soleeto-
*ee → ē
Contraction of *ee into ē
(pf.) ‘veralten, sich abnutzen, verkümmern’
(WH. 1:427-8)
PIE √sl- √sol- √sel- (vb.tr.) ‘strecken, dehnen’ (vb.intr.) ‘breit/platt werden’
(IEW –)
(pr.2.A.) ‘ausstrecken, dehnen: stretch, extend’
(KEWA 3:470)
(RV. sísarti [3sg])
1. PIE *sí.sel-
PIE *l → r
Change of *l into r
Rl›r → *sí.ser-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
2. sí.ser-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(pr.2.A.) ‘(Arme) vorstrecken’
(WbRV. 1570)
(RV. prá (...) sísarti [3sg])
1. PIE *Π·sí.sel-
PIE *l → r
Change of *l into r
Rl›r → *Π·sí.ser-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
2. Π·sí.ser-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(vb.) ‘ausstrecken, dehnen: stretch, extend’
(KEWA 3:470)
(RV. sísrate [3pl])
1. PIE *sísl-
PIE *l → r
Change of *l into r
(SPIE §3.3.3)
(vb.) ‘breit werden/laufen, platt werden’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *soloi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salai-
2. salai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(cs.M.) ‘breiten sich aus’
(KEWA 3:471)
1. PIE *Π·sōlei̯o-
PIE *l → r
Change of *l into r
Rl›r → *Π·sōrei̯o-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
2. Π·sōrei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sōrei̯a-
3. Π·sōrei̯a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sārei̯a-
4. Π·sārei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *Π·sārai̯a-
5. Π·sārai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
PIE √sel- √sol- √sl- (vb.) ‘fliegen, eilen’
(IEW –)
(HEG S:762-4)
(pr.) ‘fliegen’
(DTochB. 686)
(in TochA. sälmāṃ [pt.])
1. PIE *sol-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(LÚc.) ‘Kutscher, Stallbursche?’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *sol·osɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sol·osho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sol·osho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sal·asha-
3. sal·asha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šal·ašha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šal·ašha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pr.) ‘eilen, hineilen zu’
(WbRV. 1570)
(RV. sárat [3sg])
1. PIE *sélo-
PIE *l → r
Change of *l into r
Rl›r → *séro-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
2. séro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *séra-
3. séra-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
(GNc.pl) ‘Götter des Tores = dšatauana-’
(HHand. 140)
1. PIE *solou̯ono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salau̯ana-
2. salau̯ana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sl- √sol- √sel- (vb.) ‘binden’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo 2014:59-60)
(HEG S:752)
(KUŠ.) ‘(Teil des Zaumzeugs)’
(HHand. 140)
(Hitt. ša-a-la-aš)
1. PIE *solo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sala-
2. sala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(KUŠn.) ‘(Teil des Zaumzeugs)’
(DLL. 84)
(CLu. ša-a-la(-pa) [plNA])
1. PIE *solo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sala-
2. sala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘corde, laisse de chien’
(LEIA S-79)
1. PIE *selēɑhno-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *selāɑhno-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. selāɑhno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *selāhno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. selāhno-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *selāno-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. selāno-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
(f.) ‘joint’
(EtDiPC. 44)
(LEIA A-94, MidIr. asil, aisil, aisel)
1. PIE *ɦɑedselo
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *ɦɑadselo
2. ɦɑadselo
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ɦadselo
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. ɦadselo
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *adselo
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. adselo
*ds → s
Change of ds into s
Rds›s → *aselo
5. aselo
*ase → aise
Epenthesis of i
Rase›aise → *aiselo
6. aiselo
*-o → -Ø
Loss of root-final *o
(m.) ‘joint’
(EtDiPC. 44)
(DIL. 31)
1. PIE *ɦɑedselo
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *ɦɑadselo
2. ɦɑadselo
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ɦadselo
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. ɦadselo
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *adselo
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. adselo
*ds → s
Change of ds into s
Rds›s → *aselo
5. aselo
*-o → -Ø
Loss of root-final *o
R=o›=0 → *asel
6. asel
*ase → ese
Umlaut of aCe to eCe
(sb.) ‘joint’
(EtDiPC. 44)
1. PIE *ɦɑedselo
PIE *ɑe → ɑa
Møller's rule for PIE *ɑe
Rɑe›ɑa → *ɦɑadselo
2. ɦɑadselo
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ɦadselo
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. ɦadselo
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *adselo
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. adselo
*ds → s
Change of ds into s
Rds›s → *aselo
5. aselo
*-o → -Ø
Loss of root-final *o
R=o›=0 → *asel
6. asel
*ase → ese
Umlaut of aCe to eCe
(m.) ‘Geschirr, Seil’
(ANEtWb. 469)
1. PIE *soli·n-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sali·n-
2. sali·n-
ali -> eli
Umlaut of ali into eli
(m.) ‘Geschirr, Seil’
(ANEtWb. 469)
1. PIE *seli·n-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
PIE √sēli- (a.) ‘gut, verliebt, selig’ (sb.) ‘Seligkeit’
(IEW 900)
(Ševoroškin 1965:155: Hitt. + IE)
(Ševoroškin 1965:155)
(HEG S:987-8)
(a.) ‘verliebt, einander zugetan’
(HHand. 148)
(Hitt. ši-e-li-eš [plN], “oder lies u̯a-e-li-eš?”)
1. PIE *sēli-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘good, kind, useful: ἀγαθός, χρηστός’
(GoEtD. S43)
(Goth. sels [sgN])
1. PIE *sēli-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(m.) ‘happiness, good fortune, prosperity’
(ASaxD. 810)
(OEng. sǣl [sgN])
1. PIE *sēli-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
PIE √slbɑɦ- √solbɑɦ- √selbɑɦ- (sb.) ‘Flüßigkeit, Salbe, Excrement’ (vb.) ‘salben, beschmieren’
(IEW 901)
(Petersen 1937:209)
(HEG S:781f.)
(CHD S:107)
(c.) ‘Exkrement, (Hunde)Kot’
(HHand. 141)
(Hitt. šal-pa-an [sgA], šalpaš [plA])
1. PIE *solbɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solbɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solbɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salbɦa-
3. salbɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *salba-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. salba-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(KUR URU.) ‘(Dasselbe wie ›Šalapa?)’
(OGH. 336)
(Hitt. šal-pa [Stf.]; Kontext: ‘Madduwattas (…) die Fürsten des Landes Pitašša’; OGHErg. 136)
1. PIE *solbɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solbɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solbɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salbɦa-
3. salbɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *salba-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. salba-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(URU.) ‘(neben Kaziura erwähnt)’
(OGH. 336)
(Hitt. šal-pa-aš-ša [Stf.])
1. PIE *solbɑɦo·so-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solbɦo·so-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solbɦo·so-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salbɦa·sa-
3. salbɦa·sa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *salba·sa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. salba·sa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘salben’
(GoEtD. S16)
(Goth. salbōn [inf.])
1. PIE *solbɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *solbɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. solbɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solbɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. solbɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *solbɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. solbɦā-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›b → *solbā-
5. solbā-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salbā-
6. salbā-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *salbō-
7. salbō-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
(c.) ‘Exkrement, (Hunde)Kot’
(HHand. 141)
(Hitt. šal-pí-iš [sgN])
1. PIE *solbɑɦei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solbɦei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solbɦei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salbɦei-
3. salbɦei-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *salbei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. salbei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘beschmieren’
(HHand. 141)
1. PIE *solbɑɦoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *solbɦoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. solbɦoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *salbɦai-
3. salbɦai-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *salbai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. salbai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sm- √som- √sem- (vb.) ‘sehen, freundlich blicken, lächeln’
(IEW 967-8)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + IE)
(cpd.vb.) ‘siehe, fürwahr, nun: look here, lo, behold’
(HIL. 263)
(Hitt. a-aš-ma [2sg])
1. PIE *o·smo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sma-
2. a·sma-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(cpd.vb.) ‘siehe, fürwahr, nun: look here, lo, behold’
(HHand. 75)
(HEG K:532-3, Hitt. ka-a-aš-ma)
1. PIE *Π·smo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sma-
2. Π·sma-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘glänzend, freundlich erscheinen’
(WbRV. 1614)
(RV. tanúā vírūpe smayete (uṣásā))
1. PIE *smei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *smei̯a-
2. smei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *smai̯a-
3. smai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(pt.M.) ‘freundlich hindurchblickend [durch I]’
(WbRV. 1614)
1. PIE *sméi̯omēno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sméi̯amēna-
2. sméi̯amēna-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
Ré›á → *smái̯amēna-
3. smái̯amēna-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *smái̯amāna-
4. smái̯amāna-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) ‘smile: lächeln’
(DTochB. 721)
(in TochB. smimane [pt.])
(cs.) ‘cause to smile or laugh’
(MonWil. 1271)
(IEW 967, EWA –)
1. PIE *smēpei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *smēpei̯a-
2. smēpei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *smēpai̯a-
3. smēpai̯a-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *smāpai̯a-
4. smāpai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
PIE √sm- √som- √sem- (sb.) ‘Grund(lage), Basis’ (vb.) ‘aufstellen, erschaffen’
(IEW 502)
(Kapancjan 1931-33:91: Hitt. + Arm.)
(vb.1.) ‘aufstellen, erschaffen’
(HHand. 141)
1. PIE *som·nei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sam·nei̯a-
2. sam·nei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘Fundament, Grund’
(WH. 2:522; IEW 502)
(ArmGr. 1 –, EtDiArm. –)
1. PIE *sēmòn-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hēmòn-
2. hēmòn-
*ē → i
Change of *ē into i
Rē›i → *himòn-
3. himòn-
*o → Ø
Loss of *ò
(c.) ‘Grundstein, Grundmauer, Fundament’
(HEG S:791f.)
(HHand. 141; ‹with Hitt. ·na- ‘Stein’?›)
1. PIE *somo·no-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sama·na-
2. sama·na-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘create’
(CHLu. 6.2.8)
(HLu. sa-ma-ni-ha)
1. PIE *somo·ni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sama·ni-
2. sama·ni-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘aufstellen, erschaffen’
(HHand. 141)
1. PIE *somo·nei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sama·nei̯a-
2. sama·nei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sn- √son- √sen- (a.) ‘gut, wohl-’ (adv.) ‘well’ (vb.) ‘sich gütlich tun, sättigen’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: OAnat. + RV.)
(a.) ‘good’ (adv.) ‘well’
(CHLu. 1.1.14)
(HLu. sa-na-wá/í [adv.])
1. PIE *son·ou̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·au̯a-
2. san·au̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘be good’
(CHLu. 10.14.7)
(HLu. sa-na-wa/i-ia-ta-’ )
1. PIE *son·ou̯oii̯o
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·au̯aii̯a
2. san·au̯aii̯a
*aii̯a → aia
Loss of *i̯ between *ai and *a
Raii̯a›aia → *san·au̯aia
3. san·au̯aia
* a i a → a i̯ a
Desyllabification of *i between *a and *a
Raia›ai̯a → *san·au̯ai̯a
4. san·au̯ai̯a
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(BONUSn.) ‘good(s)’
(CHLu. 1.1.6)
(HLu. (“BONUS”)sa-na-wa/i-ia)
1. PIE *son·ou̯oii̯o
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·au̯aii̯a
2. san·au̯aii̯a
*aii̯a → aia
Loss of *i̯ between *ai and *a
Raii̯a›aia → *san·au̯aia
3. san·au̯aia
* a i a → a i̯ a
Desyllabification of *i between *a and *a
Raia›ai̯a → *san·au̯ai̯a
4. san·au̯ai̯a
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(URU.) ‘(bei ›Kariuna)’
(OGH. 344)
(Hitt. ša-na-ua-ia-an-za [Stf.])
1. PIE *son·ou̯oii̯ondɑɦi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *son·ou̯oii̯ondɦi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. son·ou̯oii̯ondɦi̯o-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *son·ou̯oii̯onjɦo-
3. son·ou̯oii̯onjɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·au̯aii̯anjɦa-
4. san·au̯aii̯anjɦa-
*aii̯a → aia
Loss of *i̯ between *ai and *a
Raii̯a›aia → *san·au̯aianjɦa-
5. san·au̯aianjɦa-
* a i a → a i̯ a
Desyllabification of *i between *a and *a
Raia›ai̯a → *san·au̯ai̯anjɦa-
6. san·au̯ai̯anjɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *san·au̯ai̯anja-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. san·au̯ai̯anja-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *san·au̯ai̯anza-
8. san·au̯ai̯anza-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šan·au̯ai̯anza-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘good thing’
(CHLu. 10.10.12)
(HLu. sa-na-wa/i-sa8 [plA])
1. PIE *son·ou̯oso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·au̯asa-
2. san·au̯asa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘goodness of heart’
(CHLu. 1.1.18)
(HLu. sa-na-wa/i-sa-tara/i-ti)
1. PIE *son·ou̯osotoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·au̯asatara-
2. san·au̯asatara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
HLu. šan·au̯ašatara-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(HEG S:815-818)
(a.) ‘wohlschmeckend, wohlriechend’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. ša-ni-iz-zi-iš)
1. PIE *son·idɑɦi̯ei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *son·idɦi̯ei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. son·idɦi̯ei-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *son·ijɦei-
3. son·ijɦei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·ijɦei-
4. san·ijɦei-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *san·ijei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. san·ijei-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *san·izei-
6. san·izei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘erstklassig, familiär’
(HHand. 142)
1. PIE *son·idɑɦi̯ei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *son·idɦi̯ei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. son·idɦi̯ei-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *son·ijɦei-
3. son·ijɦei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·ijɦei-
4. san·ijɦei-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *san·ijei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. san·ijei-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *san·izei-
6. san·izei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘sich gütlich tun, sättigen’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. [ša-n]i-iz-zi-ia-aḫ, ša-ne-ez-zi-i[a?-aḫ?])
1. PIE *son·idɑɦi̯ei̯ēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *son·idɑɦi̯ei̯āɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. son·idɑɦi̯ei̯āɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *son·idɦi̯ei̯āh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. son·idɦi̯ei̯āh-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *son·ijɦei̯āh-
4. son·ijɦei̯āh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·ijɦei̯āh-
5. san·ijɦei̯āh-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *san·ijei̯āh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. san·ijei̯āh-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *san·izei̯āh-
7. san·izei̯āh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šan·izei̯āh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
8. šan·izei̯āh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. šan·izei̯āḫ-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘wohlschmeckend werden’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. šanezišta, šanezišdu)
1. PIE *son·idɑɦi̯eis-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *son·idɦi̯eis-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. son·idɦi̯eis-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *son·ijɦeis-
3. son·ijɦeis-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·ijɦeis-
4. san·ijɦeis-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *san·ijeis-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. san·ijeis-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *san·izeis-
6. san·izeis-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘wohlgesinnt, gut’
(WbRV. 1471)
(RV. santya [sgV])
1. PIE *son·ti̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san·ti̯a-
2. san·ti̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
PIE √sn- √sen- √son- (pron./num.) ‘ein, einer, ein und derselbe’
(IEW 902ff.)
(Pyysalo; not *sem-)
(num.pron.) ‘einer’
(GEW 1:471-72)
(Att. εἷς [m.sgN] Dor. ἧς, ἕν [n.sgNA], ἑνός [G]; GrGr. 1:588)
1. PIE *sén-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hén-
2. hén-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(num.f.) ‘one, same’ (pl) ‘some’
(LeTokh. 1:415)
(TochA. saṃ, sana)
1. PIE *son·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(pron.) ‘ein und derselbe’ (HHand. 142)
(HEG S:830)
(Hitt. šania, šanii, šanita)
1. PIE *soni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sani-
2. sani-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sn- √son- √sen- (vb.) ‘(ver)suchen, erstreben, planen, fordern, verlangen’
(IEW 906, 908)
(Eichman 1973:269-271)
(vb.) ‘seek’
(HIL. 831)
(Hitt. ša-an-zi [3sg])
1. PIE *son-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san-
2. san-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(69vb.) ‘seek’
(CHLu. 11.1.e19; p. 629)
(HLu. (“*69”)sa-na-tu)
1. PIE *son-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *san-
2. san-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘(ver)suchen, erstreben, planen, fordern, verlangen’
(HEG S:818)
(Hitt. ša-an-aḫ-mi)
1. PIE *sonēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sonāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sonāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sonāh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanāh-
4. sanāh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanāh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šanāh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘suchen, erstreben, planen, fordern, verlangen’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. ša-an-ḫa-mi)
1. PIE *sonɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanh-
3. sanh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(GKLvb.iter.) ‘suchen’
(DLL. 85)
(CLu. ša-an!-ḫe-eš-ki-mi [1sg])
1. PIE *sonɑhiske/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhiske/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhiske/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhiske/a-
3. sanhiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhiške/a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(Eichman 1973:269-271)
(vb.) ‘streben, verlangen, sich begeben’
(N, O)
(OHG. sinnan)
1. PIE *senu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *senu̯a-
2. senu̯a-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *sinu̯a-
3. sinu̯a-
*nu̯ -› nn
Change of *nu̯ into nn
PIE √sn- √sen- √son- (ptcl.) ‘über, auf’ (sb.) ‘Oberste, Gipfel, Rücken, Spitze, Horn’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Lat. + IIr.)
(Not to OInd. sám against Eichner 1992:46; HIL. 828)
(encl.sent.ptcl.) ‘auf, über: over, upon, on’
(HEG S:803-6)
(Hitt. ·ša-an, CHD Š:126-155)
1. PIE *·son
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *·san
2. ·san
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(adv.*) ‘zu Boden, zugrunde ‹lit ‘onto the ground’›
(WH 2:296)
(in Lat. pessum)
(f.) ‘Spitze, Horn, Hauzahn, Schere’
(KEWA 3:228)
(EWA II:564-5)
1. PIE *u̯i·sḗnēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *u̯i·sḗnāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. u̯i·sḗnāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *u̯i·sḗnāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. u̯i·sḗnāh-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIOIA → *u̯i·šḗnāh-
4. u̯i·šḗnāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *u̯i·šḗnā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. u̯i·šḗnā-
*ḗ → ā́
Change of *ḗ into ā́
Rḗ›ā́ → *u̯i·šā́nā-
6. u̯i·šā́nā-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *vi·šā́nā-
7. vi·šā́nā-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
Rš›ṣ → *vi·ṣā́nā-
8. vi·ṣā́nā-
*n → ṇ
Assimilation of retroflex
(c.) ‘Hinterhalt: ambush’
(HEG S:1045-47)
(Hitt. še-e-na-aḫ-aš [sgN]; for the semantics cf. ModGerm. hinterrücks)
1. PIE *sēnēɑho-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sēnāɑho-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sēnāɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sēnāho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sēnāho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sēnāha-
4. sēnāha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šēnāha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šēnāha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘‹≈ der Oberste, d.i. Zenith?›’
(HEG S:1047-48)
1. PIE *sēnēɑhu̯or-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sēnāɑhu̯or-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sēnāɑhu̯or-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sēnāhu̯or-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sēnāhu̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sēnāhu̯ar-
4. sēnāhu̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šēnāhu̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šēnāhu̯ar-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.m.) ‘Oberste, Berggipfel, Oberfläche, Rücken’
(WbRV. 1511)
1. PIE *sḗnu-
*ḗ → ā́
Change of *ḗ into ā́
(a.) ‘den Nacken [sānu-] emporgereckt haltend’
(WbRV. 275)
1. PIE *Π·sḗnu-
*ḗ → ā́
Change of *ḗ into ā́
(PNf.) ‘‹Schmuck/Zierrat + Nacken/Rücken›’
(AIWb. 818)
(LAv. paēsa·ŋhānva [sgI] (in the function of [G]))
1. PIE *poiki̯o·sēnuɑ́h-
PIE *uɑ́ → uú
Assimilation of *u and *ɑ́
Ruɑ́›uú → *poiki̯o·sēnuúh-
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. poiki̯o·sēnuúh-
PIE *ki/i̯ → ć
1st palatalization of *ki/i̯
RkI›ć → *poićo·sēnuúh-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. poićo·sēnuúh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *paića·sēnuúh-
4. paića·sēnuúh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *paića·sēnuú-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. paića·sēnuú-
*uú → ū́
Contraction of u and ú
Ruú›ū́ → *paića·sēnū́-
6. paića·sēnū́-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *paića·hēnū́-
7. paića·hēnū́-
*ć → s
From Satem *ć to s
Rć›s → *paisa·hēnū́-
8. paisa·hēnū́-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *paisa·hānū́-
9. paisa·hānū́-
*ai → ae
Opening of *ai into ae
Rai›ae → *paesa·hānū́-
10. paesa·hānū́-
ahA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
RahA›aŋhA → *paesa·ŋhānū́-
11. paesa·ŋhānū́-
*ū́ → ū
Absence of accent
Rū́›ū →
LAv. paesa·ŋhānū-
(m.) ‘Gipfel, Oberfläche, höchster Ort’
(WbRV. 1606)
(m.obl.) ‘Gipfel, Oberfläche, höchster Ort’
(WbRV. 1606)
(RV. snóh [sgAbl])
1. PIE *snóu̯-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *snáu̯-
2. snáu̯-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
PIE √snɑhu- (vb.) ‘brennen, rösten, dörren’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + RV.)
(HEG S:828-9, CHD S:172-3, HIL. 832-3)
(vb.1.) ‘rösten, dörren’
(HHand. 142)
(Hitt. šanḫuzi [3sg], SHV 216, Eichner 1988:143)
1. PIE *sonɑhu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhu-
3. sanhu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhu-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhu-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘epithet of Agni’ (EWA 2:731)
(WbRV. 1521)
(RV. siṣṇo [sgV] agne [sgV], RV. 8,19,31)
1. PIE *sisnɑhou-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sisnhou-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sisnhou-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIOIA → *sišnhou-
3. sišnhou-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sišnhau-
4. sišnhau-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sišnau-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sišnau-
au → ō
Monophthongization of *au
Rau›ō → *sišnō-
6. sišnō-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
Rš›ṣ → *siṣnō-
7. siṣnō-
*n → ṇ
Assimilation of retroflex
Rn›ṇ → *siṣṇō-
8. siṣṇō-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
(d.) ‘-(?)-’
(OHP. 1:371)
(Hitt. ša-an-ḫu-pí-aš, ša-an-ḫu-pí-ia-an)
1. PIE *sonɑhu·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhu·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhu·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhu·Σ
3. sanhu·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhu·Σ
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhu·Σ
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(sb.) ‘(a food)’
(HIL. 832-3)
(Hitt. ša-an-ḫu-u-ua-aš)
1. PIE *sonɑhu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhu̯a-
3. sanhu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhu̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhu̯a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pt.) ‘geröstet, gedörrt’
(HHand. 142)
1. PIE *sonɑhu̯ont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhu̯ont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhu̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhu̯ant-
3. sanhu̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhu̯ant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhu̯ant-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(sb.) ‘(a food)’
(HIL. 832-3)
(Hitt. ša-an-ḫu-na-aš [sgG?])
1. PIE *sonɑhun-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhun-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhun-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhun-
3. sanhun-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhun-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhun-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pt.) ‘geröstet, gedörrt’
(HHand. 142)
1. PIE *sonɑhunt-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhunt-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhunt-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhunt-
3. sanhunt-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhunt-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhunt-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(pt.) ‘geröstet, gedörrt’
(HHand. 142)
1. PIE *sonɑhut-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sonhut-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sonhut-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sanhut-
3. sanhut-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šanhut-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šanhut-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √sent- √sont- (sb.) ‘wertvoller Gegenstand’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Celt.)
(c.) ‘wertvoller Gegenstand in Inventar’
(HHand. 143)
1. PIE *sont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sant-
2. sant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.?) ‘fibula: Kostbarkeit, Wertgegenstand’
(ACSS 2:1502)
(OGaul. sentem [sgA])
(m.) ‘trésor, fortune, richesse, bétail’
(LEIA S-99)
(DIL. 539, OIr. sét ‘object/unit of value, chattel, etc.’)
1. PIE *senti-
*ant/ent → ēt
Change of *ant/ent into ēt
Rent›ēt → *sēti-
2. sēti-
VtV → VthV
Lenition of voiceless stop *t
(VNm.pl) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1502)
(OGaul. σέντιοι [plN])
1. PIE *sénti̯o-
*i̯ → i
Orthographic change of i̯ into i
Ri̯›i → *séntio-
2. séntio-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
OGaulG. σέντιο-
(m.) ‘concilium autessiodorense’
(ACSS 2:1502)
(OGaul. sentius)
1. PIE *senti̯o-
*i̯ → i
Orthographic change of i̯ into i
PIE √snu- (sb.) ‘Jungfrau, Brautfrau’ (vb.) ‘freien, verloben’
(IEW 977-8)
(Pyysalo: HLu. + IE)
(f.) ‘Braut, Jungfrau, Nymphe’
(GEW 2:325-6)
1. PIE *snúnbɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *snúnbɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snúnbɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snúnbɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snúnbɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snúnbɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. snúnbɦā-
*bɦ → ph
Loss of voice of media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›ph → *snúnphā-
5. snúnphā-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hnúnphā-
6. hnúnphā-
*h → Ø
Loss of *h before n
Rhn›n → *núnphā-
7. núnphā-
*ā → ē
Ion-Att. change of *ā into ē
Rā›ē → *núnphē-
8. núnphē-
*nP → mP
Change of nP into mP
RnP›mP → *númphē-
9. númphē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion.-Att. νύμφη-
(m.) ‘Bräutigam’
(GEW 2:325-6)
1. PIE *snúnbɑɦio-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snúnbɦio-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. snúnbɦio-
*bɦ → ph
Loss of voice of media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›ph → *snúnphio-
3. snúnphio-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hnúnphio-
4. hnúnphio-
*h → Ø
Loss of *h before n
Rhn›n → *núnphio-
5. núnphio-
*nP → mP
Change of nP into mP
RnP›mP → *númphio-
6. númphio-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(pr.) ‘verloben’
(GEW 2:325-6)
1. PIE *snunbɑɦeúso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snunbɦeúso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. snunbɦeúso-
*bɦ → ph
Loss of voice of media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›ph → *snunpheúso-
3. snunpheúso-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hnunpheúho-
4. hnunpheúho-
*h → Ø
Loss of *h before n
Rhn›n → *nunpheúho-
5. nunpheúho-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *nunpheúo-
6. nunpheúo-
*nP → mP
Change of nP into mP
RnP›mP → *numpheúo-
7. numpheúo-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(IEW 977-978)
(WP. 2:697)
(pf.) ‘heiraten (von der Frau)’
(in Lat. nūpta [pt.f.])
1. PIE *snoubɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. snoubɦ-
*bɦ → f
Affricativization of labial *bɦ
Rbɦ›f → *snouf-
3. snouf-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūf-
4. snūf-
*f → b
Change of *f into b
Rf›b → *snūb-
5. snūb-
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
(f.) ‘Ehestifterin, Brautfrau’
(Lat. prōnuba [sgN])
1. PIE *prosnubɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *prosnubɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. prosnubɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *prosnubɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. prosnubɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *prosnubɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. prosnubɦā-
*bɦ → f
Affricativization of labial *bɦ
Rbɦ›f → *prosnufā-
5. prosnufā-
*f → b
Change of *f into b
Rf›b → *prosnubā-
6. prosnubā-
*osn → ōn
Loss of *s and lengthening of *osn to ōn
(pr.3.) ‘heiraten (von der Frau)’
(WH. 2:183f.)
Lat. nūbō, nūbere [inf.])
1. PIE *snoubɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. snoubɦo-
*bɦ → f
Affricativization of labial *bɦ
Rbɦ›f → *snoufo-
3. snoufo-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūfo-
4. snūfo-
*f → b
Change of *f into b
Rf›b → *snūbo-
5. snūbo-
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
(vb.) ‘verkuppeln’
(REW 2:683)
1. PIE *snoubɑɦiɑ́h-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *snoubɑɦiíh-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. snoubɑɦiíh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦiíh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snoubɦiíh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *snaubɦiíh-
4. snaubɦiíh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snaubɦií-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. snaubɦií-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *snaubɦī́-
6. snaubɦī́-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›b → *snaubī́-
7. snaubī́-
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *snoubī́-
8. snoubī́-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūbī́-
9. snūbī́-
*ī́ → i
Orthographic change of *ī́ into i
Rī́›í → *snūbí-
10. snūbí-
*í → i
Orthographic absence of accent
Rí›i → *snūbi-
11. snūbi-
*ū → u
Orthographic change of *ū into u
(vb.) ‘freien, verloben’
(REW 2:683)
1. PIE *snoubɑɦiɑ́h-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *snoubɑɦiíh-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. snoubɑɦiíh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦiíh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snoubɦiíh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *snaubɦiíh-
4. snaubɦiíh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snaubɦií-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. snaubɦií-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *snaubɦī́-
6. snaubɦī́-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›b → *snaubī́-
7. snaubī́-
*a → o
Change of *a into o
Ra›o → *snoubī́-
8. snoubī́-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūbī́-
9. snūbī́-
*ī́ → i
Orthographic change of *ī́ into i
Rī́›í → *snūbí-
10. snūbí-
ū -› ou
Change of ū into ou
(n.) ‘gegenseitiges Heimatsrecht’
(Lat. cōnūbium [sgN])
1. PIE *koɑhsnoubɑɦi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *kohsnoubɦi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. kohsnoubɦi̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *kosnoubɦi̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. kosnoubɦi̯o-
*bɦ → f
Affricativization of labial *bɦ
Rbɦ›f → *kosnoufi̯o-
4. kosnoufi̯o-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *kosnūfi̯o-
5. kosnūfi̯o-
*f → b
Change of *f into b
Rf›b → *kosnūbi̯o-
6. kosnūbi̯o-
*osn → ōn
Loss of *s and lengthening of *osn to ōn
Rosn›ōn → *kōnūbi̯o-
7. kōnūbi̯o-
*k → c
Orthographic change of *k into c
Rk›c → *cōnūbi̯o-
8. cōnūbi̯o-
*i̯ → i
Orthographic change of i̯ into i
(a.) ‘in heiratsfähigem Alter’
(Lat. nūbilis)
1. PIE *snoubɑɦili-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦili-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. snoubɦili-
*bɦ → f
Affricativization of labial *bɦ
Rbɦ›f → *snoufili-
3. snoufili-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūfili-
4. snūfili-
*f → b
Change of *f into b
Rf›b → *snūbili-
5. snūbili-
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
(ao.) ‘heiraten (von der Frau)’
(Lat. nūpsit)
1. PIE *snoubɑɦs-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦs-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. snoubɦs-
CHs → Cs
Loss of *h between stop and *s
RCHs›Cs → *snoubs-
3. snoubs-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūbs-
4. snūbs-
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
(f.pl) ‘Hochzeit’
(WH. 2:183)
1. PIE *snoubɑɦtiēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *snoubɑɦtiāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snoubɑɦtiāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snoubɦtiāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snoubɦtiāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snoubɦtiā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. snoubɦtiā-
*bɦ → f
Affricativization of labial *bɦ
Rbɦ›f → *snouftiā-
5. snouftiā-
*ou → ū
Monophthongization of *ou into ū
Rou›ū → *snūftiā-
6. snūftiā-
*ft → pt
Deaspiration of *f before t
Rft›pt → *snūptiā-
7. snūptiā-
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
(a.) ‘schöne Schwiegertochter habend’
(WbRV. 1559)
(EWA 2:771-2, Tu. 13801)
1. PIE *sú.snuso-
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiOIA → *sú.snušo-
2. sú.snušo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sú.snuša-
3. sú.snuša-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
(f.) ‘Schwiegertochter’
(Gr. νυός)
1. PIE *snusó-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hnuhó-
2. hnuhó-
*h → Ø
Loss of *h before n
Rhn›n → *nuhó-
3. nuhó-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *nuó-
4. nuó-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(f.) ‘son's wife’
(KEWA 3:535)
1. PIE *snusḗɑh-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *snusā́ɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snusā́ɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snusā́h-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snusā́h-
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiOIA → *snušā́h-
4. snušā́h-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snušā́-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. snušā́-
PIE *š → ṣ
Retroflexation of Ruki *š
(sb.) ‘Schwiegertochter’
(EtDiArm. 506-8)
(Arm. nu [sgN], nuoy [sgG])
1. PIE *snusò
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hnuhò
2. hnuhò
*h → Ø
Loss of *h before n
Rhn›n → *nuhò
3. nuhò
*o → Ø
Loss of *ò
(f.) ‘Schwiegertochter’
(Lat. nurus, nurūs [sgG])
1. PIE *snusu-
*VsV → VrV
Rhotacism of *s between vowels
RVsV›VrV → *snuru-
2. snuru-
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
(f.) ‘Schwiegertochter, Schnur: nurus’
(Gl, N)
(OHG. snura; also snora, IEW 978)
1. PIE *snusḗɑh·n-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *snusā́ɑh·n-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snusā́ɑh·n-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snusā́h·n-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snusā́h·n-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snusā́·n-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. snusā́·n-
*ā́RC → áRC
Osthoff’s Law for *ā́RC
Rā́RC›áRC → *snusá·n-
(SPIE §2.5.8)
5. snusá·n-
*usá -> urá
Verner's Law
Rusá›urá → *snurá·n-
6. snurá·n-
*á → a
Loss/absence of accent
(f.) ‘Schwiegertochter, Schnur’
(ASaxD. 892)
(OEng. snoru [sgN], WP. 2:701f.)
1. PIE *snusḗɑh
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *snusā́ɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snusā́ɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snusā́h
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snusā́h
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snusā́
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. snusā́
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *snusṓ
5. snusṓ
*usṓ -> urṓ
Verner's Law
Rusṓ›urṓ → *snurṓ
6. snurṓ
*-ṓ → -ú
Change of root-final -ṓ into -ú
R=ó›=ú → *snurú
7. snurú
*ú → u
Orthographic change of *ú into u
(f.) ‘Schwiegertochter, Schnur’
(ANEtWb. 528)
1. PIE *snusḗɑh
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *snusā́ɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snusā́ɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snusā́h
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snusā́h
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snusā́
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. snusā́
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *snusṓ
5. snusṓ
*usṓ -> urṓ
Verner's Law
Rusṓ›urṓ → *snurṓ
6. snurṓ
*-ṓ → -á
Change final -ṓ to -á
R=ṓ›=á → *snurá
7. snurá
*á → a
Loss/absence of accent
(f.) ‘Schwiegertochter’
(REW 2:682f.)
1. PIE *snusēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *snusāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. snusāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snusāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snusāh-
PIE *us → uš
Ruki-rule for *us
RrUkiSlav → *snušāh-
4. snušāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snušā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. snušā-
*š → x
Slavonic change of *š to x
Rš›x → *snuxā-
6. snuxā-
*x → ch
Orthographic change of *x into ch
Rx›ch → *snuchā-
7. snuchā-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
Rā›a → *snucha-
8. snucha-
*u → ŭ
Orthographic change of *u into ŭ
(FEMINA) (FEMINA(?)c.) ‘a designation for females’
(CHLu. 11.1.a11)
(HLu. (“FEMINA(?)”)sà-nu-ta-sa [G])
1. PIE *snuto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *snuta-
2. snuta-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Braut’
(Pedersen 1900:279)
(Alb. nuse [pl = sg?])
1. PIE *snuti̯eɑhi
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *snuti̯aɑhi
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. snuti̯aɑhi
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *snuti̯ahi
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. snuti̯ahi
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *snuti̯ai
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. snuti̯ai
*sn → n
Loss of sibilant *s in *sn-
Rsn=›n= → *nuti̯ai
5. nuti̯ai
PIE *ti̯ → s
Assibilation of *t before *i̯
Rti̯›s → *nusai
6. nusai
ai -> e
Monophthongization of *ai into e
PIE √sp- √sop- √sep- (vb.) ‘säubern’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo; or PIE √sopɑh- √sobɑɦ- to account for Sturtevant’s law?)
(vb.) ‘säubern’
(HEG S:842-5)
1. PIE *sopo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapa-
2. sapa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘polish’
(AlbEtD. 408)
1. PIE *sopē-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapē-
2. sapē-
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *shapē-
3. shapē-
*ē → o
Change of *ē into o
(pt.) ‘gereinigt’ oder (n.) ‘Reinigung’?
(DPal. 69)
(Pal. ša-pa-a-ma-an [sgNA])
1. PIE *sopomon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapaman-
2. sapaman-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb./a.) ‘-(?)-’
(DPal. 69)
(Pal. (-)]šap-pa-ma-an [sgNA])
1. PIE *sopomon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapaman-
2. sapaman-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(ao.) ‘polish’
(AlbEtD. 408)
(Alb. shapova [1sg])
1. PIE *sopēu̯-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapēu̯-
2. sapēu̯-
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *shapēu̯-
3. shapēu̯-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *shapēv-
4. shapēv-
*ē → o
Change of *ē into o
(vb.) ‘reinigen; säubern?’
(HHand. 143)
(DPal. 69, Pal. ša-pa-u-i-na-i))
1. PIE *sopou̯ino-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapau̯ina-
2. sapau̯ina-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘récurer: clean, polish, purify’
(DLL. 85)
(CLu. ša-pí-ia-ti(-pa-a[t-ta]) [3sg])
1. PIE *sopei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapei̯a-
2. sapei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘ein Reinigungsmittel’
(HHand. 143)
1. PIE *sopei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapei̯a-
2. sapei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.gen.) ‘of šapei̯a-’
(HHand2 161)
(DLL. –)
1. PIE *sopei̯o·si-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapei̯a·si-
2. sapei̯a·si-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘reinigen, abwaschen’
(HHand. 143)
(‹suffix unclear›)
1. PIE *sopisorēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sopisorāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sopisorāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sopisorāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sopisorāh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapisarāh-
4. sapisarāh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šapišarāh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šapišarāh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √sp- √sop- √sep- (sb.) ‘Fuß, Pfote, Huf (des Pferdes), Roß’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Gr. + RV.)
(f.) ‘der ungespaltene Huf des Pferdes’
(GEW 2:404)
1. PIE *soplḗɑh-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *soplā́ɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. soplā́ɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *soplā́h-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. soplā́h-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *soplā́-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. soplā́-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hoplā́-
5. hoplā́-
*ā́ → ḗ
Ion-Att. change of *ā́ into ḗ
Rā́›ḗ → *hoplḗ-
6. hoplḗ-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(pt.) ‘mit Huf versehen’
(GEW 2:404)
(Gr. ὁπλή(ϝ)εντ-)
1. PIE *soplḗɑhu̯ent-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *soplā́ɑhu̯ent-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. soplā́ɑhu̯ent-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *soplā́hu̯ent-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. soplā́hu̯ent-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *soplā́u̯ent-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. soplā́u̯ent-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hoplā́u̯ent-
5. hoplā́u̯ent-
*u̯E → hE
Change of u̯ into h before e,é,ē,ḗ
Ru̯E›hE → *hoplā́hent-
6. hoplā́hent-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *hoplā́ent-
7. hoplā́ent-
*ā́ → ḗ
Ion-Att. change of *ā́ into ḗ
Rā́›ḗ → *hoplḗent-
8. hoplḗent-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(m.) ‘Ross’
(WbRV. 1476)
(Thus not to RV. sápti- (a.) ‘verbunden, vereint’ (WbRV. 1476)?
1. PIE *sópti-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(a.) ‘BW des Rosses’
(WbRV. 1476)
1. PIE *sópti-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(a.) ‘mit Rossen fahrend’
(WbRV. 1476)
1. PIE *sóptiiu̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sóptiiu̯ant-
2. sóptiiu̯ant-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *sáptiiu̯ant-
3. sáptiiu̯ant-
*ii → ī
Contraction of i and i
Rii›ī → *sáptīu̯ant-
4. sáptīu̯ant-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(sb.) ‘Fuß, Pfote, Huf?’
(HEG S:853)
(Hitt. ša-ap-pu-it; if not ‘Horn’, cf. Tischler HHand. 143)
1. PIE *sopu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sapu-
2. sapu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sp- √sop- √sep- (vb.) ‘sehen, spähen, erwarten’
(IEW 983-4)
(pr.) ‘see’
(AlbEtD. 425)
1. PIE *sēspo
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sēspa
2. sēspa
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *shēshpa
3. shēshpa
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *shēshp
4. shēshp
*ē → o
Change of *ē into o
(f.) ‘Erwartung, Hoffnung’
(WH. 2:573)
(Lat. spēs [N], spem [A], speī [G], spē [Abl])
(a.) ‘hoffnungslos’
(WH. 2:573)
(Lat. exspēs [sgN])
(f.) ‘Hoffnungsschimmer’
(WH. 2:573)
(Lat. spēcula)
(HEG S:847-8)
(vb.1.) ‘spähen, Ausschau halten’
(HHand. 143)
(Hitt. ša-pa!-ši-ia-ar [pret3pl])
1. PIE *sposei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spasei̯a-
2. spasei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚc.) ‘Späher, Wächter’
(HHand. 143)
(Hitt. ša-pa-ša-al-li-e-eš [plA])
1. PIE *sposoli-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spasali-
2. spasali-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Erwartung, Hoffnung’
(WP. 2:573)
(Lat. spērem [sgA], spērēs [plNA])
(vb.1.) ‘erwarten, hoffen’
(WH. 2:573)
1. PIE *spēsēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *spēsāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. spēsāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēsāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. spēsāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *spēsā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. spēsā-
*VsV → VrV
Rhotacism of *s between vowels
(vb.1.) ‘verzweilen’
(WH. 2:573)
1. PIE *Π·spēsēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·spēsāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·spēsāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spēsāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·spēsāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·spēsā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·spēsā-
*VsV → VrV
Rhotacism of *s between vowels
(adv.) ‘erwartungsgemäß’
(WH. 2:375-6)
(Lat. prospere)
PIE √sp- √sep- √sop- (sb.) ‘Abend, späte Nacht’
(IEW 983)
(Schindler 1969:166f.; not to Av. xšap-)
(sb.) ‘Nachtlager, Herberge’ ‹with Hitt. talu- ‘Lager’›
(HEG I:420)
(Hitt. išpattalu-)
1. PIE *Π·spo·tɑholu-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spo·tholu-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spo·tholu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spa·thalu-
3. Π·spa·thalu-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spa·talu-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spa·talu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.comp.) ‘spätere: later: ὔστερος’
(GoEtD. S121)
(Goth. speidizei [f.sgN] Mat 27,64 CA)
1. PIE *speidɑɦis-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *speidɦis-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. speidɦis-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *speidis-
3. speidis-
*ei → ī
Monophthongization of *ei into ī
Rei›ī → *spīdis-
4. spīdis-
*ī → ei
Orthographic change of *ī into ei
(a.sup.) ‘ἔσχατος: novissimus: last’
(GoEtD. S121)
(Goth. spidistaim 1Tm 4,1 B, HbGo. 166,1c)
1. PIE *spidɑɦisto
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spidɦisto
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spidɦisto
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spidisto
3. spidisto
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spidista
4. spidista
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
(HEG I:411)
(HIL. 469; HED 2:431ff.)
(c.) ‘GE6(KAM): Nacht: night’ (adv.) ‘nachts’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-an-za, iš-pa-an-ta-an, iš-pa-an-da-an, GE6-an-da-aš, iš-pa-an-ti)
1. PIE *Π·spondɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spondɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spondɦ-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spandɦ-
3. Π·spandɦ-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spand-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spand-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(d.) ‘Nacht’ (RDH. 75, REL. 88-89)
(OHP. 1:204)
(Hitt. iš-pa-an-za, iš-pa-an-ta-an)
1. PIE *Π·spondɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spondɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spondɦ-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spandɦ-
3. Π·spandɦ-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spand-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spand-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘Nacht verbringen’
(HEG I:411)
1. PIE *Π·spondɑɦoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spondɦoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spondɦoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spandɦai-
3. Π·spandɦai-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spandai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spandai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘nächtlich, zur Nacht gehörig’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. išpantiia-, KLuN. 130)
1. PIE *Π·spondɑɦei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spondɦei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spondɦei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spandɦei̯a-
3. Π·spandɦei̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spandei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spandei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·špandei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(d.) ‘Genius der Nacht’
(OHP. 1:205)
(Hitt. iš-pa-an-za-še-pa-aš [N], HHand. 149, GhR. 299, RDH. 67, REL. 73)
1. PIE *Π·spondɑɦio·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spondɦio·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spondɦio·Σ
PIE *dɦi → jɦi
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi›jɦi → *Π·sponjɦio·Σ
3. Π·sponjɦio·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spanjɦia·Σ
4. Π·spanjɦia·Σ
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spanjia·Σ
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·spanjia·Σ
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *Π·spanzia·Σ
6. Π·spanzia·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Schindler 1969:166f.)
(c.) ‘Nacht’
(Kimball 1999:316)
(in KBo III 13 II 3 iš-pa-ta-za ‘night’)
1. PIE *Π·spodɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spodɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spodɦ-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spadɦ-
3. Π·spadɦ-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spad-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spad-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘sich verspäten: be late: repigrare’
(Gl. N ≈ 1000)
(OHG. spāten)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦo-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdo-
3. spēdo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spēda-
4. spēda-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *spāda-
5. spāda-
p -> pf
HG sound shift for p
Rp›pf → *spfāda-
6. spfāda-
*d → t
OHG sound shift of *d
(a.) ‘autumnalis, serus, tardus, vespertinus’
(Gl. 9th cent.)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦio
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦio
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦio
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdio
3. spēdio
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spēdia
4. spēdia
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *spēdi
5. spēdi
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *spādi
6. spādi
p -> pf
HG sound shift for p
Rp›pf → *spfādi
7. spfādi
*d → t
OHG sound shift of *d
(a.) ‘ἔσχατος: novissimus: der späteste: latest’
(GoEtD. S121)
(Goth. spedistamma 1Kr 15,8 A spedistaim 1Tm 4,1 A; 2Tm 3,1 A B)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦisto
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦisto
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦisto
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdisto
3. spēdisto
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spēdista
4. spēdista
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *spēdist
5. spēdist
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(a.) ‘ἔσχατος: novissimus: der späteste: latest’
(GoEtD. S121)
(Goth. spedista Luk 20,32 CA, spedistans 1Kr 4,9 A, spedistana Mrk 12,6 CA)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦiston-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦiston-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦiston-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdiston-
3. spēdiston-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spēdistan-
4. spēdistan-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(sup.) ‘der jüngste Tag: ἐσχάτη ἡμέρα: novissimus dies’
(GoEtD. S121)
(e.g. Joh 6,40 CA)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦiston·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦiston·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦiston·Σ
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdiston·Σ
3. spēdiston·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spēdistan·Σ
4. spēdistan·Σ
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(a.) ‘ἔσχατος: novissimus: späteste: latest’
(GoEtD. S121)
(Goth. spedistin Joh 6,40 CA, HbGo. 55n3, HbGo. 169,2)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦisten-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦisten-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦisten-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdisten-
3. spēdisten-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *spēdistin-
4. spēdistin-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(adv.) ‘ad vesperam, in hora undecima, sero, tarde’
(Gl. 800)
(B, GB, Gl, N, O, OT, T)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦu
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦu
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦu
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdu
3. spēdu
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *spādu
4. spādu
*-u → -o
Change of root-final -u into -o
R=u›=o → *spādo
5. spādo
p -> pf
HG sound shift for p
Rp›pf → *spfādo
6. spfādo
*d → t
OHG sound shift of *d
(a.) ‘ἔσχατος: novissimus: spätester: last’
(GoEtD. S121)
(Goth. spedumista [f.sgN] Mrk 12,22 CA)
1. PIE *spēdɑɦumisto
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spēdɦumisto
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. spēdɦumisto
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spēdumisto
3. spēdumisto
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *spēdumista
4. spēdumista
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *spēdumist
5. spēdumist
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
PIE √spɑh- (a.) ‘satt’ (sb.) ‘Sättigung, Gedeihung’
(IEW 983-4)
(Sturtevant 1928a:2)
(HEG I:408)
(HIL. 468-9)
(vb.2.) ‘sich satt essen’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-a-i [3sg])
1. PIE *Π·spɑhō-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphō-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphō-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sphā-
3. Π·sphā-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spā-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spā-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘sich satt essen’
(HIL. 468)
(Hitt. iš-pa-a-i [ipv2sg], iš-pa-a-i-ši [2sg])
1. PIE *Π·spɑhōi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphōi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphōi-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sphāi-
3. Π·sphāi-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spāi-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spāi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pf.) ‘feist geworden sein’
(EWA 2:776-7)
(OInd. pasphāye)
1. PIE *pespɑhōi̯-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *pesphōi̯-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. pesphōi̯-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *pesphāi̯-
3. pesphāi̯-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *pasphāi̯-
4. pasphāi̯-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(pr.M.) ‘feist werden, zunehmen’ (Beitr. 2:717)
(EWA 2:776-7)
(Dhātup. sphā́yate)
1. PIE *spɑhṓi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sphṓi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sphṓi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sphṓi̯a-
3. sphṓi̯a-
PIE *ṓ → ā́
Change of *ṓ into ā́
Rṓ›ā́ → *sphā́i̯a-
4. sphā́i̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(vb.) ‘sich satt essen’
(HIL. 468)
(Hitt. iš-pí-ir, iš-pí-it-tén)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphei-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. Π·spei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Sättingung an Speise und Trank’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pí-ni-in-ga-tar)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhei·ningɑɦodɑɦor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphei·ningɦodɦor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphei·ningɦodɦor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphei·ningɦadɦar-
3. Π·sphei·ningɦadɦar-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spei·ningɦadɦar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spei·ningɦadɦar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spei·ningadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·spei·ningadar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·špei·ningadar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘sich satt essen’
(HIL. 468)
(Hitt. iš-pí-ia, iš-pí-ia-an-zi [3pl])
1. PIE *Π·spɑhei̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphei̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphei̯a-
3. Π·sphei̯a-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Sättigung’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-a-an [sgNA], iš-pa-a-na-aš [G])
1. PIE *Π·spɑhōn-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphōn-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphōn-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sphān-
3. Π·sphān-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spān-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spān-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘den Hausstand mehrend’
(WbRV. 386)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhṓno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphṓno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphṓno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphṓna-
3. Π·sphṓna-
PIE *ṓ → ā́
Change of *ṓ into ā́
(a.) ‘feist werdend’
(EWA 2:776-7)
(also AV. para·sphā́na-)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhṓno-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphṓno-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphṓno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphṓna-
3. Π·sphṓna-
PIE *ṓ → ā́
Change of *ṓ into ā́
PIE √spɑh- (sb.) ‘Spieß, Stilett, Nadel, Heer’
(IEW 980)
(Kammenhuber 1955:105: Gr. + Germ. (despite GEW); Pyysalo: Iran.)
(Kammenhuber 1955:105)
(f.) ‘breites flaches Holz der Weber, Ruder-, Schulterblatt, langes breites Schwert’
(GEW 2:755)
1. PIE *spéɑhdɑɦēɑh-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *spáɑhdɑɦēɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. spáɑhdɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *spáɑhdɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. spáɑhdɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spáhdɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. spáhdɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *spádɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. spádɦā-
*dɦ → th
Loss of voice of media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›th → *spáthā-
6. spáthā-
*ā → ē
Ion-Att. change of *ā into ē
Rā›ē → *spáthē-
7. spáthē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion.-Att. σπάθη-
(m.) ‘Spaten, Hacke’
(ASächsWb. 69)
1. PIE *speɑhdɑɦu
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *spaɑhdɑɦu
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. spaɑhdɑɦu
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spahdɦu
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. spahdɦu
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *spadɦu
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. spadɦu
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *spadu
5. spadu
*-u → -o
Change of root-final -u into -o
(HEG I:420)
(HIL. 476, Pyysalo)
(n.) ‘Spieß, Stilett, Nadel’
(HIL. 476)
(Hitt. iš-pa-an-na-aš, iš-pa-an-na-za, iš-pa-an-ni-it, HHand. 66)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphan-
3. Π·sphan-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·span-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·span-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Keil’
(GEW 2:830-831)
(Gr. σφήν, σφηνός)
1. PIE *spɑhḗn
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sphḗn
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sphḗn
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(HEG I:420)
(Pyysalo: Iran.; for the semantics, see LAv. haēnā- ‘Geschoss’ & ‘Heer’ AIWb. 1729-30.)
(URUDUn.) ‘GÍR: Spieß, Stilett, Nadel’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-a-ta)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhōdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphōdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphōdɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphōdɦa-
3. Π·sphōdɦa-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sphādɦa-
4. Π·sphādɦa-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spādɦa-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·spādɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spāda-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. Π·spāda-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Heer, Heerschaft’
(AIWb. 1617)
1. PIE *spɑhōdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sphōdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sphōdɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sphōdɦa-
3. sphōdɦa-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sphādɦa-
4. sphādɦa-
*ph → f
Affricativization of *ph
Rph›f → *sfādɦa-
5. sfādɦa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hfādɦa-
6. hfādɦa-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
(Im.) ‘with brave army’
(OldP. 185)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhōdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphōdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphōdɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphōdɦa-
3. Π·sphōdɦa-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sphādɦa-
4. Π·sphādɦa-
*ph → f
Affricativization of *ph
Rph›f → *Π·sfādɦa-
5. Π·sfādɦa-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
(a.) ‘der ein zahlreiches/grosses Heer besitzt’
(AIWb. 902)
1. PIE *Π.spɑhōdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π.sphōdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π.sphōdɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π.sphōdɦa-
3. Π.sphōdɦa-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π.sphādɦa-
4. Π.sphādɦa-
*ph → f
Affricativization of *ph
Rph›f → *Π.sfādɦa-
5. Π.sfādɦa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π.hfādɦa-
6. Π.hfādɦa-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *Π.hfāda-
7. Π.hfāda-
d → δ
Change of *d into δ
(a.) ‘der ein Heer verschafft, (für jmdn) aufbringt’
(AIWb. 1448)
1. PIE *Π.spɑhōdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π.sphōdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π.sphōdɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π.sphōdɦa-
3. Π.sphōdɦa-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π.sphādɦa-
4. Π.sphādɦa-
*ph → f
Affricativization of *ph
Rph›f → *Π.sfādɦa-
5. Π.sfādɦa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π.hfādɦa-
6. Π.hfādɦa-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *Π.hfāda-
7. Π.hfāda-
d → δ
Change of *d into δ
(PNm.) ‘ein Gläubiger, Bruder des ǝrǝzu-’
(AIWb. 1648)
1. PIE *Π.spɑhōdɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π.sphōdɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π.sphōdɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π.sphōdɦa-
3. Π.sphōdɦa-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π.sphādɦa-
4. Π.sphādɦa-
*ph → f
Affricativization of *ph
Rph›f → *Π.sfādɦa-
5. Π.sfādɦa-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π.hfādɦa-
6. Π.hfādɦa-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
(URUDUn.) ‘Spieß, Stilett, Nadel’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-a-tar, iš-pa-tar)
1. PIE *Π·spɑhōdɑɦor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sphōdɦor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sphōdɦor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sphōdɦar-
3. Π·sphōdɦar-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·sphādɦar-
4. Π·sphādɦar-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·spādɦar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·spādɦar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spādar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. Π·spādar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √spr- √spor- √sper- (vb.) ‘hin-, ausbreiten, zerstreuen, (be)säen’ (sb.) ‘das Säen, die Saat’
(IEW 993-995)
(Watkins 1975:377; note the problematic semantics)
(vb.2.) ‘hin-, ausbreiten’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-ar-ḫi [1sg], iš-pa-a-ri [3sg], iš-pa-ri [3sg], iš-par-ḫu-un)
1. PIE *Π·spor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spar-
2. Π·spar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Saat, Same’
(GEW 2:762-3)
(Att. σπόρος [sgN])
1. PIE *spóro-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.2.) ‘hin-, ausbreiten’
(HIL. 471)
(Hitt. [iš]-pár-ra-a-i [3sg], iš-pa-ra-an-zi [3pl])
1. PIE *Π·sporo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spara-
2. Π·spara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘das Säen, Saat, Zeugung, Abstammung’
(GEW 2:762-3)
(Gr. σπορά)
1. PIE *sporéɑh-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *sporáɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. sporáɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sporáh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sporáh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sporá-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sporá-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘verstreut’
(GEW 2:762-3)
(Gr. σποράς, σποράδος)
1. PIE *sporéɑɦd-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *sporáɑɦd-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. sporáɑɦd-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sporáɦd-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sporáɦd-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *sporád-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sporád-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.) ‘spread out, strew’
(HIL. 471)
(Hitt. iš-pár-ri-iz-zi)
1. PIE *Π·sporei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sparei-
2. Π·sparei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘spread out, strew’
(HIL. 471)
(Hitt. iš-pár-ri-ia-az-zi)
1. PIE *Π·sporei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sparei̯a-
2. Π·sparei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.N.act.) ‘hin-, ausarbeiten; niedertreten, vernichten’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pár-ri-ia-u-ua-ar)
1. PIE *Π·sporei̯ou̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sparei̯au̯ar-
2. Π·sparei̯au̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·šparei̯au̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘hin-, ausarbeiten; niedertreten, vernichten’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pa-ri-eš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *Π·sporeiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·sporeisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. Π·sporeisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spareisḱe/a-
3. Π·spareisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·spareiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. Π·spareiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·špareiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Nachsaat, zweite Saat’
(GEW 2:762-3)
(Hes. ἐπισπορίη)
1. PIE *epi·sporíēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *epi·sporíāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. epi·sporíāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *epi·sporíāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. epi·sporíāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *epi·sporíā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. epi·sporíā-
*ā → ē
Ion-Att. change of *ā into ē
Rā›ē → *epi·sporíē-
5. epi·sporíē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion. ἐπι·σπορίη-
(vb.) ‘hin-, ausbreiten’
(HEG I:416ff.)
(Hitt. iš-pí-ir-te-en, HIL. 471)
1. PIE *Π·sper-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.A.) ‘säen, besäen’
(GEW 2:762-3)
(Gr. σπείρω)
1. PIE *spéri̯o-
*éri̯ → eír
Epenthesis of *i
Réri̯›eír → *speíro-
2. speíro-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(n.) ‘Same, Saat, Stamm, Sproß’
(GEW 2:762-3)
1. PIE *spérmeɑht-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *spérmaɑht-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. spérmaɑht-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *spérmaht-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. spérmaht-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *spérmat-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. spérmat-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
PIE √spr- √spor- √sper- (vb.) ‘retten, schützen, überwinden’
(IEW 995-6)
(Feist 1939:444: Hitt. + OInd.; Kapancjan 1931-3:48: Arm.; Pyysalo: RV.)
(ao.) ‘schützen, retten; erkämpfen, erringen’
(WbRV. 1609)
(RV. áspar [2sg], sparat [3sg])
1. PIE *sper-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(ao.) ‘[A] schützen vor [Abl]’
(WbRV. 1609)
(RV. áva (...) spar [2sg])
1. PIE *Π·sper-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(ao.) ‘schützen vor [Abl]’
(WbRV. 1609)
(RV. ava (...) spárat [3sg]
1. PIE *Π·spér-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
(ao.) ‘[A] retten aus [Abl]’
(WbRV. 1609)
(RV. nís (...) spartam [2du])
1. PIE *Π·sper-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(pf.) ‘befreien’
(AVP. paspāra)
1. PIE *pespōr-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *pespār-
2. pespār-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(pr.A.) ‘[A] schützen vor [Abl], losmachen, befreien’
(WbRV. 1609)
(RV. spr̥ṇuhi [ipv2sg])
1. PIE *spr̥nu-
*n → ṇ
Assimilation of retroflex
(a.) ‘nicht überwunden, unüberwindlich’
(WbRV. 159)
1. PIE *hɑé·spr̥to-
PIE *ɑé → ɑá
Møller's rule for PIE *aé
Rɑé›ɑá → *hɑá·spr̥to-
2. hɑá·spr̥to-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *há·spr̥to-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. há·spr̥to-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *há·spr̥ta-
4. há·spr̥ta-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(m.) ‘Erretter’
(WbRV. 128)
(RV. avaspartar [V])
1. PIE *Π·spertor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spertar-
2. Π·spertar-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(HEG I:418-9)
(Feist 1939:444, Kapancjan 1931-3:48)
(vb.) ‘entschlüpfen: escape’
(HIL. 475)
(Arm. sprdem [1sg])
1. PIE *sprdɑɦe-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sprdɦe-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sprdɦe-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
(vb.1.) ‘hoch-, entkommen, entfliehen, sich retten’
(HIL. 475)
(Hitt. iš-pár-ti-i-e-ez-zi, iš-pár-te-ir, iš-pár-ti-ed-du)
1. PIE *Π·spordɑɦei-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spordɦei-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spordɦei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·spardɦei-
3. Π·spardɦei-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·spardei-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·spardei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘hoch-, entkommen, entfliehen, sich retten’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pár-za-zi)
1. PIE *Π·spordɑɦi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spordɦi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spordɦi̯o-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *Π·sporjɦo-
3. Π·sporjɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sparjɦa-
4. Π·sparjɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·sparja-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·sparja-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *Π·sparza-
6. Π·sparza-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.2.) ‘hoch-, entkommen, entfliehen, sich retten’
(HHand. 66)
(Hitt. iš-pár-za-i, iš-pár-za-aḫ-ḫu-u[n])
1. PIE *Π·spordɑɦi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·spordɦi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·spordɦi̯o-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *Π·sporjɦo-
3. Π·sporjɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sparjɦa-
4. Π·sparjɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·sparja-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·sparja-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *Π·sparza-
6. Π·sparza-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sr- √sor- √ser- (vb.) ‘teilen, trennen’ (sb.) ‘Teil, Anteil, Los, Stand, Lage’
(IEW 911)
(Pyysalo: Hitt. + Lat.)
(c.) ‘Teil, Anteil’
(HEG S:863f.)
(Hitt. šarraz [adv.], HIL. 840, HHand. 144)
1. PIE *soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sara-
2. sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.2.M.) ‘teilen, trennen’
(HHand. 143)
(HIL. 839)
1. PIE *soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sara-
2. sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘zerteilen, sortieren’
(HHand. 149)
1. PIE *sesoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesara-
2. sesara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘teilen, trennen’
(HEG S:863ff.)
1. PIE *sorei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarei̯a-
2. sarei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(474sb.a.gen.) ‘eunuch’
(CHLu. 6.8.1)
(HLu. (*474)sa-ri+i-ia-si-sa ‹thus not from Akd. ša rēši›)
1. PIE *sorei̯o·si-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarei̯a·si-
2. sarei̯a·si-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘zerteilen, sortieren’
(HEG S:870)
(Hitt. šareški-)
1. PIE *soriski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sorisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sorisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarisḱe/a-
3. sarisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sariske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sariske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Los, Stand, Lage, Besitz, Erbteil’
(WH. 2:563-4)
(pr.4.) ‘draw lots; choose, appoint or acquire by lot’
(Lat. sortiō, sortīre, WH. 2:564)
1. PIE *sortiɑ́h-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *sortiíh-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. sortiíh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sortií-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. sortií-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *sortī́-
4. sortī́-
*ī́ → ī
Loss/Absence of accent
PIE √sr- √sor- √ser- (sb.) ‘Hund’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: OInd. + Hitt.)
(n.) ‘Benennung eines Hundedämons’
(EWA 2:734)
1. PIE *sihɑ́.soro-
PIE *iḫɑ́ → iḫí
Distant assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
RiHɑ́›iHí → *sihí.soro-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. sihí.soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sihí.sara-
3. sihí.sara-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sií.sara-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sií.sara-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
(m.) ‘ein Tier aus dem Hundegeschlechte’
(WbRV. 1513)
(etwa ‘Schakal, Hyäne’)
1. PIE *sōLēɑh·u̯l̥ku̯ó-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sōLāɑh·u̯l̥ku̯ó-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sōLāɑh·u̯l̥ku̯ó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sōLāh·u̯l̥ku̯ó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sōLāh·u̯l̥ku̯ó-
PIE *l̥ → r̥
Change of *l̥ into r̥
Rl̥›r̥ → *sōLāh·u̯r̥ku̯ó-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
4. sōLāh·u̯r̥ku̯ó-
PIE *L → l
Preservation of *l in IIr.
RL›l → *sōlāh·u̯r̥ku̯ó-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
5. sōlāh·u̯r̥ku̯ó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *sōlāh·u̯r̥ku̯á-
6. sōlāh·u̯r̥ku̯á-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sālāh·u̯r̥ku̯á-
7. sālāh·u̯r̥ku̯á-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sālā·u̯r̥ku̯á-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
8. sālā·u̯r̥ku̯á-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sālā·u̯r̥ká-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
9. sālā·u̯r̥ká-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(m.) ‘ein Hundedämon’
(MonWil. 1219)
(KEWA 3:478)
1. PIE *sihɑ́.soromo-
PIE *iḫɑ́ → iḫí
Distant assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
RiHɑ́›iHí → *sihí.soromo-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. sihí.soromo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sihí.sarama-
3. sihí.sarama-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sií.sarama-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sií.sarama-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ →
OInd. sī́.sarama-
(f.) ‘Hündin Indras & der Götter’ (KEWA 3:442-3)
(WbRV. 1487)
(RV. sarámā)
1. PIE *sorémēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sorémāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sorémāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sorémāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sorémāh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarémāh-
4. sarémāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sarémā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. sarémā-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
(m.) ‘Nachkomme der Sarámā-’
(WbRV. 1513)
1. PIE *sōromeii̯ó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sōrameii̯ó-
2. sōrameii̯ó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *sōrameii̯á-
3. sōrameii̯á-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sārameii̯á-
4. sārameii̯á-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *sāramaii̯á-
5. sāramaii̯á-
ai → ē
Monophthongization of *ai
Rai›ē → *sāramēi̯á-
6. sāramēi̯á-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
Ri̯›y → *sāramēyá-
7. sāramēyá-
*ē → e
Change of *ē into e
(d.) ‘(cult in Atarbapa-)’
(OHP. 1:375)
(Hitt. šar-mi [Abs])
1. PIE *sormei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarmei-
2. sarmei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚc.) ‘(ein Funktionär)’
(HHand. 146)
1. PIE *sormei-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarmei-
2. sarmei-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Wildhund, nicht domestizierter Hund’
(HHand. 146)
1. PIE *sormei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarmei̯a-
2. sarmei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚc.) ‘(ein Funktionär)’
(HHand. 146)
1. PIE *sormei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarmei̯a-
2. sarmei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sr- √ser- √sor- (adv.) ‘oben, über usw.’
(IEW –)
(Heubeck 1964:264-267; Pyysalo: Lat. + OGaul. + HLu. + IIr.)
(adv.) ‘oben, oberhalb, darauf, -über’
(HHand. 149)
1. PIE *ser-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(postp.DL) ‘auf, oben, in; für, wegen’
(HHand. 149)
1. PIE *ser-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚ/ÉRINc.) ‘‹cf. Gr. ἅμιπποι (light cavalry support troops)›’
(HHand. 145)
1. PIE *sor·ikiu̯o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sor·iḱu̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sor·iḱu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sar·iḱu̯a-
3. sar·iḱu̯a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sar·iku̯a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sar·iku̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚ/ÉRINc.) ‘‹cf. Gr. ἅμιπποι (light cavalry support troops)›’
(HHand. 145)
1. PIE *sor·iu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sar·iu̯a-
2. sar·iu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(LÚc.) ‘‹cf. above›’
(NOMS. 1120)
(in Akd. ša-ri-ua-an-da)
1. PIE *sor·iu̯ondɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sor·iu̯ondɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sor·iu̯ondɦo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sar·iu̯andɦa-
3. sar·iu̯andɦa-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sar·iu̯anda-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. sar·iu̯anda-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šar·iu̯anda-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.2.M.) ‘überschreiten: transgress’
(HHand. 143)
1. PIE *soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sara-
2. sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SUPERpostp.) ‘upon, over’
(CHLu. 1.1.8.)
(HLu. SUPER+ra/i-ta)
1. PIE *sorto
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarta
2. sarta
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘surrectus’
(OxLatD. 1796)
(WH. 2:564, PFest. sortus)
(f.) ‘‹cf. OLat. sorto-›’
(ACSS 2:1618)
(OGaul. sorto seruilliae Eleuterioni)
(prep.) ‘oben, auf: sur’
(DLL. 85)
1. PIE *sro
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sra
2. sra
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(postp.DL) ‘empor, hinauf, herauf’
(HHand. 143)
1. PIE *sro
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sra
2. sra
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘oben befindlich’
(HHand. 144)
(cf. OInd. nimna- (a.) ‘tief liegend’ AiGr. 2/2:777)
1. PIE *sro·mno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sra·mna-
2. sra·mna-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(adv.) ‘von oben herab’
(HHand. 144)
(cf. RV. nimná- (n.) ‘Niederung, Tiefe’ KEWA 2:166)
1. PIE *sro·mni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sra·mni-
2. sra·mni-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Lager, Streu’
(EWA 2:785)
(Gr̥Sū. srastara-, KEWA 3:555f.)
1. PIE *sro·storo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(pr.P.) ‘rise, lift up, lead upwards’
(MPahl. 2:11)
may contain PIE *em- ‘nehmen’)
1. PIE *Π·sroem-
*oe → ō
Contraction of e and o
Roe›ō → *Π·srōm-
2. Π·srōm-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·srām-
3. Π·srām-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr →
Pahl. Π·hrām-
(pr.P.) ‘rise, lift up, lead upwards’
(MPahl. 2:11)
1. PIE *Π·sroemi̯o-
*oe → ō
Contraction of e and o
Roe›ō → *Π·srōmi̯o-
2. Π·srōmi̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·srōmi̯a-
3. Π·srōmi̯a-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *Π·srāmi̯a-
4. Π·srāmi̯a-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π·hrāmi̯a-
5. Π·hrāmi̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(adv.) ‘oben, auf, über’
(HHand. 145)
(DLL. 86, šar-ri)
1. PIE *sri
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(adv.) ‘en haut, sur’
(DLL. 26)
(Lyk&Hitt. 24)
1. PIE *sri-
PIE *s → h
Change of fricative *s into h
(TÚGc.) ‘Oberkleid, Jacke?’
(HHand. 145)
(Hitt. šariuašpa-)
1. PIE *sri·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sr- √sor- √ser- (sb.) ‘Käsewasser, Molke’
(IEW 910 [diff.])
(Neumann apud HEG S:940; Pyysalo)
(n.) ‘Käsewasser, die Molke, das wässerliche Teil’
(Lat. serum)
(PNm.) ‘(Gaul. cognomen)’
(ACSS 2:1525)
(OGaul. seri [sgG])
(KUŠ.) ‘Wasserschlauch’
(HHand. 144)
(HEG S:886, Hitt. ša-ra-az-zi-it)
1. PIE *sorodɑɦi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sorodɦi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sorodɦi-
PIE *dɦi → jɦi
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi›jɦi → *sorojɦi-
3. sorojɦi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarajɦi-
4. sarajɦi-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *saraji-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. saraji-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *sarazi-
6. sarazi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘bestreichen; (um)spülen’
(HHand. 146)
(Hitt. šar-ta-i [3sg])
1. PIE *sorto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarta-
2. sarta-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Spülen’
(HHand. 146)
(Hitt. šar-ta-ua-aš [sgG])
1. PIE *sortou-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sartau-
2. sartau-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Neumann apud Tischler HEG S:940)
(HIL. 852: OInd. srav- ‘flow’, CHD S:299)
(PÚn./c.?) ‘Brunnen’
(HEG S:939-40)
(not Hitt. †uššarunta-)
1. PIE *sorunto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarunta-
2. sarunta-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sr- √sor- √ser- (sb.) ‘Frau’
(IEW –; HEG S:861-3)
(Benveniste 1935a:104-6)
√sōr- √sor-
(CHD S:253-4)
(Rieken 1999:262-3, 499, HEG S:861f.)
(UZUc.) ‘Mutterleib, Bauch, Leibesinneres’
(HEG S:893-4)
(HHand. 14, HuIdg. 48)
1. PIE *sōr·hɑu̯ont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sōr·hu̯ont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sōr·hu̯ont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sōr·hu̯ant-
3. sōr·hu̯ant-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sār·hu̯ant-
4. sār·hu̯ant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šār·hu̯ant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. šār·hu̯ant-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(f.) ‘Weib, Frau, Gattin’
(Lat. uxor, -ōris)
1. PIE *Π.sōr-
*ōRC → oRC
Osthoff’s Law for *ōRC
(SPIE §2.5.8)
(f.) ‘drei’
(DIL. 607)
(OIr. tēoir ← PIE *teisores)
1. PIE *tei·sor-
*ei → ē
Monophthongization of *ei into ē
(HIL. 846)
(c.) ‘Großkönigin’
(CHLu. 2.20.6)
(HLu. ha-su-sa5+ra/i-[i?)
1. PIE *Π·soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sara-
2. Π·sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.*) ‘Großkönigin’
(HIL. 382)
(in Hitt. MUNUS.LUGAL-ra)
1. PIE *Π·soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sara-
2. Π·sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘GAŠAN: domina’
(HEG I:372-3)
(Hitt. ešḫašara-)
1. PIE *esɑho·soro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *esho·soro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. esho·soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esha·sara-
3. esha·sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *ešha·šara-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. ešha·šara-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(FEMINAc.) ‘sister?’
(CHLu. 278)
(HLu. (FEMINA)na-na-sa5+ra/i-za)
1. PIE *nono·soro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *nana·sara-
2. nana·sara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘daughter’s husband, son-in-law’
(EtDiArm. 420)
1. PIE *soro-
*s → h
Change *s into h
(Oettinger 1986:116-128)
(EZEN4.) ‘Fest der Weiblichkeit’
(HEG A:78, HHand. 27)
(Hitt. ašarḫiaš [sgG])
1. PIE *o·sōrhɑi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *o·sōrhi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. o·sōrhi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sōrhi-
3. a·sōrhi-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *a·sārhi-
4. a·sārhi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *a·šārhi-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. a·šārhi-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(f.) ‘Weib(chen) (geschlechtlich)’
(AIWb. 1806-7)
1. PIE *sōrhɑisiɑ́h-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *sōrhɑisiíh-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. sōrhɑisiíh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sōrhisiíh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sōrhisiíh-
PIE *is → iš
Ruki-rule for *is
RrukIIr → *sōrhišiíh-
4. sōrhišiíh-
PIE *ō → ā
Change of *ō into ā
Rō›ā → *sārhišiíh-
5. sārhišiíh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sārišií-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. sārišií-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *sārišī́-
7. sārišī́-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *hārišī́-
8. hārišī́-
*ārI → āirI
Anaptyxis of *i
RārI›āirI → *hāirišī́-
9. hāirišī́-
*ī́ → ī
Loss/Absence of accent
(num.f.pl) ‘drei’
(WbRV. 555-6)
(RV. tisrás [plN], tisrás [plA])
(f.pl) ‘vier’
(WbRV. 433)
1. PIE *ku̯éto·sr-
PIE *ku̯ → ču̯
2nd palatalization of *ku̯
Rku̯›ču̯ → *ču̯éto·sr-
2. ču̯éto·sr-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ču̯éta·sr-
3. ču̯éta·sr-
*ČU → Č
Loss of labial after affricative
RČU›Č → *čéta·sr-
(SPIE §4.8.3)
4. čéta·sr-
*č → c
From 2nd palatalization *č to c
Rč›c → *céta·sr-
5. céta·sr-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
(EZEN4.) ‘Fest der Weiblichkeit’
(HHand. 27)
1. PIE *o·srohɑi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *o·srohi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. o·srohi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·srahi-
3. a·srahi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *a·šrahi-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. a·šrahi-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(EZEN4c.) ‘Fest der Weiblichkeit’
(DLL. 34)
1. PIE *o·srohɑidosi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *o·srohidosi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. o·srohidosi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·srahidasi-
3. a·srahidasi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *a·šrahidaši-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. a·šrahidaši-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Schwester’
(HHand. 144)
1. PIE *nono·srei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *nana·srei̯a-
2. nana·srei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘female?’
(HHand. 27)
(CLu. ašriwantinzi (…) šanâenta)
1. PIE *o·sriu̯onti-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sriu̯anti-
2. a·sriu̯anti-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Weiblichkeit’
(Weitenberg 1984:294)
1. PIE *o·srulohɑiso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *o·srulohiso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. o·srulohiso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·srulahisa-
3. a·srulahisa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *a·šrulahiša-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. a·šrulahiša-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(FEMINA*sb.) ‘‹cf. below?›’
(CHLu. 7.1fr1)
(HLu. FEMINA-la-ha)
1. PIE *o·srlulo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·srlula-
2. a·srlula-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Weiblichkeit: femininity’
(DLL. 34)
(CLu. aš-ru-la-ḫi-ša)
1. PIE *o·srlulo·hɑiso-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *o·srlulo·hiso-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. o·srlulo·hiso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·srlula·hisa-
3. a·srlula·hisa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *a·šrlula·hiša-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. a·šrlula·hiša-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
CLu. a·šrlula·ḫiša-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘weiblich’
(DLL. 34)
(CLu. aš-ru-le-en)
1. PIE *o·sruli-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sruli-
2. a·sruli-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sr- √sor- √ser- (vb.) ‘ausrauben, plündern, erbeuten’ (sb.) ‘Beute, Raub, Räuber’
(IEW 909-910 [diff.])
(Duchesne-Guillemin 1947:78)
(n.) ‘NAM.GAR.RA: booty, spoils: Akd. šallatum’
(GLHur. 217)
(belongs here if Hur. šar-ri is Hitt., cf. HEG S:936)
1. PIE *sori-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sari-
2. sari-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘(plündernd) umherschweifen, ausrauben’
(LiEtWb. 763)
(Lith. sarióti [inf.])
1. PIE *soriḗɑh-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *soriā́ɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. soriā́ɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *soriā́h-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. soriā́h-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *soriā́-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. soriā́-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sariā́-
5. sariā́-
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *sariṓ-
6. sariṓ-
*ṓ → ó
Change of ṓ into ó
(HEG S:936-7)
(Watkins 1976:116-122)
(n./c.) ‘Beute’
(HHand. 146)
(Hitt. ša-a-ru [NA], ša-a-ru-ú-i usw.)
1. PIE *soru-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saru-
2. saru-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘erbeuten, plündern’
(HHand. 146)
1. PIE *soru̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saru̯a-
2. saru̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.sb.bs.) ‘Plünderung’
(HHand. 146)
(Hitt. ša-ar-ru-ua-u-ua-an-zi [sup])
1. PIE *soru̯ou̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *saru̯au̯a-
2. saru̯au̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘geplündert’
(HEG S:942)
(Hitt. ša-a-ru-un-t[i-eš] [plN])
1. PIE *sorunt-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarunt-
2. sarunt-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Duchesne-Guillemin 1947:78)
(m.) ‘thief’
(DIL. 538)
(MidIr. serb)
1. PIE *seru̯o
*-o → -Ø
Loss of root-final *o
R=o›=0 → *seru̯
2. seru̯
ru̯ → rb
Change of ru̯ → rb
(m.) ‘Plünderung: predatory attack, raid’
(LEIA S-90)
(Cymr. herw [sgN])
1. PIE *seru̯o
*-o → -Ø
Loss of root-final *o
R=o›=0 → *seru̯
2. seru̯
sV- -› hV-
Change of sV- into hV-
RsV=hV= → *heru̯
3. heru̯
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(f.) ‘Raub’
(LEIA S-90)
(MidIr. serb)
1. PIE *seru̯ēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *seru̯āɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. seru̯āɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seru̯āh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. seru̯āh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *seru̯ā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. seru̯ā
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
Rā›a → *seru̯a
5. seru̯a
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
R=a›=0 → *seru̯
6. seru̯
ru̯ → rb
Change of ru̯ → rb
PIE √sr- √sor- √ser- (vb.) ‘binden, fügen, weben’
(IEW 911)
(Duchesne-Guillemin 1947:78)
(CHD S:257-8)
(HIL. 838-9, HEG S:872-3)
(vb.M.) ‘zupfen?; weben?’
(HHand. 144)
(Hitt. ša-ra-an-t[a(-] [3pl])
1. PIE *sor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sar-
2. sar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SÍGc.) ‘(breites) Band (aus Wolle)
(HHand. 33)
1. PIE *esoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esara-
2. esara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SÍGc.) ‘(breites) Band (aus Wolle)
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. ašara-)
1. PIE *osoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asara-
2. asara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SÍGn./c.) ‘Wollvlies: fleece’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. e-eš-šar-[ri] [NA])
1. PIE *esori-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esari-
2. esari-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘(ein Schmuck- oder Bekleidungsstück)’
(HHand. 58)
1. PIE *hɑu̯on·osori-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *hu̯on·osori-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. hu̯on·osori-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *hu̯an·asari-
3. hu̯an·asari-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *hu̯an·ašari-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. hu̯an·ašari-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘zupfen?; weben?’
(HEG S:872)
(Hitt. šariianzi [3pl])
1. PIE *sorei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sarei̯a-
2. sarei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘link, join together, entwine, interlace’
(OxLatD. 1744)
(Lat. serō, serere)
(f.) ‘Reihe’
(WH. 2:521)
(Lat. seriēs)
(pr.) ‘serere’
(WH. 2:521)
(OIr. sernat : serit)
1. PIE *sernēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sernāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sernāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sernāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sernāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sernā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sernā-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
(n.) ‘Blumengewinde’
(WH. 2:521)
(Lat. sertum)
(c./n.?) ‘Wollvlies’
(HIL. 309)
(Hitt. eš-ri [L])
1. PIE *esro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *esra-
2. esra-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SÍGn.) ‘Wollvlies’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. e-eš-ri [NA])
1. PIE *esri-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(SÍGc.) ‘Wollvlies’
(HHand. 33)
(Hitt. e-eš-ri-iš [sgN], e-eš-ri-in [sgA])
1. PIE *esri-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √srbɑɦ- √srobɑɦ- √srebɑɦ- (vb.) ‘schlucken, nippen, schlürfen’
(IEW 1001)
(Neumann 1967:32)
(vb.2.) ‘nippen, schlucken’
(HHand. 144)
(Hitt. ša-ra-pí, ša-a-ra-pí [pr3sg])
1. PIE *srobɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srobɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srobɦ-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *srabɦ-
3. srabɦ-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *srab-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. srab-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘schlürfen’
(GEW 2:663)
(Gr. ῥοφέω [1sg])
1. PIE *srobɑɦéi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srobɦéi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srobɦéi̯o-
*bɦ → ph
Loss of voice of media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›ph → *srophéi̯o-
3. srophéi̯o-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hrophéi̯o-
4. hrophéi̯o-
*Vi̯V → VhV
Change of *i̯ into h between vowels
RVi̯V›VV → *hrophéo-
5. hrophéo-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.iter.) ‘nippen, schlucken’
(HHand. 144)
(Hitt. ša-a-ra-pé-eš-ki-iz-zi [pr3sg])
1. PIE *srobɑɦiski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srobɦiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srobɦiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *srobɦisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. srobɦisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *srabɦisḱe/a-
4. srabɦisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *srabɦiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. srabɦiske/a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *srabiske/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. srabiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Nippen, Schlucken’
(HHand. 144)
(Hitt. šarabuar)
1. PIE *srobɑɦu̯or-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srobɦu̯or-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srobɦu̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *srabɦu̯ar-
3. srabɦu̯ar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *srabu̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. srabu̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Ic.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1114)
(Kpd. ša-ra-bu-nu-a)
1. PIE *srobɑɦunu̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srobɦunu̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srobɦunu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *srabɦunu̯a-
3. srabɦunu̯a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *srabunu̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. srabunu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.2.) ‘nippen, schlucken’
(HHand. 144)
(Hitt. šareb-)
1. PIE *srebɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srebɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srebɦ-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sreb-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. sreb-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘mit dem Löffel essen, schlürfen’
(LiEtWb. 889)
(Lith. srė̃bti, srė̃bē)
1. PIE *srḗbɑɦ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srḗbɦ-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srḗbɦ-
ḗ → ė̃
Change of ḗ into ė̃
RLiAcc8 → *srė̃bɦ-
3. srė̃bɦ-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
(vb.) ‘schlürfen’
(REW 2:612)
(Sloven. srébati)
1. PIE *srébɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *srébɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. srébɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srébɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. srébɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *srébɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. srébɦā-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
Rbɦ›b → *srébā-
5. srébā-
*ā → a
Change of *ā into a
(pr.) ‘mit dem Löffel essen’
(LiEtWb. 889)
(Lith. srẽbia [3sg], srebiù [1sg])
1. PIE *srébɑɦio-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *srébɦio-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. srébɦio-
é → è
Emergence of gravis PLith. è
RLiAcc4 → *srèbɦio-
3. srèbɦio-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *srèbɦia-
4. srèbɦia-
*bɦ → b
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *bɦ
PIE √ses- √sos- (vb.) ‘liegen, ruhen, schlafen’
(IEW –)
(Sturtevant CGr. 89n18; LIV2:536-7)
(vb.1.) ‘ruhen, schlafen’
(HHand. 149)
(Hitt. šešzi [3sg])
1. PIE *ses-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.2.) ‘schlafen’
(WbRV. 1494)
(RV. sásti, sástu)
1. PIE *sés-
*é → á
Change of *é into á
(vb.) ‘schlafen’
(HHand. 146)
(Hitt. šašanzi [3pl] šašana [inf.], HHand. 149)
1. PIE *sos-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sas-
2. sas-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.) ‘Schlaf’
(WbRV. 1494)
(RV. saséna [sgI])
1. PIE *sosó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasó-
2. sasó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(pt.) ‘schlafend’
(HHand. 146)
1. PIE *sosont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasant-
2. sasant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘schlafend, untätig seiend’
(WbRV. 1496)
1. PIE *sosónt-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasónt-
2. sasónt-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(c.) ‘Beischläferin, Konkubine’
(HHand. 146)
1. PIE *sosont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sasant-
2. sasant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘nicht slummernd’
(WbRV. 154)
(RV. ásasantas)
1. PIE *hɑé·sosont-
PIE *ɑé → ɑá
Møller's rule for PIE *aé
Rɑé›ɑá → *hɑá·sosont-
2. hɑá·sosont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *há·sosont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. há·sosont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *há·sasant-
4. há·sasant-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
(SPIE §2.1.4)
(c.) ‘Bett, Bettzeug, Lager (eines Tieres)’
(HHand. 147)
1. PIE *sost-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sast-
2. sast-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √ses- (vb.) ‘wachsen, gedeihen’ (sb.) ‘Frucht, Getreide, Saatfeld, Ernte’
(IEW 880)
(Eichner 1982:26-8)
(Kimball 1999:440)
(HEG S:1010)
(vb.) ‘gedeihen: prosper, proliferate’
(HIL. 873)
1. PIE *ses-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(GIŠ.c.) ‘Frucht, Ernte’
(HHand. 149)
(Hitt. še-e-ša)
1. PIE *seso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesa-
2. sesa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n./m.?) ‘Saatfeld, Getreide, Feldfrucht’
(EWA 1:717)
(KEWA3:450, WbRV. 1494)
1. PIE *sesó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *sesá-
2. sesá-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
(fc.) ‘Fruchtkönigin’
(NOMS. 1158A)
(Kpd. ší-ša-aḫ-šu-šar)
1. PIE *seso·hɑsusor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *seso·hsusor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. seso·hsusor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesa·hsusar-
3. sesa·hsusar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šeša·hšušar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šeša·hšušar-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(c.) ‘Obstpflücker’
(HHand. 149)
1. PIE *sesolo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesala-
2. sesala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Obstertrag, Obst’
(HHand. 149)
1. PIE *seson-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sesan-
2. sesan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sēs- (vb.) ‘seihen, abseihen, filtern’ (sb.) ‘Sieb’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Alb. + Hitt.)
(vb.) ‘seihen’
(AlbEtD. 427)
(GEW 1:386)
1. PIE *sēs-
*s → sh
Change of *s into sh
Rs›sh → *shēsh-
2. shēsh-
*ē → o
Change of *ē into o
(HEG S:1023-6)
(HIL. 863-4)
(vb.1.) ‘abseihen, filtern’
(HHand. 150)
(Hitt. šešaria-)
1. PIE *sēsorei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sēsarei̯a-
2. sēsarei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘abseihen, filtern’
(HHand. 150)
(Hitt. šešariške/a-)
1. PIE *sēsoreiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sēsoreisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sēsoreisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sēsareisḱe/a-
3. sēsareisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sēsareiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sēsareiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šēšareiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Sieb’
(HHand. 150)
(Hitt. še-ša-ru-li-it, še-ša-ru-ul)
1. PIE *sēsorul-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sēsarul-
2. sēsarul-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √st- (vb.) ‘essen’
(IEW 287-8 [diff.])
(Pyysalo: Anat. + Gr.)
(n.) ‘eine Speise, die von Schwangeren gemieden wird’
(HHand. 28)
1. PIE *osto·u̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asta·u̯ar-
2. asta·u̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘breakfast’
(GEW 1:140)
(Gr. ἀρι·στον)
1. PIE *Π·sto-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(m.) ‘Zeit des Abendessens’
(GEW 1:358)
1. PIE *Π·stó-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(m.) ‘Zeit des Abendessens’
(GEW 1:358, 411)
1. PIE *Π·stó-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.1.A.) ‘schlucken, kosten’
(HEG I:420-1)
(Hitt. iš-taḫ-te-e-ni, iš-taḫ-ta [3sg])
1. PIE *e·steɑh-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *e·staɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. e·staɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *e·stah-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. e·stah-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *e·štah-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. e·štah-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘taste, to try (food or drinks)’
(HIL. 479)
(Hitt. iš-taḫ-ḫa-an-zi [3pl])
1. PIE *e·steɑho-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *e·staɑho-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. e·staɑho-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *e·staho-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. e·staho-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *e·staha-
4. e·staha-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *e·štaha-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. e·štaha-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(MUNUSc.) ‘Vorkosterin?’
(HED 2:463)
(HEG I:421, Puhvel HED 2:463)
1. PIE *e·steɑho·dɑɦolo-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *e·staɑho·dɑɦolo-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. e·staɑho·dɑɦolo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *e·staho·dɦolo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. e·staho·dɦolo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *e·staha·dɦala-
4. e·staha·dɦala-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *e·staha·dala-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. e·staha·dala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *e·štaha·dala-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. e·štaha·dala-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. e·štaḫa·dala-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.) ‘have breakfast’
(GEW 1:140)
1. PIE *Π·stéɑhi̯o-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *Π·stáɑhi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. Π·stáɑhi̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·stáhi̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·stáhi̯o-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·stái̯o-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·stái̯o-
*Vi̯V → VhV
Change of *i̯ into h between vowels
RVi̯V›VV → *Π·stáo-
5. Π·stáo-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.iter.) ‘schlucken, kosten: taste, dry (food/drink)’
(HIL. 479)
(Hitt. iš-ta-aḫ-ḫi-eš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *e·steɑhiski̯e/o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *e·staɑhiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. e·staɑhiski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *e·stahiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. e·stahiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *e·stahisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. e·stahisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *e·stahisḱe/a-
5. e·stahisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *e·stahiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
6. e·stahiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *e·štahiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. e·štahiške/a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. e·štaḫiške/a-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.1.) ‘schlucken, kosten’
(HHand. 62)
1. PIE *Π·stonɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·stonh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·stonh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stanh-
3. Π·stanh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·štanh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·štanh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.1.) ‘schlucken, kosten’
(HHand. 66)
1. PIE *e·stonɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *e·stonh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. e·stonh-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *e·stanh-
3. e·stanh-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *e·štanh-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. e·štanh-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.iter.) ‘schlucken, kosten’
(HEG I:427)
1. PIE *Π·stonɑhiski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·stonhiski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·stonhiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·stonhisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. Π·stonhisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stanhisḱe/a-
4. Π·stanhisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·stanhiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. Π·stanhiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·štanhiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. Π·štanhiške/a-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. Π·štanḫiške/a-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(NINDA.) ‘(ein Gebäck)’
(HHand. 123)
1. PIE *porku̯·ostono·ni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *parku̯·astana·ni-
2. parku̯·astana·ni-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. parku̯·aštana·ni-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √st- √sot- √set- (vb.) ‘ergreifen, halten, siegen ’(sb.) ‘Sieg’ (a.) ‘stark’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: CLu. + RV. + Celt.)
(m.) ‘starker Gebieter/Beschützer’ (Indra)
(WbRV. 1451)
1. PIE *sót·Σ
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(a.) ‘kräftig gebietend’
(WbRV. 1451)
1. PIE *sót·Σ
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
(VN.) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1620)
(OGaul. sotī [plN], Ligur.)
(n.) ‘Sieg (Neumann 1984:89f.)’
(DLycLg. 2)
(‹‘peace, rest’ unlikely against Melchert›)
1. PIE *osoto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asata-
2. asata-
PIE *s → h
Change of fricative *s into h
(a.) ‘siegreich?, friedlich?’
(DLL. 33)
(CLu. daalaš aš-ša-at-ta-aš-ši-iš [sgN])
1. PIE *osoto·si-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asata·si-
2. asata·si-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.gen.) ‘siegreich, stark, kräftig’
(DLycLg. 2)
1. PIE *osoto·si-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asata·si-
2. asata·si-
PIE *s → h
Change of fricative *s into h
(cogn.) ‘‹≈ OGaul. sego- ‘Sieg’›’
(ACSS 2:1530)
(OGaul. setus [sgN])
(f.) ‘‹cf. sego-uia-›’
(ACSS 2:1529)
(OGaul. σετουία)
1. PIE *seto·Σ
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(m.) ‘‹cf. sego-uacōton›’
(ACSS 2:1529)
(in OGaul. σετουάκουντο)
1. PIE *seto·Σ
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘épith. divine (DLL. 33)’
(DLycLg. 115)
(LycB. esetesi, Lyk&Hitt. 14)
(a.) ‘épith. divine (DLL. 33)’
(DLycLg. 2)
(LycA. ehetehi, Lyk&Hitt. 14)
1. PIE *esete·si-
PIE *s → h
Change of fricative *s into h
PIE √stɑh- (vb.) ‘stehen’ (sb.) ‘Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz’
(IEW 1004ff.)
(Marstrander 1919:132; Tischler HEG I:427f.; Pyysalo)
(Tischler HEG I:427)
(c.) ‘Altarpostament, Altarunterbau: ZAG.GAR.RA’
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-ta-na-na-aš [sgN], iš-ta-na-na-an, iš-ta-na-ni)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhon·ono-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthon·ono-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthon·ono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthan·ana-
3. Π·sthan·ana-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·stan·ana-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·stan·ana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Marstrander 1919:132n1, HIL. 480)
(HEG I:427f.)
(pr.) ‘stehen: (ἐφ-, παρ-)ἱστάναι, στήκειν’
(GoEtD. S135)
(Goth. standiþ Rom 14,4 A2, standan Mrk 3,24 CA, standand Luk 8,20 CA)
1. PIE *stɑhondɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sthondɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sthondɦo-
*t h → þ
Affricativization of *th
Rth›þ → *sþondɦo-
3. sþondɦo-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *sþondo-
4. sþondo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(vb.6.) ‘aushalten, ertragen: tolerate, bear’
(Hel. antstandan [inf.] 3153 C, 4854 C, antstanden 3153 M, 4854 M)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhondɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthondɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthondɦo-
*t h → þ
Affricativization of *th
Rth›þ → *Π·sþondɦo-
3. Π·sþondɦo-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *Π·sþondo-
4. Π·sþondo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(vb.1.) ‘zögern, zaudern, verweilen’
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-ta-an-ta-a-i-iz-zi, iš-ta-an-ta-it, iš-ta-an-da-a-it)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhondɑɦoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthondɦoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthondɦoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthandɦai-
3. Π·sthandɦai-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·standɦai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·standɦai-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·standai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·standai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(cs.1.) ‘verzögern, versäumen’
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-ta-an-da-nu-un)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhondɑɦon-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthondɦon-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthondɦon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthandɦan-
3. Π·sthandɦan-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·standɦan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·standɦan-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·standan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·standan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘verzögert, verspätet, verjährt’
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-ta-an-ta-an-t-)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhondɑɦont-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthondɦont-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthondɦont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthandɦant-
3. Π·sthandɦant-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·standɦant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·standɦant-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·standant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·standant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘verzögern, versäumen’
(HIL. 480)
(Hitt. iš-ta-an-ta-nu-uš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhondɑɦonuski̯e/o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthondɦonuski̯e/o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthondɦonuski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·sthondɦonusḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
3. Π·sthondɦonusḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthandɦanusḱe/a-
4. Π·sthandɦanusḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·sthandɦanuske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
5. Π·sthandɦanuske/a-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·standɦanuske/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
6. Π·standɦanuske/a-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·standanuske/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
7. Π·standanuske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štandanuške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.N.act.) ‘zögern, zaudern, verweilen’
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-ta-an-ta-ua-ar)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhondɑɦou̯or-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthondɦou̯or-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthondɦou̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthandɦau̯ar-
3. Π·sthandɦau̯ar-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·standɦau̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·standɦau̯ar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·standau̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·standau̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štandau̯ar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(m.sg) ‘Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz, Raum’
(GoEtD. S137)
(Goth. stads Luk 14,22 CA, stad Joh 10,40 CA, stadis Mrk 4,35 CA, stada Joh 6,10 CA)
1. PIE *stɑhodɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sthodɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sthodɦo-
*t h → þ
Affricativization of *th
Rth›þ → *sþodɦo-
3. sþodɦo-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *sþodo-
4. sþodo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(m.sg) ‘Opferstätte, Altar: θυσιαστήριον: altarium’
(GoEtD. H109)
(Goth. hunslastadis [sgG] Mat 5,24 CA, hunslastada [sgD] Mat 5,23 CA)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhodɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthodɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthodɦo-
*t h → þ
Affricativization of *th
Rth›þ → *Π·sþodɦo-
3. Π·sþodɦo-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *Π·sþodo-
4. Π·sþodo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(vb.1.) ‘zögern, zaudern, verweilen’
(HED 2:464-5)
(Hitt. ištataait [3sg])
1. PIE *Π·stɑhodɑɦoi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthodɦoi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·sthodɦoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sthadɦai-
3. Π·sthadɦai-
PIE Th → T
Absence of voiceless aspirates
RTh›T → *Π·stadɦai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·stadɦai-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·stadai-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·stadai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.2.) ‘widerstehen: resist: resistere (GlTr)’
(Gl. 11th cent.)
(GlTr. antstadon resisto SAGA 381(, 13, 106) = Ka 171(, 13, 106) = Gl. 4, 208, 24)
1. PIE *Π·stɑhodɑɦēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·stɑhodɑɦāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·stɑhodɑɦāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·sthodɦāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·sthodɦāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·sthodɦā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·sthodɦā-
*t h → þ
Affricativization of *th
Rth›þ → *Π·sþodɦā-
5. Π·sþodɦā-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *Π·sþodā-
6. Π·sþodā-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·sþadā-
7. Π·sþadā-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
PIE stm- √stom- √stem- (sb.) ‘Stimme, Gehör’ (a.) ‘stammelnd’
(IEW 1021)
(Marstrander 1919:132n1; PIE *t or *th?)
(HED 2:452ff.)
(HIL. 477-479, HEG I:424f.)
(sb.) ‘(ein Gegenstand aus Silber) ‹i.e. ‘Silberohr ?’›’
(HEG T:18)
(Hitt. t]a-ḫu-u-uš-ta-ma, HHand. 159)
1. PIE *deɑɦu·stomo-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *daɑɦu·stomo-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. daɑɦu·stomo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *daɦu·stomo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. daɦu·stomo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *daɦu·stama-
4. daɦu·stama-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *daɦu·štama-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. daɦu·štama-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(vb.1.) ‘hören, erfahren, gehorchen’
(Melchert 1984:83)
(Hitt. ištamaši [2sg])
1. PIE *Π·stomo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stama-
2. Π·stama-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Ohrring’
(HHand. 66)
(HEG I:423-4)
1. PIE *Π·stomo·hɑuro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·stomo·huro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·stomo·huro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stama·hura-
3. Π·stama·hura-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *Π·štama·hura-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. Π·štama·hura-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. Π·štama·ḫura-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘stammelnd: stammering: balbus’
(Gl. 9th cent.)
1. PIE *stomo
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *stama
2. stama
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
(a.) ‘stammelnd: stammering: balbus’
(Gl. 11th cent.)
1. PIE *stomolo
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *stamala
2. stamala
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
(c.) ‘UZUGEŠTU: Ohr: ear’
(HHand. 66-7)
(Hitt. iš-ta-mi-na-aš [sgN], GEŠTUG-an, iš-ta-mi-ni-it)
1. PIE *Π·stomin-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamin-
2. Π·stamin-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(URU.) ‘‹gehorschend vel sim.?› (›Takurka)’
(OGH. 152)
(Hitt. iš-ta-mi-[)
1. PIE *Π·stomi·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stami·Σ
2. Π·stami·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.) ‘Ohr: UZUGEŠTU: Akd. uznu’ (HHand. 66)
(HEG I:423-)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-na-an [sgA], iš-ta-ma-na-aš [G], iš-ta-ma-an-ta [sgI?])
1. PIE *Π·stomon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·staman-
2. Π·staman-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(d.) ‘deity of hearing’
(OHP. 1:205)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-na-aš-ša-aš [sgN])
1. PIE *Π·stomonoso-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamanasa-
2. Π·stamanasa-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štamanaša-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘stammeln: stammer: balbutire’
(Gl. 12th cent.)
(OHG. stammēn [inf.])
1. PIE *stommoi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *stammai-
2. stammai-
*ai → ei
Change of *ai into ei
(vb.1.) ‘hören, erfahren; gehorchen’ (HHand. 66-7)
(HEG I:423)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-aš-mi [1sg], ištamašti, ištamašta)
1. PIE *Π·stomos-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamas-
2. Π·stamas-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(UZU.) ‘Gehör’
(HHand. 66-7)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-aš-ni [DL])
1. PIE *Π·stomosn-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamasn-
2. Π·stamasn-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pt.) ‘hören, erfahren; gehorchen’
(HHand. 66-7)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-aš-ša-an-t-)
1. PIE *Π·stomosont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamasant-
2. Π·stamasant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štamašant-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘hören, erfahren; gehorchen’
(HHand. 66-7)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-aš-ke/a-)
1. PIE *Π·stomoski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *Π·stomosḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. Π·stomosḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamasḱe/a-
3. Π·stamasḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *Π·stamaske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. Π·stamaske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štamaške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.sb.bs.) ‘Gehör’
(HHand. 66-7)
(Hitt. iš-ta-ma-aš-šu-ua-ar, iš-ta-ma-aš–šu-ua-an-zi)
1. PIE *Π·stomosu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stamasu̯a-
2. Π·stamasu̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štamašu̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘sonus, verbum, vox’
(Lat. clamare = stimma irheffen, audire = stimma hōren, diapsalma, disiunctio vocum = intkwedunga stimmon, loquela?, mela?, sonus, verbum, vox)
1. PIE *stemmēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *stemmāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. stemmāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *stemmāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. stemmāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *stemmā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. stemmā
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *stemmō
5. stemmō
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *stimmō
6. stimmō
*-ō → -a
Change of root-final -ō into -a
(vb.) ‘anstimmen, gemeinsam singen: concinere’
(Gl. 9th cent.)
1. PIE *Π·stemmo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stemma-
2. Π·stemma-
*e → i
Change of *e into i
(a.) ‘überein-, zusammenstimmend, einhellig’
(Gl. T.)
(Gl. gistimmi consonus?, symphonia = gistimmi sang)
1. PIE *Π·stemmio
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stemmia
2. Π·stemmia
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *Π·stimmia
3. Π·stimmia
*-a → Ø
Loss of root-final -a
(f.) ‘Stimme, Laut, Klang, Rede, Wort, Rufen’
(APs, B, GB, Gl. (765), I, MF, MH, MNPs, N, NGl, O, OT, Ph, PT, T, WH)
1. PIE *stemnēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *stemnāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. stemnāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *stemnāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. stemnāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *stemnā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. stemnā
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *stemnō
5. stemnō
*e → i
Change of *e into i
Re›i → *stimnō
6. stimnō
*-ō → -a
Change of root-final -ō into -a
PIE √strn- √storn- √stern- (sb.) ‘Mitte, Inneres, Herz, Brust’
(IEW 1029-1030)
(Hrozný 1917:96n?)
(adv.) ‘inmitten, darin: ŠÀ’
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-tar-na [adv.], VFLH 38)
1. PIE *Π·storno
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·starna
2. Π·starna
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(sb.) ‘Mitte, Inneres: ŠÀ’ (HED 2:478)
(HHand. 67)
(Hitt. iš-tar-ni [DL])
1. PIE *Π·storno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·starna-
2. Π·starna-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘middle, central’
(HIL. 484)
(Hitt. iš-tar-ni [DL])
1. PIE *Π·storni-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·starni-
2. Π·starni-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘middle, central’
(HIL. 484)
(Hitt. iš-tar-ni-ia-aš, iš-tar-ni-ia-an, iš-tar-ni-ia [sgNA], iš-tar-ni-ia [DL])
1. PIE *Π·stornei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·starnei̯a-
2. Π·starnei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. Π·štarnei̯a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘(männliche) Brust, Herz: heart, breast’
(GEW 2:791)
(Hom. στέρνον)
1. PIE *stérno-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
PIE √stodɑɦ- √stedɑɦ- (sb.) ‘Herz, Brust, Seele, Willen, Wunsch’
(IEW –)
(Eichner 1973:98n78)
(n.) ‘männliche oder weibliche Brust’
(GEW 2:795)
(Gr. στῆθος)
1. PIE *stḗdɑɦos-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *stḗdɦos-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. stḗdɦos-
*dɦ → th
Loss of voice of media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›th → *stḗthos-
3. stḗthos-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(c.) ‘Seele, Willen, Wunsch’
(HIL. 480)
(Hitt. iš-ta-za-na-aš)
1. PIE *Π·stodɑɦi̯ono-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·stodɦi̯ono-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·stodɦi̯ono-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *Π·stojɦono-
3. Π·stojɦono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stajɦana-
4. Π·stajɦana-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·stajana-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·stajana-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *Π·stazana-
6. Π·stazana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(c.pl) ‘living things, persons’
(HIL. 480)
(Hitt. iš-ta-za-na-aš=me-eš [plA])
1. PIE *Π·stodɑɦi̯ono-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·stodɦi̯ono-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·stodɦi̯ono-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *Π·stojɦono-
3. Π·stojɦono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·stajɦana-
4. Π·stajɦana-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *Π·stajana-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. Π·stajana-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *Π·stazana-
6. Π·stazana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √stum- (sb.) ‘Mund, Öffnung, Tor’
(IEW 1035)
(Pyysalo: CLu.)
(n.) ‘Mund, Maul, Mündung’
(LSJ. 1657)
(Aeol. στύμα, στύματ-, Hes.)
1. PIE *stúmeɑht-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *stúmaɑht-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. stúmaɑht-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *stúmaht-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. stúmaht-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *stúmat-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. stúmat-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(sb.) ‘Tor(weg)?’ (HHand. 28)
(DLL. 34)
(CLu. a-aš-du-ma-an-ta-an-za, aš-tu-ma-an-ta-an-za(-ta)
1. PIE *ostumont-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *astumant-
2. astumant-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √su- √sou- √seu- (a./adv.) ‘schön, wohl, gut, recht, sehr, gut tüchtig’
(IEW 342, 1037)
(Friedrich 1923:370f.)
(a.) ‘gut, nützlich, angenehm, gütig, beliebt: SIG5’
(HEG A:87f.)
1. PIE *osu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asu-
2. asu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘das Gute, (Hab) und Gut’
(HEG A:87)
(Hitt. a-aš-šu-i)
1. PIE *osu-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *asu-
2. asu-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘gut’ (adv.) ‘wohl’
(Gr. ἐΰς, ἐΰ)
1. PIE *esú-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *ehú-
2. ehú-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *eú-
3. eú-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(a.) ‘gut’ (adv.) ‘wohl’
(Gr. ἠΰς, ἠΰ)
1. PIE *ēsú-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *ēhú-
2. ēhú-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *ēú-
3. ēú-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(de Saussure 1892:89f.)
(but note that *su-gu̯ii̯ē-s ‘gute Lebensführung’ does not mean ‘gesund, heilsam’)
(adv.) ‘schön, wohl, gut, recht usw.’
(WbRV. 1526)
(a.) ‘gesund, heilsam’
(Gr. ὑγιής, Bammesberger 1984:38-9, Seebold 1988:505)
1. PIE *su·Σ
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hu·Σ
2. hu·Σ
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(Catsanicos 1986:121-180, Kloekhorst HIL. 893-7)
(adv.) ‘schön, wohl, gut, recht, sehr, gut tüchtig’
(WbRV. 1526)
1. PIE *suɑ́h
PIE *uɑ́ → uú
Assimilation of *u and *ɑ́
Ruɑ́›uú → *suúh
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. suúh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *suú
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. suú
*uú → ū́
Contraction of u and ú
(a.) ‘schön verfertigt’
(WbRV. 1566)
1. PIE *suɑ́h·mói̯o-
PIE *uɑ́ → uú
Assimilation of *u and *ɑ́
Ruɑ́›uú → *suúh·mói̯o-
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. suúh·mói̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *suúh·mói̯a-
3. suúh·mói̯a-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *suúh·mái̯a-
4. suúh·mái̯a-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *suú·mái̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. suú·mái̯a-
*uú → ū́
Contraction of u and ú
Ruú›ū́ → *sū́·mái̯a-
6. sū́·mái̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
(a.) ‘wohlgeordnet, wohlgeformt, festgefügt, passend’
(HHand. 153)
1. PIE *suɑ́h·Σ
PIE *uɑ́ → uú
Assimilation of *u and *ɑ́
Ruɑ́›uú → *suúh·Σ
(SPIE §3.2.3)
2. suúh·Σ
*uú → ū́
Contraction of u and ú
Ruú›ū́ → *sū́h·Σ
3. sū́h·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šū́h·Σ
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šū́h·Σ
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ → *šū́ḫ·Σ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
5. šū́ḫ·Σ
*ū́ → u
Absence of accent and quantity in OAnat.
(GIŠ.) ‘wohlgeformtes Rohr; wohlgeformter Pfeil’
(HHand. 153)
1. PIE *suɑh·Σ
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *suh·Σ
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. suh·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šuh·Σ
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. šuh·Σ
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(a.) ‘sehr fest: very firm’
(HIL. 893-7)
1. PIE *suɑh·pili-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *suh·pili-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. suh·pili-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šuh·pili-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
3. šuh·pili-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
PIE √su- (vb.) ‘sehen’
(IEW –)
(HEG S:1223ff.)
(SHV 293f., 386; Kimball 1999:368)
(vb.1.) ‘spy’
(HIL. 918f.)
(Hitt. šu-ua-at-te-[en] [2pl])
1. PIE *su̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯a-
2. su̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘spy’
(HIL. 918f.)
(Hitt. šu-ua-a-iz-zi)
1. PIE *su̯oi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ai-
2. su̯ai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Träumerei, Schwärmerei, (Wunsch)traum’
(LiEtWb. 948)
(Lith. svajà)
1. PIE *su̯oi̯ḗɑh
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *su̯oi̯ā́ɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. su̯oi̯ā́ɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *su̯oi̯ā́h
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. su̯oi̯ā́h
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯oi̯ā́
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. su̯oi̯ā́
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ai̯ā́
5. su̯ai̯ā́
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *su̯ai̯ṓ
6. su̯ai̯ṓ
*-ṓ → -à
Change of ṓ into à in root-final
R=ṓ›=à → *su̯ai̯à
7. su̯ai̯à
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *svai̯à
8. svai̯à
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(vb.) ‘schwärmen, träumen, phantasieren’
(LiEtWb. 948)
(Lith. svajóti [inf.])
1. PIE *su̯oi̯ḗɑh-
PIE *ḗɑ → ā́ɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ḗɑ
Rḗɑ›ā́ɑ → *su̯oi̯ā́ɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. su̯oi̯ā́ɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *su̯oi̯ā́h-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. su̯oi̯ā́h-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯oi̯ā́-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. su̯oi̯ā́-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ai̯ā́-
5. su̯ai̯ā́-
PIE *ā́ → ṓ
Change of *ā́ into ṓ
Rā́›ṓ → *su̯ai̯ṓ-
6. su̯ai̯ṓ-
*ṓ → ó
Change of ṓ into ó
Rṓ›ó → *su̯ai̯ó-
7. su̯ai̯ó-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *svai̯ó-
8. svai̯ó-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(f.2.) ‘dreaming’
(LiEtWb. 948)
1. PIE *su̯oi̯eɑhénēhɑ-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *su̯oi̯aɑhénēhɑ-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. su̯oi̯aɑhénēhɑ-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *su̯oi̯ahénēh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. su̯oi̯ahénēh-
é → è
Emergence of gravis PLith. è
RLiAcc4 → *su̯oi̯ahènēh-
4. su̯oi̯ahènēh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯oi̯aènē-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. su̯oi̯aènē-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ai̯aènē-
6. su̯ai̯aènē-
* ē -> ė
Change of *ē into ė
Rē›ė → *su̯ai̯aènė-
7. su̯ai̯aènė-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v → *svai̯aènė-
8. svai̯aènė-
PIE *i̯ → j
Orthographic change of *i̯ into j
(m.) ‘nightmare’
(GEW 1:598-9)
(Gr. ἐφιάλτης AND ἐπιάλτης, -ου with psilosis)
1. PIE *Π·su̯iéɑhltēɑh-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *Π·su̯iáɑhltēɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. Π·su̯iáɑhltēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·su̯iáɑhltāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
3. Π·su̯iáɑhltāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·su̯iáhltāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
4. Π·su̯iáhltāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·su̯iáltā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. Π·su̯iáltā-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *Π·hu̯iáltā-
6. Π·hu̯iáltā-
ā –> ē (Att)
Attican change of ā –› ē
Rā›ēAtt → *Π·hu̯iáltē-
7. Π·hu̯iáltē-
*u̯ → Ø
Change of *u̯ into Ø
Ru̯›0 → *Π·hiáltē-
8. Π·hiáltē-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *Π·iáltē-
9. Π·iáltē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(f.) ‘nightmare’
(Gr. ἠπιάλης, ἠπιάλητα)
1. PIE *Π·su̯iéɑhlēt-
PIE *éɑ → áɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *éɑ
Réɑ›áɑ → *Π·su̯iáɑhlēt-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. Π·su̯iáɑhlēt-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·su̯iáhlēt-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·su̯iáhlēt-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·su̯iálēt-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·su̯iálēt-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *Π·hu̯iálēt-
5. Π·hu̯iálēt-
*u̯ → Ø
Change of *u̯ into Ø
Ru̯›0 → *Π·hiálēt-
6. Π·hiálēt-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *Π·iálēt-
7. Π·iálēt-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(f.) ‘nightmare’
(GEW 1:598-9)
1. PIE *Π·su̯ióɑhlēt-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·su̯ióhlēt-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·su̯ióhlēt-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·su̯iólēt-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. Π·su̯iólēt-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *Π·hu̯iólēt-
4. Π·hu̯iólēt-
*u̯ → Ø
Change of *u̯ into Ø
Ru̯›0 → *Π·hiólēt-
5. Π·hiólēt-
*h → Ø
Loss of segmental h
R-Th›0 → *Π·iólēt-
6. Π·iólēt-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(vb.) ‘phantasieren, irre reden’
(LiEtWb. 947-8)
1. PIE *su̯oiɑhtiɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *su̯oihtih-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. su̯oihtih-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯oiti-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. su̯oiti-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯aiti-
4. su̯aiti-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(vb.) ‘phantasieren, irre reden, fasseln’
(LiEtWb. 947-8)
1. PIE *su̯oiɑhti̯iēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *su̯oiɑhti̯iāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. su̯oiɑhti̯iāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *su̯oihti̯iāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. su̯oihti̯iāh-
PIE *ti̯ → č
Assibilation of *t before *i̯
Rti̯›č → *su̯oihčiāh-
4. su̯oihčiāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯oičiā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. su̯oičiā-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯aičiā-
6. su̯aičiā-
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *su̯aičiō-
7. su̯aičiō-
*ō → o
Change of ō into o
Rō›o → *su̯aičio-
8. su̯aičio-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(vb.) ‘verlangen, begehren, ersehnen; vermissen; suchen; in Frage ziehen, erfordern’
(WH. 1:263-4)
1. PIE *Π·su̯iɑɦderēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *Π·su̯iɑɦderāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. Π·su̯iɑɦderāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·su̯iɦderāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. Π·su̯iɦderāh-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *Π·su̯iderāh-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. Π·su̯iderāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *Π·su̯iderā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. Π·su̯iderā-
*u̯ → u
Orthographic change of *u̯ into u
(vb.1.) ‘spy’
(HIL. 918f.)
(Hitt. šu-ú-ua-ia [ipv2sg])
1. PIE *su̯oii̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯aii̯a-
2. su̯aii̯a-
*aii̯a → aia
Loss of *i̯ between *ai and *a
Raii̯a›aia → *su̯aia-
3. su̯aia-
* a i a → a i̯ a
Desyllabification of *i between *a and *a
Raia›ai̯a → *su̯ai̯a-
4. su̯ai̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √su- √sou- √seu- (vb.) ‘treiben’ (sb.) ‘Hürde’
(IEW 914)
(Couvreur 1937:221f.; Pyysalo; for the semantics, cf. OIcl. reka- ‘treiben’, RV. vrajá- ‘Hürde’)
(vb.) ‘urge, impel, incite’
(MonWil. 1219)
(ŚB. sauti [3sg])
1. PIE *sēu-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *sāu-
2. sāu-
āu → au
Orthographic change of āu into au
(m.) ‘Erregung, Antrieb, Treiben’
(WbRV. 883)
1. PIE *pro.sou̯ó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *pra.sau̯ó-
2. pra.sau̯ó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *pra.sau̯á-
3. pra.sau̯á-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(m.) ‘die Unternehmung’
(WbRV. 251)
1. PIE *ɦɑud.sou̯ó-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *ɦud.sou̯ó-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. ɦud.sou̯ó-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *ɦud.sau̯ó-
3. ɦud.sau̯ó-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *ɦud.sau̯á-
4. ɦud.sau̯á-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *ud.sau̯á-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
5. ud.sau̯á-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(n.) ‘Hürde, Pferch’
(HW2 A:393f.)
(HED 1:296f.)
1. PIE *o·sou̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sau̯a-
2. a·sau̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Hürde, Pferch: sheepfold, pen’
(HEG A:79)
(Rieken 1999:351-2)
1. PIE *o·sou̯or-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sau̯ar-
2. a·sau̯ar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Couvreur 1937:221f.)
(SHV 279)
(vb.) ‘urge, impel, incite’
(MonWil. 1219)
(ŚB. suhi [2sg])
(pr.M.) ‘treiben’
(HIL. 920)
(Hitt. šu-ut-ta-ti, šu-ut-ta-ru)
1. PIE *su-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘push’
(HIL. 920)
(Hitt. šu-ua-at-te-en [2pl], šu-ua-an-zi [3pl])
1. PIE *su̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯a-
2. su̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘des Antrieb, Schaffensdrang energisch ist’
(AIWb. 1426)
(LAv. vǝrǝzyaŋuhahe)
1. PIE *u̯r̥ɦɑgii̯eɑh·su̯o-
PIE *eɑ → aɑ
De Saussure's rule for PIE *eɑ
Reɑ›aɑ → *u̯r̥ɦɑgii̯aɑh·su̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.7)
2. u̯r̥ɦɑgii̯aɑh·su̯o-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *u̯r̥ɦgii̯ah·su̯o-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. u̯r̥ɦgii̯ah·su̯o-
PIE *gi/i̯ → j́
1st palatalization of *gi/i̯
RgI›j́ → *u̯r̥ɦj́i̯ah·su̯o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. u̯r̥ɦj́i̯ah·su̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *u̯r̥ɦj́i̯ah·su̯a-
5. u̯r̥ɦj́i̯ah·su̯a-
PIE *ɦ → Ø
Loss of segmental *ɦ
Rɦ›0 → *u̯r̥j́i̯ah·su̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
6. u̯r̥j́i̯ah·su̯a-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *u̯r̥j́i̯a·su̯a-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
7. u̯r̥j́i̯a·su̯a-
*r̥ → ǝr
Change of *r̥ into ǝr
Rr̥›ǝr → *u̯ǝrj́i̯a·su̯a-
8. u̯ǝrj́i̯a·su̯a-
*r → rǝ
Anaptyxis of ǝ (Schwa)
Rr›rǝ → *u̯ǝrǝj́i̯a·su̯a-
9. u̯ǝrǝj́i̯a·su̯a-
su̯ -> ŋuh
Change of su̯ into ŋuh
Rsu̯›ŋuh → *u̯ǝrǝj́i̯a·ŋuha-
10. u̯ǝrǝj́i̯a·ŋuha-
*j́ → z
From Satem *j́ to z
Rj́›z → *u̯ǝrǝzi̯a·ŋuha-
11. u̯ǝrǝzi̯a·ŋuha-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
Ri̯›y → *u̯ǝrǝzya·ŋuha-
12. u̯ǝrǝzya·ŋuha-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
Ru̯›v →
LAv. vǝrǝzya·ŋuha-
(vb.) ‘verstoßen, verdrängen, schieben’
(HHand. 157)
1. PIE *su̯i-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Hürde, Pferch’
(HEG A:79)
(EHS 79, 298)
1. PIE *o·soun-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·saun-
2. a·saun-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Hürde, Pferch’
(HIL. 260)
(Hitt. ašaunaz [sgAbl])
1. PIE *o·souno-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *a·sauna-
2. a·sauna-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘push’
(HIL. 920)
(Hitt. šu-ua-nu-un, šu-ua-an-du-ma-at)
1. PIE *su̯on-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯an-
2. su̯an-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(pr.) ‘repel: ablenken’
(AIWb. 1782)
(LAv. apa.xvanva-, Burrow 1979:15)
1. PIE *Π.su̯enu̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π.su̯enu̯a-
2. Π.su̯enu̯a-
*su̯ → xu̯
Change of *su̯ into xu̯
Rsu̯›xu̯ → *Π.xu̯enu̯a-
3. Π.xu̯enu̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *Π.xu̯anu̯a-
4. Π.xu̯anu̯a-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(cs.) ‘(be)drängen, ins Gedränge bringen’
(AIWb. 1875)
1. PIE *su̯osei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯asei̯a-
2. su̯asei̯a-
*su̯ → xu̯
Change of *su̯ into xu̯
Rsu̯›xu̯ → *xu̯asei̯a-
3. xu̯asei̯a-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *xu̯ahei̯a-
4. xu̯ahei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *xu̯ahai̯a-
5. xu̯ahai̯a-
ahA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
RahA›aŋhA → *xu̯aŋhai̯a-
6. xu̯aŋhai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
Ri̯›y → *xu̯aŋhaya-
7. xu̯aŋhaya-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
LAv. paiti (…) xvaŋhaya·-
(cs.) ‘zurückdrängen, treiben’
(AIWb. 1875)
1. PIE *Π·su̯osei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·su̯asei̯a-
2. Π·su̯asei̯a-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr → *Π·hu̯ahei̯a-
3. Π·hu̯ahei̯a-
*e → a
Change of *e into a
Re›a → *Π·hu̯ahai̯a-
4. Π·hu̯ahai̯a-
ahA → aŋhA
Change of h into ŋh
RahA›aŋhA → *Π·hu̯aŋhai̯a-
5. Π·hu̯aŋhai̯a-
i̯ → y
Orthographic change of i̯ into y
Ri̯›y → *Π·hu̯aŋhaya-
6. Π·hu̯aŋhaya-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(n.) ‘Hürde, (Kuh)stall, Nest der Vögel’
(WbRV. 1634)
1. PIE *su̯ósoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ósara-
2. su̯ósara-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *su̯ásara-
3. su̯ásara-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(n.) ‘Weide, Weideplatz’
(KEWA 3:565)
1. PIE *su̯ósoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ósara-
2. su̯ósara-
PIE *ó → á
Change of *ó into á
Ró›á → *su̯ásara-
3. su̯ásara-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(pt.a.) ‘gedroschen: threshed’
(AIWb. 1874-5)
1. PIE *su̯osto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯asta-
2. su̯asta-
*su̯ → xu̯
Change of *su̯ into xu̯
Rsu̯›xu̯ → *xu̯asta-
3. xu̯asta-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
(a.) ‘nicht gedroschen’
(AIWb. 299)
(LAv. axvasta-)
1. PIE *Π.su̯osto-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π.su̯asta-
2. Π.su̯asta-
*su̯ → xu̯
Change of *su̯ into xu̯
Rsu̯›xu̯ → *Π.xu̯asta-
3. Π.xu̯asta-
PIE *u̯ → v
Affricativization of PIE *u̯ into v
PIE √su- (vb.) ‘binden’
(IEW 915-6 [diff.])
(Sturtevant CGr. §85: Hitt. + Gr.)
(HEG S:1149f.)
(Sturtevant CGr. §85)
(m.) ‘dünne, zarte Haut, Häutchen, Membran, Sehne’
(GEW 2:964)
1. PIE *sumḗn
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *humḗn
2. humḗn
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
(c.) ‘Strick, Band; Akd. aš-lum: bulrush’
(HHand. 154)
1. PIE *sumondɑɦi̯on-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sumondɦi̯on-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sumondɦi̯on-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *sumonjɦon-
3. sumonjɦon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumanjɦan-
4. sumanjɦan-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sumanjan-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. sumanjan-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *sumanzan-
6. sumanzan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(URU.) ‘(›Kapanuwanta)’
(OGH. 366)
1. PIE *sumondɑɦi̯ono-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sumondɦi̯ono-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sumondɦi̯ono-
PIE *dɦi̯ → jɦ
Assibilation of *dɦ before *i/i̯
Rdɦi̯›jɦ → *sumonjɦono-
3. sumonjɦono-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumanjɦana-
4. sumanjɦana-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sumanjana-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
5. sumanjana-
j → z
Change of j into z
Rj›z → *sumanzana-
6. sumanzana-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sul- (vb.) ‘stoßen, schlagen, kämpfen, streiten, zanken’
(IEW –)
(Kronasser 1960:178; Pyysalo)
(vb.) ‘streiten, zanken, zornig behandeln’
(HHand. 154)
(in Hitt. šulant- [pt.])
1. PIE *sulo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sula-
2. sula-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘hineinstoßen’
(KEWA 3:488)
(TS. TB. pra sulati, pra sulāmi)
1. PIE *Π·suLo-
PIE *L → l
Preservation of *l in IIr.
RL›l → *Π·sulo-
(SPIE §3.3.3)
2. Π·sulo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(n.) ‘Zank, Streit, (Grund zur) Aufregung’
(HEG S:1142)
(Hitt. šu-ul-la-an-na-az)
1. PIE *sulon-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sulan-
2. sulan-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Zank, Streit, (Grund zur) Aufregung’
(HIL. 898)
(Hitt. šu-ul-la-tar)
1. PIE *sulodɑɦor-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sulodɦor-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sulodɦor-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *suladɦar-
3. suladɦar-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *suladar-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. suladar-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Kronasser 1960:178)
(vb.1.) ‘streiten, zanken, zornig behandeln’
(HHand. 154)
(Hitt. šulaizi)
1. PIE *suloi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sulai-
2. sulai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.1.) ‘streiten, zanken, zornig behandeln’
(HHand. 154)
(Hitt. šu-ul-li-ia-at)
1. PIE *sulei̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sulei̯a-
2. sulei̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(f.) ‘Kampf’
(GEW 2:963)
(Hes. ὑλίμη· μάχη τις)
1. PIE *sulímēɑh-
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sulímāɑh-
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sulímāɑh-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sulímāh-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sulímāh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sulímā-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sulímā-
*s → h
Change *s into h
Rs›hRestr2 → *hulímā-
5. hulímā-
*ā → ē
Ion-Att. change of *ā into ē
Rā›ē → *hulímē-
6. hulímē-
Change from Latin to Greek alphabet
RLat›Gr →
Ion.-Att. ὑλίμη-
(vb.) ‘in Streit geraten’
(HHand. 154)
1. PIE *sulis-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sum- (a.) ‘schwer, schwanger’
(IEW 1048)
(Pyysalo: Hitt.)
(vb.) ‘schwer werden’
(LiEtWb. 941)
(Lith. suñkti [inf.])
1. PIE *suńku-
uń -› uñ
Circumflex intonation for uńC
RLiAcc19 → *suñku-
2. suñku-
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
(SPIE §4.8.3)
(f.) ‘schwanger’
(WP. 2:525)
1. PIE *sunku̯ingɑɦēɑh
PIE *ēɑ → āɑ
Pyysalo's rule for PIE *ēɑ
Rēɑ›āɑ → *sunku̯ingɑɦāɑh
(SPIE §2.2.10)
2. sunku̯ingɑɦāɑh
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sunku̯ingɦāh
(SPIE §2.2.4)
3. sunku̯ingɦāh
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *sunku̯ingɦā
(SPIE §2.1.4)
4. sunku̯ingɦā
*KU → K
Loss of labial after velar
RKU›K → *sunkingɦā
(SPIE §4.8.3)
5. sunkingɦā
*gɦ → g
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *gɦ
Rgɦ›g → *sunkingā
6. sunkingā
PIE *ā → ō
Change of *ā into ō
Rā›ō → *sunkingō
7. sunkingō
*-ō → -a
Change of root-final -ō into -a
(vb.) ‘schwanger werden’
(HHand. 154)
1. PIE *sumroi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumrai-
2. sumrai-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.iter.) ‘schwanger sein’
(HHand. 154)
(Hitt. šum-re-eš-ke-ua-an [sup] da-a-iš)
1. PIE *sumreiski̯e/o-
PIE *ki/i̯ → k
Palatovelarization of *ki/i̯ into *ḱ
RkI›ḱ → *sumreisḱe/o-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
2. sumreisḱe/o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumreisḱe/a-
3. sumreisḱe/a-
PIE *ḱ → k
Depalatalization of Centum *ḱ
Rḱ›k → *sumreiske/a-
(SPIE §4.8.4)
4. sumreiske/a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š →
Hitt. šumreiške/a-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sum- (vb.) ‘wachsen, gedeihen’
(IEW –)
(Pyysalo: Anat. + IE)
(Hitt. ši·šuma- requires verification/falsification)
(n.) ‘Blume’
(KEWA 3:484)
1. PIE *sumo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
(d.) ‘-(?)-’
(OHP. 1:405)
(Hitt. ši-šum-ma, ši-šu-um-ma, Otten 1959b:179-81)
1. PIE *si·sumo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *si·suma-
2. si·suma-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(d.) ‘-(?)-’
(OHP. 1:405)
(Hitt. ši-šu-ma-ḫi [Abs])
1. PIE *sisumo·hɑi-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sisumo·hi-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sisumo·hi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sisuma·hi-
3. sisuma·hi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *šišuma·hi-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. šišuma·hi-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(fc.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1170)
(in Akd. šu-ma-la)
1. PIE *sumolo-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumala-
2. sumala-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(mc.) ‘(devin)’
(NOMS. 1171)
(Hitt. šum-ma-la-LÚ)
1. PIE *sumolo·Σ
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumala·Σ
2. sumala·Σ
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘-(?)-’
(HHand. 154)
(CLu. šu-um-ma-al-la-an-na-)
1. PIE *sumolo·no-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumala·na-
2. sumala·na-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(d.c.) ‘-(?)-’
(OHP. 1:406)
(Hitt. ši-šum-mi(-iš) [Abs(N)])
1. PIE *si·sumi-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(ḪUR.SAG.) ‘(wohl im hethitischen Kernland)’
(OGH. 366)
(Hitt. šum-mi-ia-ra, šu-um-[mi-i]a-ra)
1. PIE *sumei̯·oro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumei̯·ara-
2. sumei̯·ara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(Ic.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1172)
(Kpd. šu-mì-a-ua)
1. PIE *sumei̯·ou̯o-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumei̯·au̯a-
2. sumei̯·au̯a-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(mc.) ‘(syrien)’
(NOMS. 1174)
(Hitt. šum-mi-ta-ra-aš; also šumitaru-; AT 128, 9)
1. PIE *sumi·dɑɦoro-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *sumi·dɦoro-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. sumi·dɦoro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *sumi·dɦara-
3. sumi·dɦara-
PIE Dɦ → D
Absence of voiced aspirates
RDɦ›D → *sumi·dara-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. sumi·dara-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(GIŠ.) ‘(eine Pflanze)’
(HEG H:244)
(Hitt. ḫi-la-aš-šum-mi-el)
1. PIE *hɑilo·sumil-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *hilo·sumil-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. hilo·sumil-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *hila·sumil-
3. hila·sumil-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *hila·šumil-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. hila·šumil-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(GIŠ.) ‘(eine Pflanze)’
(HHand2 55)
(Hitt. ḫi-la-aš-šu-mi-li)
1. PIE *hɑilo·sumili-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *hilo·sumili-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. hilo·sumili-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *hila·sumili-
3. hila·sumili-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
Rs›š → *hila·šumili-
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
4. hila·šumili-
PIE *h/ɦ → Hitt. ḫ
Orthographic change of *h/ɦ into ḫ
RH›ḫ →
Hitt. ḫila·šumili-
(SPIE §4.6.3)
(n.) ‘(eine Pflanze, neben Getreide genannt)’
(HHand. 154)
(Hitt. šumiš-, HIL. 902)
1. PIE *sumis-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(n.) ‘Bohnengewächs: GÚ.GAL.GAL?’
(HHand. 154)
1. PIE *sumisn-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(OGaul. is uncertain and may also be analyzed as *su·mer-)
(PNf.) ‘-(?)-’
(ACSS 2:1667)
(OGaul. sumer)
(fc.) ‘(reine, femme de Ḫuzziya-)’
(NOMS. 1173)
(Hitt. šu-um-mi-ri-in)
1. PIE *sumeri-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(mc.) ‘-(?)-’
(NOMS. 1173)
(Hitt. šum-me-ri)
1. PIE *sumeri-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
PIE √sur- √sour- √suer- (a.) ‘gewichtig, mächtig, stark’ (sb.) ‘Schwere, Last’
(IEW 1050)
(Puhvel 1979:57)
(HEG S:1232f.)
(for the semantics, see OHG. below)
(GKLa.) ‘mächtig, gewichtig, stark; voll, vollständig’
(DLL. 88)
(HIL. 918, CLu. šu-u-ua-ru)
1. PIE *su̯oru-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯aru-
2. su̯aru-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(a.) ‘mächtig, gewichtig, stark; voll, vollständig’
(HHand. 157)
(for the meanings ‘full, complete’, see HIL. 918)
1. PIE *su̯oru-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯aru-
2. su̯aru-
PIE *s → š
Orthographic change of *s into š
(Pyysalo 2013:XX)
(vb.) ‘beschweren, -lasten, -drücken’
(Gl. 8th cent.)
(OHG. swāren, B, GB, Gl, N gravare, opprimere)
1. PIE *su̯ēro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ēra-
2. su̯ēra-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *su̯āra-
3. su̯āra-
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(vb.) ‘beschweren, belasten: burden: gravare’
(Gl. 765)
(OHG. giswāren)
1. PIE *Π·su̯ēro-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·su̯ēra-
2. Π·su̯ēra-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *Π·su̯āra-
3. Π·su̯āra-
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(vb.) ‘schwer sein/werden: gravare, gravari’
(N, OT, T)
(OHG. swārēn)
1. PIE *su̯ēroi-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *su̯ērai-
2. su̯ērai-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *su̯ārai-
3. su̯ārai-
*ai → ei
Change of *ai into ei
Rai›ei → *su̯ārei-
4. su̯ārei-
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(a.) ‘schwer, beschwerlich, gefährlich, groß, ernst, wichtig, streng, fruchttragend, gewichtig, lästig’
(B, GB, MH, N, NGl, O, T)
(Gl. gravatus, gravidus, gravis, horcus, onerosus, quanti oneris est, rapax, severus)
1. PIE *su̯ēri-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *su̯āri-
2. su̯āri-
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(f.) ‘Schwere, Last, Gewicht: moles, pondus’
(Gl. N, O)
1. PIE *su̯ēriɑ́h-
PIE *iɑ́ → ií
Assimilation of *i and *ɑ́
Riɑ́›ií → *su̯ēriíh-
(SPIE §3.2.6)
2. su̯ēriíh-
PIE *h → Ø
Loss of segmental *h
Rh›0 → *su̯ērií-
(SPIE §2.1.4)
3. su̯ērií-
*ií → ī́
Contraction of i and í
Rií›ī́ → *su̯ērī́-
4. su̯ērī́-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *su̯ārī́-
5. su̯ārī́-
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(pt.) ‘beschwert, voll, schwanger: gravidus’
1. PIE *Π·su̯ēridɑɦo-
PIE *ɑ → Ø
Loss of *ɑ
Rɑ›0 → *Π·su̯ēridɦo-
(SPIE §2.2.4)
2. Π·su̯ēridɦo-
*dɦ → d
Loss of *ɦ in media aspirata *dɦ
Rdɦ›d → *Π·su̯ērido-
3. Π·su̯ērido-
PIE *o → a
Change of *o into a
Ro›a → *Π·su̯ērida-
4. Π·su̯ērida-
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *Π·su̯ārida-
5. Π·su̯ārida-
*d → t
OHG sound shift of *d
Rd›tHG → *Π·su̯ārita-
6. Π·su̯ārita-
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w
(adv.) ‘schwer, mühsam, sehr: graviter’
(MF, 8th cent.)
1. PIE *su̯ēru
*ē → ā
Change of *ē into ā
Rē›ā → *su̯āru
2. su̯āru
*-u → -o
Change of root-final -u into -o
R=u›=o → *su̯āro
3. su̯āro
*u̯ → w
Orthographic change of *u̯ into w